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December 1, 2001
Dan got the rest of the cable lined-up and called to get the receiver registered and it is all working...Woohoo!  Amy got her hair "done" and finished (for the most part) our Christmas shopping and then came home to a dejected Dan because Penn State threw away the game and the season.  Later that night, Dan and Coral had pillow fights.

December 2, 2001
Coral woke-up with a sore throat and a fever, so she spent the day on the couch.  Dan went to Malibu's to watch the Steelers go 9-2 on the season with a close victory over the Vikings.

December 3, 2001
Coral still was not feeling good, so she stayed home along with Amy and Jordan.  Dan had to go to work because he interviewed for a position at KSC...this position is with the company that is trying to get the LSSC from Dynamac, CHS (Comprehensive Health Services).  It is a vacant position on their other contract, but Dan is just trying to cover all bases and not get stuck out in the cold without a job (which is highly unlikely).

December 4, 2001
It was Dan's turn to stay home with the kids while Amy went to work...Coral is slowly getting better, but still has a fever, so no school.  Jordan is doing good...she has a little cough but is fine.  As some of you know, Jordan likes to use her spit rags as security blankets...well, she has now named them "D-Ds" and can call them by name when she needs them.

December 5, 2001
Still no school for Coral and no daycare for Jordan, so Amy stayed home the first half of the day and Dan the second.  After work, Amy went to a small baby shower for her friend at the Italian Courtyard.  STS-108 blasted off from KSC today in the was the first war-time shuttle launch and it was good to see go off because now we know that America is getting back on Her feet.  Although it was tough to see because it was an overcast evening, you could catch a glimpse of it through the clouds and could hear it pretty well.  After the kids were in bed, Dan took the quiet time to transfer the video camera action to VCR tape.

December 6, 2001
Coral was still not "all good", but she is doing much better...that's ok because Amy is home today for her normal day off.  Amy also had a doctor's appointment...she heard Ian's heartbeat and everything looks fine.  After the doctor's, Amy, Coral and Jordan went to the airport to pick up our first guests since September, Judy and Gene (Mom and Dad, Gramma and Pap).  Dan went to check on refinancing our mortgage after work and then we all had pizza and caught-up.

December 7, 2001
Amy is now 32!!!  (She caught up to Dan)
At work, they celebrated Amy's Birthday with lunch and cake at Rehab Works.  After work, Dan's office had a get-together for Christmas at a local pub where we played team billards (Dan's team came in second of 5 teams).  The evening was cut short because of Coral's sickness and the under-estimate of the staying power of Pap and Gramma.

December 8, 2001
Amy and Gramma spent the WHOLE day Christmas shopping (who knows where Gramma got the energy from today)!  Dan took care of the kids while Pap did a few things around the house then spent the rest of the day in the sun.  We watched a tape of a tour of Eric and Becky's new house...beautiful job on the house guys and great tour guide!  We both agreed that the dining room/balcony is our favorite part of the house.
Congratulations to the Rockledge H.S. Raiders...the new AAA Football State Champions.

December 9, 2001
Happy Chanukah!
More of the same stuff today, including shopping...until the Steeler game came on later in the afternoon.  Luckily, the game was on and the Steelers are now 10-2...WOW!  Dan's idea of a "games night" got turned down, so it was a pretty lazy night.

December 10, 2001
Dan and Amy found out today that they will still be employed by the same two companies (Dynamac and Bionetics, respectively) because they won the contract back.  Pap did a lot of work on the yard today while everyone was at work, daycare and school.

December 11, 2001
After Dan volunteered to help with the Intercenter Run (he parked cars), we all met at Carrabba's for dinner.  Now that Amy's mom is in town, just Marie and Dwain are left to start celebrating the season, Florida Style...this includes drinking mimosas and egg nog by the pool.

December 12, 2001
The Grandmas took a trip on the gambling boat during the day, while Dan and Amy were at work and Jordan and Coral were at daycare and school.  After work, Dan and Amy went to a going-away party for the Rehab Works' Intern at Erik's newly built house, then we went to the airport to pick up Marie...just Dwain is left before the holiday cheer starts.

December 13, 2001
Amy's day off was spent running every which way but loose.  First, Amy and Coral went to Coral's dentist appointment, then to school, then shopping and home.  Later on, Coral, Amy and the Grandmas went to Coral's gymnastics, so they could get an idea of what goes on there.  Amy got some good news while there...Coral's instructor wants to move her up to a more advanced class for a week to see if she is ready...woo hoo!

December 14, 2001
Dan enjoyed a Christmas Picnic at KARS Park in the afternoon at "work", which included a softball game (Dan didn't sign up in time to play), lunch and was nice.  After that was over, Dan and Amy came home to greet and meet Dwain fresh from the airport.  Before Marie and Dwain had a chance to rest, Dan and Amy wisked them away to Shannah's for another Christmas party and then to Grill's for a couple of beers and a chance to get to know each other, then back home for bedtime...Dan and Amy both were very happy to meet Dwain.

December 15, 2001
Merry "Early Christmas"
Yes, we know we are 10 days early, but everyone was here, so it was time to get the party started!  After a nice big breakfast, all the Remberts (Florida and Pittsburgh) plus Dwain enjoyed Christmas, Florida style, by drinking Mimosas and beer and swimming in the 90 degree, sun filled day.  We had the Christmas music playing and also had some hors d'oeuvres on the back porch, including shrimp cocktail after Sandy got back from her morning/afternoon trip.  Once everyone had enough of the fun-in-the-sun, we had a big ham dinner and then topped it all off with a gift exchange to each other before Santa left anything for us to open.  You may think that was enough fun for one day, but you would be wrong...we then had ice cream for dessert and to finish the day-o-fun, we then watched one of Marie's presents, "The Wedding Planner".  Since Amy already has reviewed this movie, here is Dan's review (and I think I speak for Dwain on this)...Yawn!  Also, Ms. Lopez does not seem to have much of an acting career ahead of her.

December 16, 2001
Today, we decided to celebrate Dan's Birthday with a big breakfast (Dan's favorite meal).  When Sandy returned from church, Dan opened his presents and then everybody started packing.  All the guests left at about 2:30 and Amy and Coral went to Mary's (Rehab Works) graduation party.  Later that night, the Steelers showed the Ravens how to back-up trash talk by clinching the final AFC Central Division crown and moving to an 11-2 record (best in the AFC).

December 17, 2001
Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Dan, happy birthday to me!
To celebrate Dan's 33rd birthday, NASA landed the shuttle and brought the Space Station Crew home.  After work, school and daycare, we got some fast food, put a candle in one of Uncle Cyr's brownies, sang to Dan, and then more gifts.

December 18, 2001
We got back to normal life today, but after work, school and daycare, Coral had a Christmas Show for the 4 yr. old pre-schoolers.  The big surprise was that Coral was selected to be Mary...yes, she played the Mother of God, how cool is that!

December 19, 2001
Dan added a Rankin/Bass page to the website just for all of you that have no idea what they do (I've been getting some questions).  We were going to go visit Santa, but Jordan slept too long after we got back from daycare, so we just stayed home.

December 20, 2001
Madi is here!  Dan's cousin, Rich and Deni, had a baby on the NEWS to see the details.  We finally got to visit Santa and Coral told him everything she wanted and Jordan didn't want to be left alone on his lap, so Amy got in the picture with them.

December 21, 2001
Today was a day of parties and half days...must be Christmas time!  Dan went out after work with John and a few others from work.

December 22, 2001
The first day of our "Christmas vacation" was spent relaxing and wrapping gifts.

December 23, 2001
After church for Dan and Coral, Amy and Coral did some shopping while Dan watched football.  The Steelers won another one, which means they get a week off come playoff time.
This vacation has been just that...a vacation from doing anything except spending time with each other and relaxing.

December 24, 2001
Christmas Eve...the most Magical night of the year!
We did more relaxing all day long...wrapped the final presents, listened to Christmas music, watched Christmas shows and then we went to evening mass.  After church, we went to a neighborhood that likes to show off their Christmas cheer in the form of lights...there was a line a mile long and we even saw Erik (from Rehab Works).  After we got back from there, we kept a Florida Remberts tradition alive by opening one gift...then bedtime before Santa comes.

December 25, 2001
Merry Christmas, to all and to all a GREAT night!
Opened and played with gifts, all while listening to Christmas music and enjoying each other's joy and happyness of the day.  We also enjoyed a scrumptious turkey dinner!

December 26, 2001
The last day of our Christmas vacation together, so we decided to do something new (yeah, right)...just relax and watch old home video of earlier days.

December 27, 2001
Today it was back to work and daycare, but no school.

December 28, 2001
After work and daycare, we took a little trip to the mall.  First we ate, then Dan traded in some gifts for stuff that fit...Dan wants everyone to know that this was all Amy's grand idea.

December 29, 2001
Back on vacation mode for a little while...did some cleaning around the house and then relaxed.

December 30, 2001
No word from Marci and Tim (this is their due date).  Steelers lost in OT...let's hope this is the last one for the season.  They still got home field through out the playoffs with the Raiders losing.  As you can tell, not much going on with us...Coral was up a few times getting sick last night (Sunday night/Monday morning), but we are hoping for a quick recovery.

December 31, 2001
Last Day of the Year and a Happy New One to All!!!
We celebrated with snacks and drinks, and since Coral was feeling better, she got to stay up to count-down the new year with Dan and Amy!
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
December 2001
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