Type 200 Submarine Insertion Vehicle (SIV)
Type 200 Submarine Insertion Vehicle (SIV)

The Type 200 Submarine Insertion Vehicle is the SSG's newest submarine insertion vehicle. Teardrop in shape, and the size of the M577, but smaller in diameter. The Type 200 is used for underwater insertions into foreign territories. The vehicle is carried by the UD-4L in the cargo bay using a specially designed cradle that both launches the vehicle and transports the vehicle as well. The M500 cradle has four arms that secure the vehicle and deposit it into the water. The normal tactic is for the UD-4L to hover above the water (the height dependent on sea conditions), extend the arms, and deposit the Type 200. Retrieval is by the same set of arms, designed to be flexible enough to orient itself to the sub's handles. The aircraft must stay stationary, and the pilot must roll a Quickness (6) Test to successfully grab a hold on the sub. This can be modified by GM's discretion if needed.
The Type 200 carries up to a full Platoon of SSG soldiers, plus any equipment carried. They all sit in a row of 6 reinforced seats back to back. The seats can be removed to allow more equipment to be carried, as well as freeing up room in the cargo area. Access to the area is by a large door on either side flanked by jet ports on the upper sides. The whole area is completely open, with the rigger in the front portion of the vehicle. The driver sits in a chair designed for riggers, as well as incorporating manual controls. Each seat features APPS for crash protection. When rigged, the vehicle's sensors provide a three dimensional picture of the terrain according to acoustic sounds. This enhances the reaction time considerably, and also handles weapons handling, and other tasks. The cargo area can be completely flooded, obviating the need for compression/decompression chamber, which the whole area is. Vents in the sub's body suck in water, flooding the cargo area. This equalizes the pressure inside, and when the doors open, there is no rushing in and allowing exit and entry. The whole area is waterproofed, preventing damage to any internal components, and are rated to 900 meters, including the sub itself. When the area needs to be used again, the system flushes out the water through a repulsion system. The operatives are still in their scuba gear, and the water is vented out the same vents, much like a jacuzzi. The life support system can keep each operative alive for 10 man hours. Both the engine and compartment is sealed as well. Additionally, mounted near the nose of the vehicle are two covers for extendable manipulation arms, much like the D.J Locker. However, these are much finer in control, and can be used for most operations, such as mine clearing, and other tasks.
The vehicle is diesel powered and offers superior speed and load carrying capacity. The engine has been customized for extra carrying capacity and load capacity. Smart materials are used, improving performance more, and reducing the sound signature of the vehicle. The vehicle has anehoic tiling on the cargo bay floor to reduce the underwater sound when the operatives are moving around, and the walls are similiarly equipped, to prevent more unnecessary sounds when operatives bang the sides when mulling around. Each seat features specialized rubber fittings that keep the operatives well secured, also designed to minimize sound when in a tactical environment.
The electronic suite is designed to offer the best while not either being too costly or too complex. The vehicle has a bow mounted sonar, and behind the cargo doors is an extendable mast that can rise two meters above the submarine, allowing the vehicle to stay underwater. It has Low-Light, Thermographic, as well as having a laser and Radar designator linked to a Battletac FDDM system for any engagements necessary. There is talk of using the Type 200 in other roles, such as a light fire support system, with either vertically launched systems, and uses as a spotter for other units. The vehicle has a trailable communications wire, and can also has an extendable satellite reciver/transmitter aerial for communications while on assignment. Naturally, the sub has to come to the water to recieve/transmit signals. Armament is limited to six mini-torpedos, in a configuration like the Type 250. The vehicle is expressly designed for insertion, where underwater combat is to be dearly avoided. It is armored as well, for any additional protection from threats.

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Anav Cargo Load
2 81 5 4 6 9 4 50 1,000*

Seating: 1 + 2-6 row reinforced bucket seats
Entry Points: 1 + 1 Hatch
Fuel: Diesel (400 liters)
Economy: 4 km per liter
Sensors: Military I (8)
Other Features: Rigger Adaption, EnviroSeal (water, gas), 130 hours life support, Battletac FDDM, MMS (w/laser and radar designator), Smart Materials, Signature Improvement (2), Datajack Port, 13 x APPS, .
Armament: Two mini-torpedo tubes with 3 mini-torpedos each.
Weights: 5,293 with full load. *Load can be increased by 250 kgs per seat removed.

M500 Cradle
Designed to transport the Type 200 in the UD-4L, the M500 is a diesel powered system that is much like the system used for the AGM-267 Cruise Missile. It quite simply consists of a wheeled diesel chassis that can carry the Type 200. The frame consists of four large arms that hold the Type 200 via four attachment points on either side. The arms are designed to be flexible enough to be maneuvered while under medium sea conditions. Operation in heavy seas requires a Quickness test of 8 when attempting to attach the arms to the Type 200. The top arm attachments are needed only, the arms have enough strength to lift the vehicle out of the water, and only stabilize the Type 200 during flight. It features two large bomb bay doors that open to drop the Type 200 out. It has four wheels that retract into the vehicle when inside the UD-4L. It has numerous attachment points for cable runs to integrate with the UD-4L. It is remotely controlled to it's aircraft, and then technicians can hook up the hydraulics to the M500. Once accomplished, it is lifted and secured inside the dropship. Access to the dropship can only be through the rear stepladder. It also seals the cargo bay, allowing crewmembers to run diagnostics should it be needed. The diagnostic cart has programs that can interface with the M500 as well. Note that when inside the Cheyenne, the M500 (with the Type 200) adds 2 to the Handling of the aircraft.

Handling Speed Accel Body Sig Cargo Load
3/12 60 5 5 2 400 6000

Fuel: Diesel (500 liters)
Economy: 3 km per liter
Other Features: Cradle, remote control interface, rigger adaptation.
Weight: 8,000 kg with full load (with Type 200 loaded), 3,000 kilograms without Type 200).

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