About The Movie
Nelson (Kiefer Sutherland) is a medical student on a mission. He wants to find out what lies beyond death and figures that the only way for him to be really sure of what is or isn't there, is to take a little trip himself. He ropes in four of his friends to help him in his painless experiment: Rachel (Julia Roberts), who has her own fascination with death, Labraccio (Kevin Bacon), the atheist, Joe (William Baldwin), the "cameraman" and the hilarious worry wart Steckle (Oliver Platt).
Nelson's experiment is a success, so the others (with the exception of Steckle, who seems to be the smartest of them all) decide that they want to have a go as well. Soon after, Nelson has an encounter with a young boy,  which makes him suspect that he hasn't come back from the dead alone. He finds out that the others have had similar experiences and they figure that their sins have come back to haunt them. For Nelson, Joe and Labraccio, their sins are thrust back at them in the same way they committed them. As for Rachel, she has visions of her father, who died 20 years ago.
All this time, Steckle just tags along, providing funny comments along the way, thanking God that he didn't flatline, until Joe finally gets sick of this and tells him to shut up at least twice.
Eventually, it's Labraccio who comes up with a plan to see if he can make his own encounters cease forever. The others try and do the same, but for Nelson, it may be a little harder...
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