Saeder-Krupp Deitrich Class Light Combat TransportSubmarine
Saeder-Krupp Deitrich Class Combat Transport Submarine

The Dietrich Class Combat Submarine is the SSG's latest project for rapid deployment missions. Using a large cargo area, the Dietrich is designed to transport one UD-4M (plus attached assets) to any trouble spot in the world. The intention is providing a more covert way of inserting/extracting units in the field. It is also designed to allow a Platoon to be a quasi "Quick Reaction Force" style system that stays out and performs missions. It is designed to be stealthy, and still allow transport. The main feature of the Dietrich is the main cargo bay. It is 20m wide, 30m long, and 10m high to allow one UD-4M to be accommodated in the bay. A large hydraulic platform raises the aircraft to the launch position just above the sub's hull. The main problem with this is that the sub must be exposed in order to launch the aircraft. Two large doors open to the side to allow proper clearance for landing. They also provide a limited barrier against the sea from hitting and severely damaging the UD-4M. Unfortunately, this only provides protection on the sides only. Thermal lighting allows a quasi runway lighting for guidance both on the platform and the sub's hull. This is usually only activated when landing. A "meatball" system similar to the UCAS Navy's system provides landing information to the pilot. Weather and other data is fed to the landing aircraft as well (provides a -1 to any landing tests).
Inside the cargo bay is the area for the UD-4M and also the newer MV-80 Osprey IV (Secion FIVE mainly, though Section FOUR is also using this configuration), and even the Sirocco-SSG variant used by Section SIX. It has room for any number of vehicles to maneuver inside, and forward of the cargo bay is the parking area that can accommodate the M577 APC, and the LAV-62A1 light tank, as well as either the cradle for the Type 200 SIV or the VRDS for the AGM-267 missiles. Mounted behind the cargo bay doors is a large crane for lifting any other cargo, vehicles onto the platform. Usually the vehicles are loaded onto the ramp, then lowered in, and parked, then the UD-4L/M simply lands. Below the cargo bay is a large area for the Cheyenne's ordinance. Loads are dependant on missions, but can reload the Cheyenne up to five times. The area is double walled, preventing any damage to the cargo bay, and in the event of ammunition cookoff, sophisticated fire prevention systems, as well as blast doors that vent the blast into the water, preventing the sub from exploding from any explosion. The fuel for the vehicles is also located here, and can refuel each vehicle twice, while refuelling for the Cheyenne can be done six times. Maintenance facilities consist of robotic arms mounted alongside the bay to effect any repairs. It should be noted that the Dietrich carries enough spare parts to fix up to Serious. Should the UD-4M be damaged up to almost Destroyed, it will remain at the remaining boxes for damage considerations. There are four maintenance personnel, attached to the UD-4M for the attached UD-4M
Forward and above the vehicle parking area is a large shuttle style bay that can carry one Type 200 SIV if needed. Additionally, this can be used for SCUBA operations, with a smaller door for operative release. A small staircase allows access to this bay. Behind the cargo bay is the troop area/Combat Information Center. This is one open area, with the operatives weapons in weapon racks, and ammunition storage lockers, as well as limited maintenance facilities. The Armsroom NCO or Officer handles the weapons in this area, with an area to draw weapons and to provide a secure place for the operatives weapons. A large storage room also carries the operatives personal equipment. The CIC itself contains nominal situation displays, and for the operatives, a seperate room with a holographic display terminal to brief soldiers on the mission and also for mission debriefing. It also includes some entertainment cubicles to pass the time as well. Tactical simulators are also used when on patrol, to keep people sharp on duty. The two riggers piloting the sub operate in two sensory deprivation tanks, with a relief nominally every 12 hours between shifts. Above this is the crew and soldiers bunks, with the soldiers having three rooms with four bunks per room, with the PC and XO having a two bunk room. The other supporting elements within the Platoon also share a four man room as well. They share a large restroom/shower area with the rest of the crew. Crew accomodation is two bunk rooms and the large restroom/shower area. Each room has a small trideo for listening to music stored in a music and television storage computer, which has movies, and old reruns of shows. Occasionally, when above the water, the computer scans the selected stations and saves them. Food is also served to the rear of the accommodation area, with at least two weeks supply at hand. Note that depending on requirements and personnel, it of course may last longer. A medical bay is also there, with it capable for performing limited surgery on board, with an operating table designed to handle any rough waters. Medical supplies are handy and can last for two months before needing restocking. This is staffed by six personnel working 12 hour shifts, so that there are at least a minimum of three personnel on hand to provide first aid to either wounded soldiers or personnel on the ship. A wide variety of medical equipment is available. Also, a large area with access to the conning tower is provided.
Using a new drive, the Dietrich uses an EMDI (Electro-Magnetic Ducted Impeller) that is capable of producing enormous amounts of power with less energy. Using a heavily shielded reactor, both physical and magical, this is the heart of the Dietrich's capabilities. The EMDI takes water, then charges them with negative ions and then using a 32-blade fan to push the water out. It allows a faster speed in the water, without creating too much sound. The drive is still experimental, and has gone through several load tests to determine it's validity in service. SKS Jameson however has gone through a combat deployment, and has shown so far to be reliable. However, like all engines, it still creates noise, but not as much as a standard bladed reactor.
The sub is powered by a lighter bubble fusion reactor, and provides indefinite fuel requiring an overhaul every 6 years. Additionally oxygen is provided by an electrolytic converter on board. Sensors are mounted forward of the main cargo area, and comprise of 20 MADCAP torpedoes, as well as 10 UGM-188 Cruise missiles that can be launched out of the four torpedo tubes. Mounted behind the main cargo bay is an eight cell launcher for UIM-194 SLSAMs with two reloads (total 24 missiles). Reloading is accomplished by an automatic reloader. Once the fired missile is clear, a fresh one is loaded to be fired. One design being tested out is a small vehicle that is the same shape as the torpedoes, but can carry only one person. Deployment is not expected until next quarter of 2060. Projected capacity of this system is reported to be only four vehicles. The vehicle is known as the Type 260, and is rumored to be being put through the paces through elements of Section FOUR. The conning tower mounts all sorts of systems, such as an ESM (Electronic Sensing Measures) mast, periscope (with Low-Light, Thermographic, Flare Compensation, and a laser designator linked to an FDDM system if necessary). As well as highly encrypted (Rating 20) satellite communication systems, as well as normal radio masts as well. Naturally, the sub has to expose the masts in order to work. Additionally, small floatable cameras can be deployed for local coverage, and features low-light and thermographic options combined with flare compensation. It is secured by a tether on the end to the sub. Mounted behind the conning tower is a launcher for 50 decoys. It is fully rigged, and for magical defense it consists of two mages who rotate every 12 hours while on deployment. Additional magical defense is provided by bound water elementals that provide astral defense around the hatches, and perform anti-torpedo duties, by using their powers to stop incoming torpedoes. Anchored spells prevent any treachery, in case someone wants to open the hatch and try to flood the sub. It consists of a combined Detect Enemies/Electrical Shock combination. Should an enemy attempt to open the hatch, the Electrical Shock spell goes off. Deployment of the Dietrich subs, the SKS Jameson and SKS Dragon are attached to Section FOUR and Section FIVE respectively. With thier emphasis on tactical operations, they are expected to put these subs through their paces alot. A typical rotation is two weeks, with one Platoon from each operating with the sub.

Handling: 3
Speed: 50 (40)
Hull: 4
Bulwark: 4
Signature: 9
Autonav: 4
Sensor: 8
Sonar: 6

Accommodation: 52 + 28 (attached Platoon plus support and maintenance personnel)
Entry Points: 1 medium hatch + 1 oversize hatch + 1 standard hatch.
Depth: 2,000 meters
Cargo: 10,000 CF
Load: 1.5M kg
Fuel: Nuclear
Economy: Infinite
Other Features: Electrolytic oxygen generator, EnviroSeal (water and engine), Living Amenities (Basic), Rating 8 Detect Enemies/Electrical Shock (5 meter radius) on hatches anchored, Vehicle Facility eqv.
Armament: Four torpedo tubes that can fire 20 MADCAP torpedoes and 10 UGM-188 SLCMs, and one eight cell launcher for 8 vertically launched UIM-194 SLSAMs with an additional 16 missiles in storage.

Ships of Class (Section attachment):
SKS Jameson (Section FOUR)
SKS Dragon (Section FIVE)

Saeder-Krupp Type 260 Mini Insertion Vehicle
The Type 260 is a new development, being designed to put a single operative secretly into enemy territory stealthfully. The size of the vehicle is comparable to a standard MADCAP (533mm in diameter) but only houses one person. It is electrically powered, which gives it a good low signature for insertion. The cockpit is entered through a hatch that is on the forward portion of the vehicle, and automatically seals itself when closed. Like the Type 250, the whole cockpit area can be flooded, to equalize pressure to minimize noise as possible. The water is quite simply filtered in, and pushed out when the operative wishes to return. There is a keypad near the hatch to facilitate entry and exit. The cockpit can provide up to 10 hours of life support, before the operative has to rely on his/her SCUBA tanks. It is not rigged, and has a datajack port for those with a datajack. Nominal practice is to enter the area, then put on the SCUBA gear. Naturally, the SCUBA gear is checked before launch. Launch is quite simple, with the vehicle being inserted into the launch tube like a normal torpedo and launched as a normal torpedo. The operative lays down on his/her stomach while inside the vehicle. The character must have a minimum Body of 5 to not be knocked out. Even then, the character would still be shaken. The Type 260 has a sophisticated Autonav system, the best available on the market. There is no weaponry installed, and the vehicle has limited space for gear the operative wishes to take. This is put behind the operative and pulled out manually when the operative has reached the target area. Deployment is right now only two vehicles, with elements from Section FOUR testing them out.

Handling Speed Accel Body Sig Autonav Cargo Load
4 15 5 4 8 4 5 105

Seating: 1 reinforced bucket seat
Entry: 1 hatch
Fuel: Electric (250 PF)
Economy: 1 PF/kilometer
Sensors: Standard (1)
Other Features: Datajack Port, EnviroSeal (water), 10 hours life support.
Weight (Combat): 690 kilograms.

Heh heh, yeah, those in the know realize that this is from Metal Gear Solid, it's too good of a thing to pass off....

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