strange thoughts...
you forced me to sink
slipping knee deep
cold seeps and i do believe
everything is shaded blue

and now i sink
drowning far too deep
freezing and i can't see
everything is shaded blue

winter comes winter chills
we're all sick of being someone else
the fools fall in puddles too deep
and a city submerged, a city beat
blue waves

you caught me on fire
and fanned a flame dying
live wires flying
everything is burning blue

and now i torch
touching flesh of molten source
i can't see past this rage
everything is burning blue

summer comes summer fire
we're all fading and we're all tired
the fake city burns to the ground
and i burn to the ground
blue flames

ashes floating on an empty sea
i saw something you didn't see
everything is shaded blue
i look past and see it's you
ashes floating on an empty sea
12/4/02 blc
Someday I'll find you
Sleeping in your guilt
Or resting in your escape
Breathing gently
When so many gasp for unfound relief
And I'll break you
The sins you bed in
The sins you breed
Someday I'll find you
And slice through your accomplished deeds
With a dagger of vengeful justice
Someday you'll cringe
And feel the pain below
And feel the jagged teeth biting deeper
And I hope you scream
I hope you fight it
I hope with all my hate that you wail in unrelenting horror
Someday I'll find you
Time's transgressions have a sharpened temper
And I have a thirsty dagger
So rest in your crimes
And drown in your blood.
BLC 12/31/02
balloons and parachutes
airplanes and kites
worms and shovels
caskets and roots
.above and below.
.i fly and sink a little bit more.
all gloom, just shoot
fair dames, grins of spite
squirm and grovel
basket case of soot
flames in anticipated sky
crash landing
pray for what you hated
time to fly
souls collide
on the float up
balloons of air
the dead of the earth
1/9/03 blc
Tomorrow sitting patiently
my anxiety and i
restless breathing
and i see
the glimpse of what's to be
foggy glances through shattered crystal balls
a dance with Future
offbeat side-steps
unglued swaying hips
untuned guitars singing offkey tunes
pirouette into the sun
and torch what's to come
Na�vet� slipping on liquid grins
Uninformed your focus narrowingly thin
She�s the aim of all
And the sun shines in her glory
She�s the downfall of your world
You�ll be old and know you didn�t worry
Too late it spins into view
She was the destruction of peace
The gain of and loss of everything

I�ve grown bitter
Brittle in the hale of this winter
I�ve burned angry
This hell has no winner
nonchalantly you drip by
(hiding what glides in reticent shadow)
spreading your nervous grin along the pathways
you lurch from rushed laughter
to the reserved quiet you know best
you forget my future
raise a brow for curiosity's sake
you presumed to acknowledge me
now ignorant and surprised
and a fidget of interest nips your impassive features
my words speak around you
the arrow deflects the target
my memory fails my past
(our past)
and you're a ghost sitting so near
12/27/02 blc
dreaming is mnemonic
quondam silhouettes
reticent and patient
a hollowed doll forgets
[you are what you make this]
shadow's can be demonic
malnourished etiquette
searching for vindication
glancing off regret
1/5/03 blc
you're like the death to every dream
and i'm grinning as i receive
your posture is bent and bowed
but inflictingly oppressive some way how
and their's a world colliding deep inside
it's a massive wrecking ball unchained wild
conflicting interests and nihilistic smiles
thinking of what they don't believe in
giggle like a child
the pieces fly apart
and shards jagged sharp stabbed to the soul
of a universe alert and patient for the end of all
as red lights flash and the burning of the walls
i stroke you gently
as your teeth sink in choking and falling empty
as my blood runs thin
death to every dream
and the massacre of joy
holocaust of happiness
as humans become ploys
note from the author: you may read these "writings" and be completely lost, or maybe assume i'm completely psychotic.. my only suggestion: read them again. a lot has happened that molds these poems and if you know me you have all the background needed to understand what this repeating theme is about. hope you enjoy reading my junk. let me know what you think.
becca lynn c.
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