My Real Horse
This page is deacated to my horse. His register name is Swiftsider but I call him "T". He is a registered Appendix Quarter Horse gelding. "T" was born on Feb. 23, 1994. He is turning 10 this year, WOW. I have had him for almost 6 years. Lately we have started to compete again after a long break. We're compete in jumping classes and he loves to compete. He seems to know when all eyes are on him, and puts on a great show for everyone. Only being 15.3 hands, he is at a big disadvantage because most of the horses we compete against are over 16.2 hands. He makes up for it in heart though. I has been rough on him when I went to college and I am not around as much. I will be posting more photos of him as I take them.
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