Flanc de rei


Interview with Viktor Moskalenko:

Viktor Moskalenko, Ukrainian Great Master who for a couple of years has been living in Catalonia and has effective card with a Catalan club, has gained the Absolute Championship of this Autonomy obtaining 8 of the 9 possible points and without losing no round. The fact that a player of foreign nationality can dispute this match opposes with the fact that the Catalan players that at the moment they have effective card with clubs of other autonomies cannot dispute it. The only requirement that demands the Catalan Federation to be able to register is to have effective the federal card of the Catalan federation, card that is not possible to transact if effective card with another Spanish federation is had. On the matter, we asked to Viktor Moskalenko: 

Do you believe then, Viktor, that the Absolute Championship of Catalonia must have another shape?


The Absolute Catalan Championship has with no doubt a special reputation, nevertheless only about twenty players had an elo greater than 2200 and only one GM: Viktor Moskalenko. Do you think that the opened competition system has influenced in the inscription of titleholders?



Another one of the great discussions that have been held during the present time, has been the new rate of game that has tried to impose the FIDE with the numerous protests of the international federations. Viktor, you have recently played a match of these characteristics. Do you think that this new rate of game of  40 plays in 75 minutes plus 15 minutes to finish and with an increase of  30 seconds by play helps the chess?



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