Rating: PG-13
Author: Messina
Summary: A short story about Faith and a cat.
Darkness Becomes Me
Rating: PG
Author: Sandrine Shaw
Summary: A short story about Faith discovering what she has become.
Thoughts on a Train
Rating: PG
Author: Mary Borsellino
Summary: Faith traces thoughts in the back of her mind on the train to Angel.
In Memoriam
Rating: PG
Author: MystWalker
Summary: A short story involving Faith's homage to Buffy after her death.
Rating: R for language and distrubing imagery
Author: Lar
Summary: Faith copes with guilt and pain in prison the only way she knows how.
Rating: PG-13
Author: Nynaeve
Summary: Faith pays her respects to Buffy.
Stained Glass
Rating: PG-13
Author: MystWalker
Summary: Faith sees Angel while she's in jail and explains why she thinks it suits her.
Dark Places
Rating: PG-13
Author:  Rabbit
Summary: A look into Faith's childhood.
Second Chances
Rating: PG-13
Author: Mary Ellen
Summary: More Faith reflections. This time on Giles.
Rating: PG-13
Author: Lar
Summary: Wesley comes to see Faith when Angel's preoccupied with other thoughts.
Meeting Of Fate
Rating: PG-13
Author: Autumn
Summary: While Faith is out patrolling she happens to meet with a young woman who she's never met before yet feels connected to in some way.
In My Blood
Rating: PG
Author: Lily/Destiny
Summary: Spike is tormented by his love for Buffy.
Part 1: Fate and Morgana
Part 2: The Dragon Pendant
Part 3: Haunting Dreams
Part 4: Rage Takes Over
Part 5: Dreams Of Bliss
Part 6: Change At Last
Lost Thoughts
Rating: PG
Author: Leigh
Summary: Some thoughts that Faith has while she's in jail, seeking redemption.
Caged Insanity
Rating: PG
Author: Leigh
Summary: Faith looks sees the monster she has become and realizes she's trapped inside her own mind.
RPG Based Fanfic Series: A Journey To Remember
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