Article I. Name
     Section 1. This organization shall be known as the �UVM Elvish Language                               Club�, and referenced throughout this Constitution as "UVMELC".

Article II. Purposes and Goals
     Section 1. The purpose of this organization is to spread knowledge and love of                        JRR Tolkien�s two primary constructed languages, Quenya (�High-                          Elven�) and Sindarin (�Grey-Elven�) and to bring members to                                  fluency in one or ideally both languages.
     Section 2. The primary goal of this organization is for members to achieve a                            working grasp of Quenya, the simpler of the two languages, and                              then moving on to Sindarin, the more complex language, once they                         feel comfortable with Quenya. Discussion of books and movies as                           related to their use of the Elvish languages will also be undertaken.

Article III. Expectations of Members
     Section 1. Members are expected to be willing to learn an Elvish language.

Article IV. Officers
     Section 1. President
                      The President shall direct the activities of the club and run                                       meetings. He/she has the prerogative to set the agenda for each                            week but may delegate that responsibility. It is expected that the                              President have spent enough time with the language(s)  that he/she                       be able to take the lead in teaching the other members at each                               meeting.  He/she shall organize officers' meeting with the other                                officers for the purpose of planning club events
     Section 2. Vice-President
                      The Vice-President shall run meetings of the club on the absence of                        the President. He/she is expected to have a moderate grasp of the                          language, to the ability to teach basic concepts of Quenya/Sindarin                         to members beginning their study of the language. He/she shall co-                        operate with the other officers to plan club events.
     Section 3. Secretary
                      The Secretary shall keep the club event calendar and Elvish                                    wordlist. He/she shall also carry on all necessary club                                              correspondence and maintain a copy of the current club                                         constitution.
     Section 4. Treasurer
                      The Treasurer shall be responsible for monitoring and maintaining                           the financial situation of the UVMELC. He/she shall be responsible                          for completing all SGA required forms which pertain to the                                       organization�s finances.
     Section 5. The Election of Officers
                      Election of officers shall take place in the month of March for the                             next year�s officers. To run for an office, a member must be                                     nominated and seconded by two other members. The candidates                            shall leave the room while votes are counted. If two members are                            running for the same office, a simple majority vote is enough to win                         the office. If more than two members run for the same office and                              none receive a majority, then the top two candidates shall compete                         in a runoff election and the candidate with the majority shall be                                declared the winner. Elected officers shall hold their office for one                           school year (fall, spring, and summer semesters)
     Section 6. Temporary Committees and Officers.
                      The President may appoint ad hoc committees and committee chairs                       as he/she may deem necessary for the successful operation of the                         UVMELC. Such appointments may also be made and approved by                          consensus among the members of the UVMELC.

Article V. Meetings and Quorum
     Section 1. Frequency
                      UVMELC shall meet once a week at a date and time to be                                        determined by the majority of members of the UVMELC. The first                             meeting of the school year shall take place within the first 5 weeks of                        the Fall semester.
     Section 2. Quorum
                      2/3 of the registered members of the club shall constitute a quorum                         necessary to conduct business.

Article VI. Amendments
     Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any member.                          The proposal must be seconded.
     Section 2. After the amendment is proposed and seconded, it must be voted                           on within two (2) meetings of it having been proposed.
     Section 3. If a 2/3 majority of those present in a quorum vote to adopt the                                amendment, it shall be added to the constitution.

Article VII. Removal of Officers
     Section 1. An officer may be removed from his/her office if members of the club                      do not feel he/she is fulfilling the requirements of their office, or if                            that officer resigns for any reason.
     Section 2. A member of the club wishing to impeach an officer must voice their                        desire to a different officer, seconded by two other members. The                           officer so informed, having determined the desire to be valid, shall                          notify the officer in danger of removal that a motion has been made                        to remove them.
     Section 3. Within two meetings, the officer whose removal has been requested                        shall have the opportunity to speak to the general membership                                about why he deserves to remain. Upon the conclusion of his                                  speech, he shall exit the room and a vote shall be taken. If 2/3 of the                       members vote against the officer, he/she shall be removed.
     Section 4. At the next meeting after an officer has resigned or been removed,                          elections shall be held to fill the vacancy. If the President resigns or                        is removed, the Vice-President shall become President and                                     elections shall be held to fill the Vice-Presidential vacancy.

Article VIII. By-Laws
     Section 1: The general format of each meeting shall be as follows, though it                             may be altered if necessary.
                         A. Discussion of coming events (5-10 minutes)
                         B. Questions about language concepts from the last meeting
                         C. General meeting - concepts in Elvish that everyone may benefit                               from (15-20 minutes)
                         D. Meetings by skill level - meeting is broken into two groups,                                      roughly by skill-level, for closer, more individual instruction (20-                               30 minutes)
     Section 2 : Wordlist
                       A. The club secretary shall keep a wordlist or dictionary (or have                                  ready access to one) of acceptable words in both Quenya and                                Sindarin
                       B. Acceptable words shall meet the following criteria:
                            1. They were invented by Tolkien, or can be shown to logically                                     derive from a word invented by Tolkien.
                            2. They are "standard" Quenya/Sindarin; i.e., they enjoyed                                          common usage in the Third Age of Middle-Earth.
                      C. New words may be added to the wordlist only if they meet the                                   definition of an acceptable word, and are approved as such by                                the majority of the officers of the club.

Article IX. Ratification
     This constitution shall become effective on the approval of a 2/3 majority of the      members of  UVMELC. A copy of this constitution shall be kept by the secretary      of the club.

Adopted 10/04.
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