"Caught in the Act, Vignette Two - TOS"
by T'Lin

K/S - PG-13
See disclaimer and Scenario on pairings page:


Spock made his way to the quarters that had been assigned him. It was, in fact, the first time since his arrival aboard the ENTERPRISE that he had considered the need for rest. He had only set foot in these rooms once before, and that was only long enough to change into the uniform the quartermaster had provided for him.

Having left Gol, and Vulcan, rather unexpectedly, he had brought only the clothing he had been wearing ... after all, he had not intended to stay any extended period of time. There was only one goal on his mind ... to make a connection with the entity that had called to him. He *knew* that it would have all the answers he had been seeking.

How wrong he was.

Not only did V'Ger *not* have any answers, it was asking many of the same questions ... but ultimately, this encounter *did* provide Spock with the answers he had been looking for. They had been before him all along, in the being of James T. Kirk.

/~/ ah, James /~/ Spock thought, as he removed his uniform, and donned the black meditation robe he had been wearing when he arrived. Spock knew that his years in the Vulcan desert had not been entirely kind to him ... especially in the face. The lines and wrinkles made him appear far older than was normal for a full-blooded Vulcan of his age, and he could only assume that his human genes were partially to blame.

But James ... the years had been kind to him. Spock's first thought upon seeing him on the bridge was that the desk job had been beneficial, after all. He had obviously been finding time to exercise, for he seemed to be in far better shape physically than when the ENTERPRISE had concluded its five-year mission.

Just thinking about his trim physique aroused Spock in a way that he had not been aroused for many long years. Until this very moment, he thought he had purged such physical responses from his life ... once again, he was wrong.

Deciding a cold shower was called for before he attempted to meditate, he removed his robe, and crossed to the bathroom door. As he reached out to press the door release, a small sound came from the other side, and he had a brief thought that perhaps this ship, like it's predecessor, had shared bathrooms.

But it was too late to retreat. As the door opened, Spock instantly took note of the bald man standing at the sink, razor in hand as he shaved the wisps of hair from his chest. Turning at the sound of the door opening, Spock could see the ponch hanging over the towel that was loosely tied around his hips.

"Damn," he swore, and turned his back on Spock.

It wasn't until he swore that Spock realized that this apparition before him was his Captain, so changed was he from the man he had seen in uniform just hours before. "Jim?" Spock whispered in mild disbelief.

"Yes, Spock," was the reluctant reply. Kirk grabbed the robe that was on the hook next to the door, and put it on before turning once again to face Spock. "Damn, I really didn't want you to see me like this."

"I do not understand." It was more a statement than a question. Truth be told, no matter how aroused Spock had been by the 'fit' appearance of his Captain, seeing him like this was even more arousing.

Perhaps it was the vulnerability ...the lack of perfection, which made Spock more at ease with his own appearance. Whatever the reason, Spock was becoming more aroused by the minute ... and was somewhat surprised that Jim had not taken note of the fact, seeing that Spock was completely naked.

But Kirk had turned away at Spock's words, trying to voice an explanation. "You see, Spock ... when I heard of the trouble Earth was in, I knew the ENTERPRISE was the only ship that could deal with the problem ... but I couldn't let Decker do it alone. He never would have been able to pull it off."

There was a slight pause, then he continued, "Since Lori and I split six months ago, I let myself go a bit ... but I knew I needed to be perfectly fit if I wanted this assignment, so I cheated a bit." As he said this last, he reached down and picked up a corset-like contraption that was on the floor with his uniform.

Holding the corset up, he sucked in his gut, and said with a slight smile, "This thing sure beats the hell out of sucking it in all day."  He then dropped it once again to the floor and pointed to the counter beside the sink, saying, "I've been wearing one of these things for years ... even before our last mission ended."

At his admission, Spock raised an eyebrow, saying, "Indeed ... I never realized."

Kirk turned to pick up the toupe from the stand it was on, so that he could put it back on. But as he lifted it up, Spock's hand came to rest on his shoulders, his body pressed against Jim's back, as he said, "Don't ... I find you ... quite attractive ... just as you are."

There was no denying Spock's words. The persistent erection pressing against his backsides was proof enough that Spock was aroused. Jim did not turn, but lifted his eyes to meet Spock's in the reflection of the mirror. "Spock, do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment?"

"Most likely, for as long as I have had these feelings for you, but had been unable to express them." Spock slipped his hands beneath the robe, and slid it off of Jim's shoulders, stepping back just long enough to let it fall to the floor between them. He then slid his hands down Jim's body, until he touched the towel tied around his hips, and removed that, as well. He was pleased to note that Jim was as fully aroused as he was.

Jim was breathing heavy as Spock's hands roamed over his body. Finding it increasingly difficult to remain standing, he whispered, "Spock, let's go to bed."

"Yes ... but first ... " and Spock hesitated. Reaching up to touch Jim's bald pate, Spock seemed to come to a decision, saying, "If we are to be completely honest ..." and proceeded to remove his own hair.

As Jim's smile widened, Spock's brow rose ... "Do not be too smug over this... *mine* will grow back in time."

And so it would, for it had been shaved off while Spock had been at Gol.


Vignette Three - TNG


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