"Caught in the Act, Vignette Three - TNG"
by T'Lin

P/C - PG-13
see disclaimer and scenario on pairings page:


It was good to be home.

Not that Jean-Luc Picard didn't treasure every moment of his years in space, nor that he wouldn't jump at the chance to return to exploration. But there was something about those first few days and weeks when one returned to terra firma.

Of course, his time had hardly been his own since their return ... physical exams, meetings and debriefings seemed to take up every day for the past week. In the evenings, he had been with Beverly ... the relationship they had judiciously avoided while on the mission simply falling into place once they were no longer captain and subordinate.

He had finally had enough ... he would be spending this weekend alone.

In a way, he felt a bit guilty, for he had told Beverly that he had family business to attend to, and would be away until late the next day. The twinge of guilt quickly subsided as he contemplated his plans for the weekend ... after all, he didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that he needed some time to himself.


Beverly was disappointed. With meetings and debriefings finally over, she had been planning a romantic weekend for herself and Jean-Luc. His sudden announcement of 'family business' came as a surprise to her ... but she tried not to show her disappointment too much.

Resigned to the lack of companionship for the weekend, she spent her day shopping ... a few sexy nightgowns, teddies and other such items to entice Jean-Luc. As she was heading home, she had a brilliant idea. She made a couple of stops on her way home, so she could surprise him when he got home the next day.

It was a restless night.

By mid morning, she was becoming eager, so she made her way up to Jean-Luc's apartment.   With champagne, caviar, and other assorted food items in hand, she then chose the sexiest teddy she had bought the day before.  She would be lying there, waiting ... she knew he would be unable to resist her.


As the door to Jean-Luc's apartment opened, she could hear the sound. At first, she did not know what it was, but it was obvious that it was coming from the livingroom. Carefully placing her bundles on the counter, she made her way into the other room.

She froze at the sight before her.

Jean-Luc -- dressed only in boxers and a t-shirt, reclining on his sofa, surrounded by dozens of empty beer cans, bags of chips, and a half eaten pizza -- was yelling at the rugby match he was watching on the holovid.

He had not noticed her, of course.

Beverly stood there for several minutes, appalled ... how dare he lie to her! As he continued to yell his encouragement to the players on the screen, she contemplated her options. At last, she decided on a plan.

Returning to the kitchen, she picked up the bag with her teddy in it, and went into the bathroom to change. Emerging minutes later, black lace teddy, silk stockings and stiletto's, she returned to the livingroom and made a b-line for Jean-Luc.

She was nearly in front of him when he finally noticed her ... the look on his face was a mixture of horror and lust. Horror over her seeing him as he was ... lust, just because. He fumbled with the controls, trying to turn off the game as he frantically tried to come up with an explanation for his condition.

But before he could make a coherent statement, Beverly interrupted. "Had what you told me been the truth, this would have been waiting for you," she said, indicating herself, as she stood before him in a sexy pose. "And had you told me the truth, that you wanted the weekend to yourself, this," she made a slightly different pose, "would have been waiting for you the next time we planned to get together."

She then turned and picked up her coat, and putting it on, added, "But lies do not deserve a reward ... too bad, really, because there was more where this came from." She turned on her heal, and left the room, calling back as she did, "Perhaps Deanna will appreciate me more."

Jean-Luc sat, surrounded by empty beer cans, bags of chips, and half eaten pizza. "Merde."


Vignette Four - DS9


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The stories are the intellectual property of the authors. Please do not link to individual stories without the author's consent.

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