fly soul bird to the heavens...

. . . f l y  a w a y . . .

Konnichiwa Mina-san!                                                                    College is catching up to me... (ouch!) So sorry about the lack of updates. For more details on all the changes around the site, check out the updates page ok? Also, be sure to check out all the alt messages (pass your mouse over the images) for some extra fun! 

~page last updated 11/18/2001... Check out the updates page for what's up! Either that or *hint, hint* visit Rei and Usagi down there...~ 

Note: The mp3's are *still* down for the moment, (sorry!) check out the updates for more info. (unless suddenly gets dependable...*gasp!!* 

Whoa! really nice and super-cool people have passed through this index page. Great, huh? You really should visit more often. :-) Yeah, that number up there should be moving, and if it *isn't*, please tell me or even Emil about it. Sorry Emil, I fixed the counter myself. Heehee. Now doesn't that look good? ~Noelle

Best seen with : *IE 4.0+ * *1024 x 760* (800 x 600 should be ok)Konnichiwa! to your left you'll find updates, and to your that Noelle?!

Click on the Sailors (real ones too!) to navigate the site!

[Usagi]:  Hello there!!! Click on me, the*kawaii* senshi to go the updates page. If you want to find out more about the person who made this page, you can click here too!

      Hohohohoho! uh...I meant to do that.

 [Ami]: Hee Hee! I just watched the funniest episode of Those Who Hunt Elves! Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to go to the Commentary page to be enlightened about some of the well known and not so well known anime available now in the States! Be prepared for a lot of opinionated stuff! 

Did you know that if you wink, you're supposed to look cute? Hey, works for me!


[Rei]: Noelle is a big fan of mine, so click on me to see her mini-shrine to me, the flame sniper! (Who just happens to be more *kawaii* than that odango atama up there....)  < [Usagi]: HEY!> Click here also to see more fan stuff, like fanart of me and other  anime favorites! This part of the site should be the most important, ne?

Hear my voice! Moon Revenge whooooo!


[Minako]: Are you sitting on your butt with only silence for company? Well, aren't you sitting anyway? You know, computers and stuff? < [Rei] :*AHEM!* >  Well, anyway, Click on me and let the Goddess of Love solve your problems with my personal mix of anime mp3's! 

Whew! Be like me and stretch a bit before you try to handle all the links!


[Makoto]: Running so soon? Follow me to some great links courtesy of Noelle. Click here if you're ready to handle the plethora of links (both Sailor Moon and other anime favs) that have accumulated on the favorites list! Ready to run? Follow me!



You want to email me? You really really do? OH MY!!!

Rei: WHAT?  Usagi: HUH?

    In that case, if you want to, drop me a line at:

[email protected]


Sign the guestbook! Pretty please?

Since you made it down this far...why don't you sign my guestbook?


Sugoi! This is a great webring if you love Rei!

I actually made this banner! Aren't you proud?


Get your free homepage (like me!) at:

:Get your own flaming hot property today!



Bishojo Sailor Moon and all other anime used on this site are all copyright their respective companies. I DON'T own them! Takeuchi-sama! I'm not worthy! Please, please don't sue me because poor little me has no money for you! How about a bouquet of roses instead? Oh yes, one more thing. The background and the accompanying picture are NOT mine (no surprise there). I've seen this image around the web and have forgotten just where it came from. It does look edited though...So, if this is yours, please tell me about it, and I can take it down if you would like me to. This applies to any of the pictures on this site. If something is truly, undoubtedly yours, then obviously it isn't mine to use, ne? ^_^ All good? ok? That's all I have to say for now!


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