Orden des Drachen (or Drachenorden) (Order of the Dragon)

ODD Tattoo

Name: Orden des Drachen
Type: Conspiritorial (protect and promote Saeder-Krupp interests)
Members: Unknown
Limitations: Special Security Group personnel
Strictures: Exclusive Membership (Special Security Group), Obedience (superiors within the corporate structure), Link, Oath, Secrecy, Fraternity.
Resources/Dues: Luxury. No dues.
Patron: Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries.
Customs: All magically active members take an oath when first indoctrinated in the ODD. They are immediately in a probationary period (regardless of previous Grade), the length of time decided by the superior officers in the ODD. When proven capable, the Dragon recieves a tattoo on the left side on the back, facing to the left. The tattoo is a dragon in a curl, ready to spring out at it's enemies that threaten it. This is part of the standard Saeder-Krupp patch insignia.

As the second most magically integrated Mega-Corporate Special Forces group in the world, the SSG, guided by the Great Dragon Lowfyr himself, designed and organized the Orden des Drachen (Order of the Dragon). Here the magically endowed individuals throughout the SSG are trained and guided in how to use all magical ability to the best of their ability by the best trainers and research facilities in the world. Although not given any special treatment above the mundanes, the awakened are taught the fundamental principles all the way up to the most advanced techniques of spellcasting, design, enchantment, conjuration, and physical combat and self-defense. Although SSG members are all welcome to try, not all are qualified to become official members of the Order of the Dragon.
For the hermetic mages and shamans, the trials begin with 2 weeks of grueling mental exams requiring intense concentration and rapid memorization capability. Then, the still willing and capable applicants, are then taken to an undisclosed field location where they practice their magical skills in mock combat and intense situations requiring them to think and react as quickly as possible before a group of trained operatives armed with paintball guns can tag them out or the highly trained existing members "tag" them out with a specialized magical spell that "paints" their astral signature. One example is where the magician is escorted astrally away from his meat location and must evade other astral S-K members and get back to his body before it is "tagged" out. After which they are made to personally design a spell or beneficial magical item that would help them anywhere in the field. These spells and foci are both personal items that the individual will carry with him the rest of his life as well as added to the already vast S-K library of magical research. If all this is up to par with the strict guidelines and requirements of the Order, only then can they be called and initiated into the Orden des Drachen.
Now if the mundane members of the SSG thought the initial acceptance process was horrible. Then they should be on their knees praying that they didn't turn out like the poor souls known as the physical adepts. Trained, re-trained, and then trained again, the Adepts of the Order are the best in the world. After scores of psychological physical health test, the physical adepts are for 2 months under constant rigorous physical hardship designed to hone their physical meat bodies and minds to compete with even the most heavily cybered out the hoop sammie. Taking the SEAL training one step further, S&K developed a system that incorporates ancient practices of meditation, focus, and form and then added the raw physical training that all SSG members have come to love. Work among the physical adepts on a new type of armor has been tested in various theaters. Called the "M25 Sneak Suit", it is highly advanced, using cloaking techniques to improve the adepts sneaking abilities, and along with a new weapon system, has allowed them to be even more dangerous among thier skills. Deployment of this system is to only Initiates with the rank of Commander and at minimum of Grade 5.
For acceptance for new physical adepts (regardless of grade) into the unit, the recruit must challenge a superior within the Platoon for acceptance into the ODD. The person being challenged must be an active member of the ODD to accept the challenge. Anyone who accepts the challenge who is not suffers blacklisting by the ODD members. In any case, each Section has a dojo that is used for the challenge. Noone else participates or even watches the fight. It's between the two and they use the honor policy stringently. A senior Mage or physical adept with Astral Perception watches the members who leave the dojo for this. Should the aura read that they cheated or are lying, they suffer administrative action. The rules of the challenge are these:

Other than that, it's open game. Any fighting styles can be used, no Physical attacks such as Killing Hands or the like are prohibited. However, that hasn't stopped some people coming out bruised and hurting. If the recruit wins, he/she is accepted initially as a probationary student. If the recruit fails, he/she has to challenge the superior within a month's time, depending on mission requirements. They do recieve counseling on the matter, as to the ODD members, it is a reminder that the soldier should strive for this honor, as the benefits in reality are very good. The recruit is advised to improve their skills for the next battle. They are prohibited from challenging the superior during the month's time. And they are also told that they should not look at it as total failure, and should act appropriately. They stress teamwork is important as well, to stifle any animosities that should come up. Granted, this is easier said than done, but has worked out so far. The same applies to standard magicians. However, they must use spells only, and of course only spells that cause Stun damage. Elementals cannot be used or ally spirits.
To teach all these students, S-K recruited martial arts masters from around the world (in gaming terms they all have skill ratings of 9+), primarily from the Orient, but not exclusively, students are taught styles ranging from the ancient Kung fu, Tai chi, and Ninjitsu to the more modern developed arts. Each applicant, according to his or her personal characteristics and desires, are handpicked and taught by the headmasters themselves. In order to provide the best learning environment possible, every class is limited to 10 students at a time so each individual can have both the undivided attention from the instructor and to keep all the slower learners from hindering the progress of the faster. But of course we have on occasion had classes as low as 4 to 5 students simply cause everyone else at that point had dropped out of the running.
At this point each student is trained under two styles chosen by the instructor's and one style chosen by themselves, although the best are sometimes trained in as much as five. Here they spend the next 2 years in a regiment of intense combat training to hone their hands and feet to strike with the ferocity of pissed off female troll. After the initial training is complete, (at least two unarmed combat skills rated 6 or above) then they must take a long taxing physical test somewhat resembling the vision quest of the Amerindian tribes.

Orden des Drachen magical group gaming bonuses:

Return to Special Security Group.



Special thanks to Kaimon for re-writing the main text, and doing the benefits. Something better than I have done in three years.

1997, 98, 99, Fresh Productions.

This is to those pissed off about the inaccurate spelling and pronouncing of the "Order of the Dragon". Suffice to say I apologize for the lack of response, and now hopefully this file is squared away. Thanks for the input.
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