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 Welcome to Loser-ville. Population: You

Found this tidbit on the net from Ananova.com. Apparently, some ass has decided to legally change his name to Playstation 2. I can already hear the words "What a dumbass" come out of your collective mouths. That's what I thought, too. Even worse is that he wants to marry his console of choice. Yep, marry. As in get legally wed to it. Fortunately, none of the local clergy are willing to indulge his fancy. These lead me to think a few things:

  1. This loser only plays around 4 hours a day. I know people who play far more than that but would never consider changing their name. Or marrying the console. Probably because it would take away from their gameplaying time.
  2. There are worse consoles to be named after, like the Jaguar. Bleh.
  3. At least he decided to go with the most popular console at the time. When he introduces his wife to people, at least they have a greater chance of being familiar with the product.
  4. What happens if he gets the dreaded Disc Read Error and his PS2 stops working? I bet he'll be fucked, then. May even have to legally change his name again. Probably to something like I'm A Dumbass.
  5. After this news article comes out, he's better off changing his name. No one'll be able to hear the name "Dan Holmes" without asking "Are you that stupid fuck that wanted to marry a game console?"
  6. How the hell did this guy get to be 29 years old? I'm sure that his stupidity would lead to his own demise.

Got our first review for the site. Start off our Reviews section with a bang. Or splatter. With having said that, feel free to join me in the defacement of Carmilla.

 Things I Think I Think #1

Nintendo will never put any of it's premier characters in an online game. I'm not talking about their sideline games, like Mario Golf, Mario Tennis or even Mario Backgammon. I'm talking the console sellers, like Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Metroid and even to a lesser degree Donkey Kong. Why do I think this? Because while Nintendo's competition are going whole hog into online gaming, Nintendo is sitting back on it's haunches, stating that they'll "wait and see". This attitude that online gaming is an experiment that might fail has brought out the massive online catalog of ONE FREAKING GAME for the GameCube. You know what that game is? Phantasy Star Online. Yes, the same PSO that was already on the Dreamcast. How original.

If someone else, say Sega or Sony, was in control of Nintendo's properties, you'd be seeing online games a plenty. Your future lineup would include Metroid Prime with online mutliplayer, Mario Kart Online, both Super Mario Sunshine and Legend of Zelda with online minigames and god knows whatelse they could push through the bandwidth.

So, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Depends on your view. Traditionalists may like the fact that their favorite games are staying offline. Online progressives may want to play against their pals in a Nintendo first-party title. But, I think the repercussions are evident. Nintendo's lackadasical attitude is keeping other third party developers from being even remotely interested in online gaming for the Cube.

 And yet, another site is born on the Internet

Yeah, like the Internet needs somewhere else to go. But, this isn't just any other location. Or, at least that's what my lawyers are telling me I can tell you. The rest, they tell me, is unsubstantiated slander that will be sure to get Forever Kingdom sued and shut down. Let me give you fair warning - you are sure to not like some of the things being said here. That is, if you have no sense of humor. Don't take things too seriously. You'll live longer. And don't waste the time to get indignant and e-mail us with your misplaced hate and angst. You're sure to get thrown in the trash and then put on an e-mail block list. Just sit back and try to have a good time. Lord knows, we sure as well.

Oh, and if you find a few ends lying around, don't worry - we're working on it.

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