"Caught in the Act, Vignette One - ENT"
by T'Lin

Archer/T'Pol [R]
See disclaimer and scenario info on main pairings page:


Jonathan Archer was horny, no doubt about it. Usually, working in close proximity to T'Pol was not a problem, but in the past few weeks, it had become increasingly more difficult for him to get through the day without a boner.

Today had been exceedingly difficult, as they had taken the shuttlepod planet side, and upon their return, spent several hours waiting at the rendezvous spot for ENTERPRISE to return from a survey mission. At first, discussion of their mission kept his mind off of her proximity, but as their conversation moved on to more personal matters, he found himself becoming aroused.

He was exceedingly relieved when ENTERPRISE returned. With great haste, he gathered his things and made his way to his quarters ... grateful for the native garments he was wearing, for the voluminous robes hid his state of arousal in a way that his uniform would not have.


As Archer stripped in preparation for a much needed shower, his thoughts were once again focused on T'Pol. In the months they had served together, he had grown quite fond of her ... and he had a feeling that she had feelings for him as well, even if she would not admit them to anyone, including herself.

Of course, as Captain, he could not initiate a relationship with her ... especially with her serving in the capacity of his First Officer. But then again, she technically wasn't, since she was not part of Starfleet ... but that was just a technicality. He *was* her commanding officer; for him to initiate anything besides a working relationship with her would be highly unethical.

With these sobering thoughts in mind he showered, and slowly, his erection faded as it had every night for the past week. He dried himself, and donned a loose fitting pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He grabbed a couple of data padd's from his desk, and made himself comfortable on his bed to read the reports from the various departments of the ship.

Much to his surprise, the first padd he activated did not have the engineering report that he expected. His mind was slow in reacting, but his body was not ...as the image on the small screen registered, he was instantly hard and aching for the release he had denied himself earlier.

Without thought, he took himself in hand, and began to pump ... the image of a nearly naked T'Pol playfully seducing him from his padd. Even in his need, a part of him was analyzing the situation. Obviously, this picture was *not* of T'Pol ... someone had doctored it ... but who? And how had it gotten on his data padd?

But in no time, all rational thought left him, as he brought himself ever closer to his release. He could feel his body tightening in preparation. Suddenly, his door buzzer sounded.

He swore.

Still painfully aroused, yet far from release, he took a few cleansing breaths, before calling out, "Who is it?" He was startled by the sound of his voice, altered as it was by his lust.

"It is T'Pol," she said, then there was a slight pause before she added, "may I speak with you a moment?"

Archer swore softly to himself, as he pulled himself together. "Yeah ... just a ... just a moment," he said, as he frantically pulled on his robe to hide his state from her.

Sensing that something was amiss, T'Pol hesitantly asked, "is everything all right, captain?" But as she finished the question, the door opened. When she saw him, she assumed she had awoken him, and hastily added, "Forgive the intrusion ... I did not realize you were sleeping."

"Oh ... I ... um ... wasn't sleeping," he said hesitantly. At his stammered words, T'Pol gave him a closer look. Perhaps he was imagining it, but her gaze seemed to focus on his crotch.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and one brow slowly crept upward as she made eye contact with him. Boldly, she crossed the room and picked up the data padd that he left lying on his bed. As she looked at the image on the tiny screen, she turned back to him, and calmly asked, "Captain, do you indulge in this solo sexual gratification often?"

He searched her face for signs of anger, or disgust, but found only curiosity. Knowing that nothing less than the truth would suffice, he said, "Less often than my body demands, yet far more often than I'd like." With nothing to loose, he continued, "Personally, I prefer the company of another warm body when relieving such tensions. What about you?"

She hesitated, and he feared he had gone too far. But then she took a step closer to him, placing the padd on the desk as she did so. As she reached out to lightly touch his face, she said, "Personally, I have had no experience, one way or the other ... yet I have sensed your need in recent days, and I find myself strangely drawn to you."

As she touched his face, she had opened her mind to receiving his surface thoughts. His need nearly overwhelmed her, as did her sudden desire to reach out and touch him more intimately. With one hand still on his face, she parted his robe with the other, running her hand down his body until she came to his erection.

He gasped at her touch. At the sound, she pulled her hand away, making him moan in protest. He was too far gone now to last more than a few seconds, he was sure. Realizing that she could read something of his thoughts, he brought an image to his mind; T'Pol, on her knees, sucking his cock.

No sooner did he think this, than she was kneeling before him, both hands under his waistband, sliding his shorts down to his ankles. His cock was thick and hard and throbbing ... a milky bead of pre cum leaking from the tip.

T'Pol was hesitant yet curious. As she looked up into Archer's eyes, her finger circled the bead of moisture on his cock, making him shiver all over in anticipation of her tongue following the same route.

No words passed between them, yet everything Archer envisioned her doing to him, she did ... it was amazing! As she opened her throat to his thrusts, he was surprised by the warmth of her mouth ... and the incredible things she was doing with her tongue. When at last he came, she milked him for all he was worth, and then some.

He was, as they say, fully satiated as he collapsed on the bed.


When he awoke several hours later, she was gone. At first, he wondered if he had perhaps dreamt the whole thing. After all, there was absolutely no sign that T'Pol had ever been in his room ... or so he thought at first. But as he looked around, he noticed that the data padd he had been looking at was now propped on the shelf next to his bed, with a blinking indicator, letting him know there was a message waiting for him.

Activating the small screen, the image he had seen prior to his sexual encounter popped up, then was quickly replaced with another ... the only difference being that *this* image of T'Pol was completely naked. As his body responded to the image before him, his mind registered the vocal message that was overlying the image: "Never doubt it ... never hesitate to ask."

Archer smiled, as he prepared for the day ... looking forward to exploring the night with T'Pol.


Vignette Two - TOS


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