"Caught in the Act, Vignette Four - DS9"
by T'Lin

Sisko/Kasedy - NC-17
see disclaimer and scenario on pairings page:


Captain Benjamin Sisko had been in a never ending struggle with Constable Odo since the day he took over command of Deep Space Nine. That struggle had been over where to draw the line when it came to personal privacy ... especially where certain civilian personnel were concerned.

Eventually, they had come to an agreement whereby 'private quarters' were off limits for surveillance equipment. But today, the old argument was resurrected. Odo was once again overstepping his bounds as far as Sisko was concerned, yet Odo argued that Garak's 'back room' was part of his shop ... no different than the store room or office.

The fact that it was set up as 'living quarters' was beside the point, as far as Odo was concerned. After all, Garak *had* separate living quarters ... to Odo's way of thinking, this room was obviously used for illicit affairs and shady deals ... there was no other explanation.

Of course, Odo knew that he would need proof of said activities, to justify the surveillance ... proof he could not get without the use of the very same equipment. A lovely circular argument, if ever there was one. So, Odo went ahead and used the surveillance equipment to gather the evidence he needed to justify its use.

Sisko was no pleased. But Odo was adamant about him viewing the tape he had made.

Since the day the Cardassians departed from DS9, he had been convinced that Garak's 'exile' was a front ... that he had been deliberately left on DS9 by Dukat as a spy. And now that the Cardassians were allied with the Dominion, he trusted Garak even less.

He was also finding it very difficult to trust Doctor Bashir these days. The very thought that there had been a changeling imitating the doctor for an unspecified period of time without being detected was galling to Odo. Even now, he was unconvinced that the *real* doctor was the one that was with them on a daily basis. So when Bashir started making daily visits to Garak's shop, spending anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours at a time in the 'back room' ... well, Odo knew he had to find out what was going on.

The tape he handed Sisko was a bit more revealing than he expected ... but for the safety of the station and all aboard, it was his duty to inform the captain of the situation.


Sisko sat, contemplating the tape Odo had handed him this morning. He had not been very forthright over the contents, simply stating that he had been observing some rather odd behavior between Garak and Bashir over the past few weeks. This tape was a compilation of several days worth of clandestine visits. The earlier visits were only recorded in the outer rooms of the shop, but the last one ... the one that concerned Odo the most ... included footage from the back room.

As Odo handed him the tape, he added that, although there was no sound, it was quite obvious by their actions what was transpiring ... for the safety of the crew, he thought that Sisko should be made aware of the situation.

Reluctantly, he placed the tape in the viewer. The first image to come up was of Doctor Bashir entering the shop, and handing Garak a small package. The smile that lit Garak's face told Sisko that he was pleased by the transaction. A short conversation ensued, and Garak slipped into the back for a brief moment, returning with what looked like a book ... after handing it to the doctor, they exchanged a few more words, then Bashir left.

//so far, nothing unusual in this// Sisko thought, knowing that Garak and Bashir exchanged books on a regular basis, usually discussing them over lunch in the replomat.

There was a slight pause in the tape, then the scene seemed to play over again ... it took a minute for Sisko to realize that this was a different encounter, for although it started very much the same, with Bashir giving an item to Garak, it soon took on a slightly different tone.

Bashir seemed to be returning the book from the previous encounter, and as he did so, Garak grabbed hold of his arm, as if to keep him from leaving. The look on his face was one of serious intent ... almost sinister in nature. Bashir, however, did not seem to put up any kind of struggle as he was led into the back room.

As Sisko watched, he noted that there was a time index at the bottom of the screen ... every few seconds, there was a 'jump' in the playback, and the time index jumped ahead by 10 minute increments. At last, some 40 minutes later by the time index, Bashir reemerged from the back room, slightly rumpled looking, and carrying a small parcel.

There was no sign of Garak.

//curious// Sisko thought. But before he could contemplate the situation too closely, there was another pause, and a third encounter between the two started on his screen. Like the first two, Bashir came into the shop bearing a package of some sort ... Garak's smile was very predatory, as he took the preferred item, and motioned for the doctor to follow him.

This time, when they made their way into the back room, there was a change in perspective on the camera view, and Sisko was able to 'follow' them ... what had appeared to be a clandestine exchange of items for an unspecified purpose soon took on new meaning as Garak pulled the young doctor into a fierce embrace.

Sisko sat, appalled, as he watched the Cardassian tear at the uniform the doctor was wearing ... there was no denying that the uniform was in shreds in seconds. He watched helplessly as the doctor was thrown to the bed, face down. Garak was soon just as naked as Bashir, and was upon the young man, holding his hands above his head, as he forcefully spread the doctors legs, and entered him.

The lack of preparation appalled Sisko, yet at the same time, he found the violent act slightly arousing ... there was something about the power Garak had over Bashir that Sisko found appealing. He was shocked to discover this about himself, yet at the same time, he continued to watch.

That's when it hit him, he realized why he wasn't bothered more by the image before him. Bashir was not struggling in the least. Suddenly, Sisko wished there were sound to accompany the images he was seeing, then he could determine if this was 'rape' or 'consensual' ... he was beginning to think it was the later, regardless of what his eyes were telling him.

Now fully aroused by what he was watching, he could see that Garak had climaxed. Rolling off of Bashir, the young doctor rolled onto his side, and Sisko could now see that this had, indeed, been a pleasurable experience for the young man. Bashir was still aroused, and Garak shifted his position so that he could offer some relief to the swollen cock.

Why Odo would assume there was a danger to the station because these two were lovers was beyond his comprehension. He would tell Odo as much ... after he was done here. In the meantime, Sisko had released his own cock from it's confinement and was jerking off, as he continued to watch the tape. As Garak gave Julian a blow job, he got ever closer to his own release.

Just then, he heard the door to his quarters open, and Kasedy called out, "Ben, are you here? Our rendezvous with the Captrialian freighter was canceled two days out of port, so we turned around and ..."

Sisko swore, fumbling with the remote, trying desperately to shut off the recording, as her words trailed off. He was sitting there, pillow in his lap, as she said, "What ...? Is that Garak and Bashir?"

Caught, he turned and said, "It's not what you think." Realizing how lame that sounded, he frantically tried to find the words to explain, but then saw the look on her face ... apparently, watching the Cardassian sucking on the young doctor had a similar effect on Kasedy as it had had on Sisko.

As she sat beside him on the sofa, she turned and said, "You can explain later ... but first, let me take care of that for you." Removing the pillow, she bent her head, and proceeded to imitate what Garak was doing to Julian, adding a soundtrack to the image on the screen.



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