Dawn Blade

Dawn is an interesting mix of hot temper with icy cold results. This is due to her unique heritage. Dawn for many years though she was the daughter of a Royal lord who just did not like daughters. He was never close to her and took little interest in what she did. She has recently found out that her father was not the human lord but is in fact a silver dragon that had a brief love affair with her mother.

Her mother kept secret from her who her father was in order to protect her from the dragon fearing local people. Dawn was just 16 when her mother was killed and was thrown out by her lord father on the day her mother died. She now believes her mother was killed in an attempt to find the dragons hidden horde.

Shortly after she was thrown out she was befriended by a PsudoDragon by the name of Yong. He has been her companion ever since. He is also her familiar, hero, and her way to not always take the world so seriously.

Dawn is half elven. She stands 5'7" tall and is 25 years old. She has Auburn hair that reaches mid back and flows around her face when left down. She has gray eyes with a hint of gold in them. She is as skilled with a sword as she is with her use of magic. She is just learning how to use her inate abilities.

She is quite strong for her size, is highly intelligent and strong willed. Her strong will and being very outspoken has gotten her into trouble more than once. She often also speaks or acts before she thinks things through. She has a quicker temper when she is called a wench. Once angered she makes a deadly foe.

From a very young age she has had the power to produce a cold effect ranging from cool air to being able to freeze a large area. Her mother fearing for her taught her to keep calm and keep a tight reign on her ability.

Dawn has a daughter E'lan from a brief encounter with Eris, another member of the order. E'lan is, even at her young age, showing more ability than her mother. It is believed to be caused by a magical potion given to Dawn before she gave birth to E'lan.

E'lan Blade

She has come to Bizmar and now resides in the Order of the Pale moon helping out others as she can.
To follow her adventures click the link to the Medieval tavern.

or the Order of the Palemoon.

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