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"The White Prophet and the Catalyst! Rather name them as they are, the Fool and the Idiot." -- Kettle (Kestrel), Assassins Quest, Robin Hobb

Welcome. This is site is dedicated to two characters of some importance in Robin Hobb's Farseer and Tawny Man series. They are the fool and the idiot. They are also known as the White Prophet and the Catalyst, or, if you prefer, the Fool and FitzChibalry. Both are key characters in the wonderful books written by robin hobb. Feel free to explore. Be warned, there are slight spoilers.
Updates can be found listed under "gripeboard."
Oh yeah, one more thing. Does /anyone/ know how to make that webring banner go on the bottom of this set of tables? It's driving me up the wall-- and I'm not supposed to alter any of the script, either. Can anyone help me here?

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