Jeanette Jobson, CH

I am a Chartered Herbalist, certified by the Dominion Herbal College, British Columbia, 2002.
A chartered herbalist is trained in anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis of disease, herbal plant constituents, contraindications, preparation of tinctures, infusions, salves and other formularies, dosage and nutrition.

Owner of Flatrock Botanicals, established 1999, providing organically grown flowers, vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs to home gardeners.  I have over 20 years' experience growing plants, both in the UK and Newfoundland.

As a herbalist, I can demystify  herbal medicine and provide practical natural alternatives for your health care needs.  As a grower, I can provide you with organically grown live plants selected to thrive in the Newfoundland and Labrador climate.

I am pleased to provide the following services:

1.   Practical workshops on the following topics:

These workshops can be provided at Flatrock Botanicals or at an external location.
See brochure for workshop details.

2.   Presentations on herbs and herbal medicine at garden clubs, health organizations, schools and   community groups.

3.   Growing, harvesting and drying herbs

4.   Consultation on the use of herbal products

5.   Preparation of herbal formulas

If you or your group is interested in a presentation or workshop, or would like to consult with me on any aspect of growing herbs or herbal medicine, please contact me at [email protected] or by telephone at (709) 437-6562.

As a trained herbalist, I am pleased to be able to share my knowledge of plants and their healing powers with you and would like to provide the following information as a starting point for your interest in herbal medicine.

Each individual is different, showing different symptoms and reactions to pharmaceutical or herbal medicines.  Correct diagnosis is essential to ensure that you are treated  in an effective manner.  Serious illness should be brought to the attention of your general practitioner.

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Site developed and maintained by Jeanette Jobson
Updated April 10, 2004



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