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February 1, 2002
After work, school and daycare, Dan got a movie for the older one that Dan and Amy haven't seen yet, "Casino".  Amy feel asleep and Dan was not that impressed with it David Spade said "Ca-seen-it".  Amy gives it 3 "long winks".

February 2, 2002
Happy 22nd Birthday to Matty!!!
Happy Groundhog's Day, also, but we don't care about that because Florida is already done with winter!  Speaking of nice was so nice out, we decided to go fly a kite.  Coral did a great job of flying it, once Dan figured out how to get it in the air.

February 3, 2002
Dan and Coral went to church while Jordan slept and Amy did some stuff around the house.  After lunch, Dan washed the car and Amy finished her rock garden and cleaned the back porch.  After that, Dan vacuumed the back porch and Amy and Coral went food shopping.  Then we watched the Super Bowl, which was a pretty good game.  Dan kept on saying "that should be the Steelers!",
but congratulations to the Pats for winning.

February 4, 2002
Back to work, school, and daycare.  After a couple weeks of high temperatures, the weather got a little dropped down to the upper 60s for the high.  That is supposed to be the norm for this week.  This hopefully will be it for the "winter" gotta love Florida weather!

February 5, 2002
Today, Dan's friend, Chuck, with the help of NASA, finally launched the ELV (Pegasus) with his daughters' names on it (Paige and Kaley), after over 3 years of waiting.  Speaking of flying, Sandy got in safely today, so we all went out for dinner to the Italian Courtyard.
Also today, Dan added a new section to the webpage, which everyone should visit...
it is a prediction page for the birth of Ian, so send Dan your guesses.

February 6, 2002
After work, Amy met her mom and Mary at Chili's for dinner and then did some shopping (big surprise there!).  Dan played guess which cup has the ring under it until bedtime.

February 7, 2002
Amy had her two week check-up and everything is still going good and on schedule.  After the appointment, they did some more shopping...they must be giving stuff away.

February 8, 2002
After work, Amy, Sandy, Coral and Jordan spent the evening at Steak -N- Shake for a gourmet dinner.  Dan tried to parlay his winnings from a couple of weeks ago on the Gambling Boat with Chuck and Shannah...and did a pretty good job at it!

February 9, 2002
Dan and Amy did a little resale crib shopping and then Dan got his chance to spend some of his winnings from the night before and got some much needed clothes and shoes.  Later that night, Dan and Amy met John, Krista, Shannah, and David for dinner at El Charros, which was very good Mexican food, and then a few drinks in Cocoa Village (don't worry Amy's drinks were all virginal,
even though she is obviously not in the same state).

February 10, 2002
Dan and Coral went to church, which was the last one for this building because the dedication for the new church was later in the afternoon.  Then, after a day of relaxing, we all went to the New Century Buffet for dinner...Chinese for Dan and American for everyone else.

February 11, 2002
Not much going on today, just back to a normal schedule of work, school and daycare.

February 12, 2002
Happy Fat Tuesday!!!
After work, school and daycare, we went to Grills for a little surprise party for Amy's anniversary of working at Rehab Works for one full year.  She was not cooperating with Dan on the way to Grills...she kept asking "Where are we going!?" and "Are we going somewhere I want to go!?", but she was truely surprised and had a good time!  Just when we thought we were over the colds here in Florida, Jordan has picked up an imported cough from the north.

February 13, 2002
Let the Lenten Games begin!...
Amy gave up getting pregnant, Dan gave up chocolate because Amy couldn't, Coral gave up sucking her fingers because Jordan won't, Jordan gave up gambling because Dan wasn't going to, and Ian wants to give up living in cramped places, but his Mom and Dad think he is too young to start making Lenten sacrifices...Happy Ash Wednesday, everyone!

February 14, 2002
Happy Valentine's Day (I think this is the last holiday in a row)
Dan opened the day with a surprised for Amy...the "In Due Time" package, a La Bella Spa relaxing package for Mommies-to-be.  Later, Amy got a new (used) crib, helped with Coral's V-Day party at school, got bloodwork done (this was done because Coral, we think, has 5th Disease and it may effect Ian), and then laundry.  After work, Dan came home to a candle light dinner with the rest of the family...
another great present for Valentine's Day.

February 15, 2002
Just a little work, school and daycare for a 3-day weekend...Woo Hoo!

February 16, 2002
Today was a BIG day...after gymnastics, we moved Jordan into her new room with Coral.  Actually, we put-up the new (used) crib in Coral's room, which is now Jordan's room, too.  We are now offically ready for the arrival of Ian, but hopefully not for a little while!
Sleep-time went great with no problems or wake-ups...knock on wood.

February 17, 2002
Amy and Coral went to the new church and were not all that impressed with it...Amy said it was too modern for her.  Since it was such a nice day, we all spent the rest of the day outdoors...Dan cleaned the pool and Amy pushed the kids on the swing set.

February 18, 2002
Happy President's Day!
After Amy's doctor's appointment (she is still measuring big and Ian is doing great), we took a trip to Amy's Mecca...the Florida Mall.  Dan used his gift certificate for Old Navy, Amy got some make-up that she needed, Coral got some new shoes, and Jordan was just happy to be there and see all the people.  Later that night, Dan and Amy took a tour of the hopital where Ian will be born in about 8 more weeks...the rooms are a little nicer than what we were used to at Magee.  While we were visiting, there were no babies just born or in the process of being born, which is also something different than was so quiet!

February 19, 2002
Back to work, school and is always harder to go back after a 3 day weekend.

February 20, 2002
Dan and Amy went to an open house at Gardendale Elementary in Merritt Island to see where we will be sending Coral next year.  The tour of this "Magnet School" was in the afternoon and they were both impressed with the teachers and the 4 Magnets.  A Magnet is a way to teach the kids the basics of reading and math in a "real world" environment.  We decided to put in an application and see what happens (any one outside of the area can go to this school, but you have to get on a waiting list).  In the meantime, we are going to check out Hans Christen Anderson, the local school in Rockledge, also.

February 21, 2002
Amy got more stuff done on her day off then if she would have come to work...Dan doesn't ever get anything done, so nothing new there.

February 22, 2002
We didn't do much to start this rainy weekend off.

February 23, 2002
Amy and Coral went to gymnastics, got the oil changed in the Jeep, and did some shopping while Jordan and Dan played.  Some more much needed rain fell all day.

February 24, 2002
Dan and Coral went to the new church...Dan was much more impressed with the church than Amy was last week...may be because they got some bugs worked out of it.  After church, we all went to BJs and then came home and enjoyed the sunny day after all the rain.  Later that night, Dan did the bills and taxes and Amy and Coral did some more food shopping at Publix.

February 25, 2002
Coral had a field trip to the Rockledge Country Club and made some pizzas with the chef...she was so excited about the trip that she eat her pizza for lunch and dinner.

February 26, 2002
Didn't do much today, just expecting some cooler temperatures, so that's the big news.

February 27, 2002
Another normal day...Dan and Amy watched the Grammys at night, which was not what I remember...other than U2, my favorite part was the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", Bluegrass part and the rest was sort of boring, even Jon Stewart (who I love, not only because I met him, but he is a funny guy)...although, I was glad to see Alicia Keys do something different than her normal "sit behind the piano and belt out the same words over and over".

February 28, 2002
After work and packing for the trip, Amy dropped Dan off at the airport for his trip to Vegas where he met Rich and Matty for a weekend of gambling and general fun!
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
February 2002
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