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In response to your email I have added this page.

Those very few of you saying this site might offend hero relatives seem to be saying that the heroes would have to have jumped through every flaming hoop the sensationalist-media-ringmasters have tossed in the air in order to "qualify" as heroes.

Those heroes were heroes the second they fought back regardless of how Flight 93 crashed. I'm sure every one of their relatives feels the same. I apologize if this site causes anyone pain. It's been hard for me to report on these things knowing the personal tragedy and devestation surrounding the incident.

But, we should also remember it's a common feeling for grieving relatives to want to hear the actual, unfiltered truth. If you are angry with me for sharing links to original reports and commenting, then it stands that you should also be angry with all the small town folks, reporters and police who told the stories that I link to. I hope you see how unreasonable that is.

I understand your heart is in a good place, but it sickens me to think the actual truth would somehow diminish the heroes in your eyes. Relatives should visit www.PlaneSafe.org

All the theories have some reasonable arguments that can be made against them - I think I have made them throughout this web site.

The current story seems to be that heroes broke into the cockpit and crashed the plane because they knew they were over an open field in order to avert a bigger disaster. There is no evidence they would have purposefully crashed the plane. I'm stunned anyone ever reported that, and equally stunned anyone believed it.

Apparently, after the crash heavy debris floated in a different direction than the main crash site projectiles flew. This secondary debris continued to float for 2 to 8 miles and then decided to drop from the sky. If you buy all of this stuff, you either haven't read all the eyewitness reports and cell calls or you're so open minded your brain just might be in danger of being stepped on.

A few people seem to think that the millisecond you suggest something other than "heroes successfully broke into the cockpit, grabbed the controls and forced it down" then you're a conspiracy nutcase that is also suggesting the U.S. Government is out to kill us all, or that WE bombed the WTC in order to start a war. That's not what this website is about.

I'm simply saying that I think we have a manipulated story on our hands. Much of the eyewitness testimony and ground evidence remains strangely ignored by the media. I'm frustrated at this point that the media has ignored it. I'm also enlightened as to what the media is capable of.

For the record, the idea that we would shoot down an airliner doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I would have felt very much better if that's what happened.

If a bomb went off, show us how it got on board and where it was set off. If the plane overstressed and broke up we need Boeing and the NTSB to explain how and tell us why the NTSB was so quick to tell us the debris floated from the crash site.

We want to know why the white jet was explained away as an exec jet in the area after the crash, but witnesses saw a white jet at tree level following Flight 93 before the crash. What was the tree level jet doing?

Give us the full report, no omissions, no BS. Complete timeline with second by second coverage of the critical final 10-20 minutes. FDR data should match CVR and radar data. When were the explosions and what were the explosions? When did the debris fall off, what was it from and where did it fall? When did the engine fall off and where? Give us a map of the debris field. Lay those cards on the table.

Some have emailed saying, "Sure it's a lie, but this lie is a good lie, have a little mercy - be a good American and shut up." (their words, not mine)

I'm sorry, I disagree.

Can those people possibly understand us - the truth seekers? We cringe at tender lies. When the facts happen to be tender, we welcome them. When they are not, we demand them. We are the ones that keep America free. Not them, who would stand by in silence only to see more silence demanded by the popular voice. Their kind seems content to let the voice in power be the beginning and end of their thoughts. "If Tom Brokaw doesn't say it, it's can't be true" is their t-shirt slogan of choice.

There are some die-hard Bush lovers that think his administration is incapable of telling a falsehood. If, in the end, we find they are willing to deceive us about this story, should we expect the same about much more important stories? Can we expect the big media to forsake their role as "authority-questioning-watchdog" and join the charade by omitting disturbing facts that don't support their current line of speculation? Is that what we as a nation are comfortable with?

This is not a national defense issue. It is simply a "feel sorta good" story. Something that shouldn't be manipulated in my opinion. I don't want the Government and press deciding what I can "handle".

Some of you are just fine with that. Many more write me that they are disturbed by what they perceive as an unsettling trend.

Did it matter that Clinton entertained Monica Lewinsky? No. What mattered is that he shook his finger at ME and lied about it. Well, that was the part that bothered me the most anyway.

That's the point of this website. I love this country, but not everything that happens in it.

Finally, gentle reader, if you have now taken the position that the plane broke apart after exceeding its flight envelope, or that a bomb must have gone off, I feel it's my duty to inform you - you have just become a conspiracy theorist... because the FBI has determined no explosives were used and the NTSB told us the debris all floated there after the crash.

C'mon, why would they lie about something as trivial as that? It doesn't make sense. And how could they keep all the investigators and witnesses from talking? The press would be all over a story like that.

I always thought you seemed a little nutty.

With a wink,

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