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Closeup of Syrenia in the Maze.
Syrenia introduces Razorskin to Magio, a new addition to the LS.
Razorskin after getting his chocobo.
Razorskin in Upper Jeuno.
Razorskin in Jeuno.
Razorskin and Syrenia taking a break while getting a party together in Qufim.
Razorskin making food.
Razorskin and party attacking a Snipper in Qufim.
Razorskin and Syrenia fighting a Giant.
Fighting a Giant.
Razorskin on a bridge in Gustaberg.
Razorskin on the boat to Selbina.
Razorskin in his Monk equipment.
In Pashow, Razorskin craps his pants at the sight of a Malboro.
Almost to Jeuno.
Inside Jeuno.
At the Jeuno Auction House, where a third of the players in the game are.
Fireworks from the moogles.
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