Source - Pelle Józsefné: Cookery school

How much to buy, and how much to cook?

Meat - without bones - per person

10-15 decagram

Meat with bones per person

15-20 decagram

Meat for goulash or minced meat per person

8-10 decagram

Fish per person

20-25 decagram

Poultry per person
(1 largish chicken for 4 person)

25-30 decagram

Garnishment from potato per person

20-25 decagram

Garnishment from vegetables and greens per person

15-20 decagram

Garnishment from rice, small pasta pellets per person

5 decagram

Uncooked pasta per person

12-14 decagram

Pulses for vegetable dish per person

10-12 decagram

Rice or pasta pellets as soup garnish per person

1,5 decagram

Pasta as soup garnish per person

1 decagram

Roux per person from:

1 decagram flour 1 decagram lard

But! roux for 4 persons from:

2,5 decagram flour 2,5 decagram lard

Roux for fricassee or meat
sauce (gravy) from 1 kg meat

3 decagram roux

Soup per person approx.

2,5-3 dl

Sauce (gravy) per person

1 dl

Vegetable dish per person approx.

2,5 dl

Meat per person approx.

2 slices

Pancake per person approx.

3 pieces

Scrambled egg per person approx.

2 eggs

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