A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 2 - Finding
Finally, a day comes that dawns bright and clear, and Lonely-Heart is filled with energy.  She scans the newest profiles online, and sees HIM.  She hesitantly reads his ad, and lo and behold, his description fits the things she is looking for.  Lonely-Heart is also shallow enough to be drawn to his physical appearance, for he is tall, dark and handsome.  Saying a quick prayer for her efforts, she sends HIM a brief message.  In this land of personals, these messages are called Ice-Breakers.  She may avail herself of them, because, even though she really wants to find her mate, her finances are tight, and they are free.  After a day goes by, Lonely-Heart receives a short email from HIM, in which he gives her another, offsite address to contact him for further information.  He may do this because unlike her, he is a full paying member to the personals site.  She immediately sends HIM an answer, and after a few false starts, they exchange Instant-Messaging-Screen-Names.  These are alias that the Mate-Seekers use to protect their identity from others until they feel enough trust to share their Real Names.  Trust seems to build quickly and he tells Lonely-Heart that he is Sir Single-Parent of the North.  The First Test has been passed.
     So it begins�Lonely-Heart and Single-Parent correspond daily through emails and Instant Messages (from now on they will be called IM�s, as this writer is cramped for space).  In the times they are online with IM�s, they share everything that�s in their hearts.  They spin tales of past hurts and future goals, each of them realizing that the other just might hold the key to unlock their Hopes for a Mate.  They speak of attending her
House of Worship together, as he shares her faith.  He has passed the Second Test.    Every word that is exchanged builds visions of one day the two of these lonely souls meeting and waiting for that instant Spark of Love.  Single-Parent and Lonely-Heart feel that they have so much in common that they are two halves of one whole�the missing piece that each has been searching for.  After two weeks of Word Correspondence, Single-Parent shares his phone numbers with Lonely-Heart, and tells her to call him so that they might pursue this relationship further.  Lonely-Heart gives him her numbers also, as she feels she can finally trust him.  The next morning, as she travels to The Workplace, she notices that she has a message on her cell phone.  Cell phones are magical things�they allow voices to be carried on the wind, bounced around in space from tall towers, and delivered to their destination, where the receiver hears that voice no matter where they are (as long as they are within their plan calling zone).  It is like a message in a bottle, only technologically advanced.  The message is from Single-Parent.  He has called just to hear her voice.  Awwwww, how sweet this man is.  �Just to hear her voice.�  As Lonely-Heart listens, she feels as if she KNOWS this voice, like she has heard it in her heart forever, it touches a place in her soul that has been barren all her life.  Later that day, Single-Parent calls her at The Workplace, and they talk and laugh, and feel as if they have done this always.  It amazes them both that they have been able to talk freely of any and everything on their minds.  Lonely-Heart begins in the best way she knows how to push Single-Parent away, the way she has every other man she�s met thus far.  She tries the sarcasm to see if he can take it, telling him of her stinky feet, and the noise she makes when she blows her nose, known to family and friends and The Fog Horn.  He pledges to her that nothing she says or does can make him run, he�s here to stay.  He thinks she is beautiful and loves the sound of her laughter.  Test Three, the obvious acceptance of her Plus-sized body, has been passed and Lonely-Heart melts into a puddle on the floor.....
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