A Crisis of Faith
    About eight years ago, I had a real crisis of faith.  It all started when I found out that my cousin who was attending seminary doubted his call to preach and his very salvation.  I couldn�t believe that he would ever question his belief in God or his faith in Jesus.  I thought to myself at the time, if it can happen to him, it can happen to anybody.  I also found out another friend questioned his own call to preach.  I hoped I would never doubt my salvation.  I never had before.  I can hardly remember a time when I didn�t have faith in Jesus to save me.  I accepted Jesus as my Saviour when I was a very young child.
     I began reading a book that my Pastor recommended called �Hearing God�.  That book really shook me; the more I read about how this man heard God talk to him, and call him by name, the worse I felt.  God never used my first name when I felt His leading me.  God never spoke to me and said �Fixergirl, I think you should��, Fixergirl, I want you to���.  I began to say to myself, my cousin and my preacher friend had their doubts, maybe I�m not saved either.  Then the arguments began in my head.  Over and over again.  It didn�t help that I still read my Bible every day since it just caused more questions to come up. �Are you or aren�t you?  How can you be sure?  What have you ever done to deserve to be saved?  When do you think you were saved, huh, you can�t even remember the date, maybe you are still lost?  If you were really saved then you wouldn�t sin.  If you were a better Christian you would be handing out gospel tracts to everyone you ever meet.  You would feel this great burden to win souls.�  So I called my sister and told her that I didn�t think I was a very good Christian.  If I were a better Christian, then I wouldn�t be fat�I wouldn�t smoke�people would love me more�X wouldn�t have rejected me�preaching would mean more to me personally�I can�t even remember what the date is when I was saved�I have no big, elaborate conversion story to share�I would give away all of my belongings to others�I wouldn�t be addicted to caffeine�I�I�I��  Sounds sad doesn�t it?
     I thought that God would love me more if I denied myself everything I liked.  Every sermon my Pastor preached after that seemed to be directed at me personally.  I went so far as to call the church I attended when I was a child to find out when I was baptized, as if knowing that much would make everything better.  The date was recorded with a check mark indicating that I�d been baptized.  I was ten years and ten months old.  How could someone that young really know what they were doing?  Could I live in hope of eternal life if what I did then wasn�t real?  What did I feel when I accepted Jesus as my Saviour?  For the life of me, my mind went totally, and utterly blank.
     Then on a Wednesday night at church, I was sitting in my pew, relaxed and listening to my Pastor�s message.  He read John 6:37  �All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.�  I heard a voice in my head say, �He�ll cast you out you�ve never been saved.�  A cold chill went down my spine and I trembled.  Where did that come from?  Did it say �IF�?  I said to the voice, �No, He won�t, I�m saved.�  I sat through the rest of the service with an uneasy feeling.  I couldn�t let it go, it was too important to me.  I had to make sure.  How could I do that?  Why would I think that I wasn�t saved?  Whose voice was that?  I remember not being able to go to church the following Sunday, because I was scared of what the voice would say next.  I was afraid I would infect everyone around me or they would see what bad spiritual shape I was in.  I hid in my room most of the time.  The next Wednesday night I went to prayer meeting but I was very tense.  The second Sunday after hearing the voice in my head, we observed the Lord�s Supper after the evening service and I became very flushed and agitated thinking that I didn�t have the right to participate.  The voice kept pounding in my head, �You don�t deserve to go to church, you don�t belong here with these Christians, and you don�t love Jesus enough for Him to save you, what have you ever done that makes you worthy?�
     The next week, I came home from work one day and told Mom that I thought I was losing my mind.  I couldn�t talk I was crying so hard.  I told her everything that I had been feeling and thinking.  She was stunned.  She told me to go into a room alone and pray until I settled it with God.  �Why should God hear my prayers if I�m not saved?�, I asked her.  I wept and prayed for the longest time, and after a while, I heard three words in my head.  �Accept, Believe, Stand�.  Accept what?  �That you are saved.�  Believe what?  �That only I can save you.�  Stand on what?  �On my promise to never leave you nor forsake you.�  Still I questioned the source of the voice.  Once the doubts began they were always there.....
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