Pakistan Facts
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Full Country Name: Islamic republic of Pakistan
Total area: 796,095 sq. km (Punjab 205,344; Sindh 140,914; NWFP 74,521; Balochistan 347,190, FATA 27,220 and Islamabad 906
Population: 135.28 million
Capital City: Islamabad
Provinces: Punjab (capital Lahore), Sindh (capital Karachi), NWFP (capital Peshawar), and Balochistan (capital Quetta)
Ethnic Composition: 95% Muslim, 5% others
Languages: National Urdu, Official English, regional Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi
National Flower: Jasmine
Popular Sports: Hockey, cricket and squash
Per capita income: USD 460
Literacy rate: 38.90%
Form of government: Democracy. It consist of two houses Senate (upper house) and the National Assembly (lower house)
Central bank: State Bank of Pakistan
Major stock exchanges: Karachi Stock exchange (KSE) and Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE)
Currency: Pakistan Rupee
Exports: Cotton, textile apparel, ice, leather items carpets, sports goods, fruits, handicrafts, seafood
Imports: Crude oil, edible oil, capital goods, vehicles, iron ore
Crops: cotton, wheat, rice and sugarcane
Total cropped area: 22.14 million hectares
Industries: textiles, cement, fertilizer, steel, sugar, electric goods, energy
Health: Hospitals 830, Beds 86921, Doctors 74229, Dentists 2938, Nurses 22810
Education: Primary schools 150963, middle schools 14595, high schools 9808, arts and science colleges 798, professional colleges 161, universities 35
Transportation: total length of roads 228206 km, Pakistan railway network 8775 km, railway stations 781, National airline PIA covers 55 international and 38 domestic stations, major airports 6 (Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Gawadar), Sea ports domestic 3 (Minora, Gawadar, and Pasni) international 2 (Karachi and Bin Qasim)
Communication: Post offices 13419, telephone connections 2.47 million, public call offices 10000, telegraph offices 427
Employment: Total labour force 37.15 million (agriculture 47%, manufacturing and mining 10.50%, others 42.50%)
Media: Print media dailies 424, weeklies 718, fortnights 107, monthlies 553
News Agencies: APP (official) and PPI & NNI
Electronic Media: Pakistan Television have five TV centers at Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, and Karachi covering 87% population; registered TV sets 2,823,800, Radio stations 23, Viewership 115 million
Time: GMT/UTC plus five hours
Electricity: 220V, 50 Hz
Weights & Measures: metric system
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