These will be my characters
that I use for the tavern storyboard.

(When I add all of them that is) ^_^


Saphire (Nightstar) is 136 years old, She is 4'10". She has black curly hair that comes to just above her waist. She has Blue eyes with golden flecks in them. She has done quite a bit of adventuring so has gotten quite tan. She has a bright smile; and knows how and when to use it to her advantage.

She came from a very well to do family. Saphire is the youngest of 10 children. They always treated her as such. Told her that she could not do this or that because she was either to little or not smart enought to grasp the concept. After years of this she decided to prove them all wrong. She took some of her belonging, her money, her horse and her Hawk and left home to prove herself. After some time on the road she came to a town and got herself set up with a job, one that did not last long, having never really had to work before she did not do it well. After losing the job she decided to move on. She sat in the tavern drinking and had just about given up and decided that she would have to go home she involved herself in a situation that changed her life.

She had been an a tavern, much like this one, when she saw a young woman in the tavern being pushed to the ground about by some bullies. She could not just stand by and do nothing. All the frustration at the situation she found herself in now and of her past was released on the ruffians. It turned out that the young woman was the daughter of the local captian of the guard. He felt it was only right that he took Saphire in and aid her as she had aided his daughter.

He took her in and taught her how to fight, gave her a job as a guard in town. He became like a father to her as time went on. One night on his way home he was killed by some of the "finer" families problem children. Because of their status in the community the situation was swept under the rug. Saphire could not control her temper and took matters into her own hands and killed the men. Because she used magic to kill them and because of her relationship with the captian it was not hard to figure out that she had killed them. She was hunted for the killings and had kept on the run for many years.

At this time she met a very lovely man. (What she did not know at the time was that he was a silver dragon.) He saw her kindness and that she needed a friend and thus befriended her. He started by buying her a meal and then took the time to help clear her name. She fell in love with him. When she told him this he told her what he truely was and that their being together would not be possible at that time.

With her name cleared and needing some space and time she left for a school to learn the ways of magic. She spent many years at the school and became quite an accomplished mage. This did not fill the empty feeling that she had when she left Namid (the silver dragon) behind and so she set out adventuring once again to find something to fill the void.

Her adventures finally lead her to Bizmar, the tavern and the Order of the Pale Moon. And so her tale continues there.


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