Until You Come Back to Me


I got a few reviews so I’ll put up the next chapter. It’s the Cherry Blossom Dance everybody’s been waiting for!

To Yan Yan: I understand what you mean about Sakura’s personality being different, but I took into consideration how she changed after Syaoran told her he was in love with her in the show. She really did change if you’ve seen those episodes. And in the second movie it proves that too. I only did that because I figured she would be a little different after she found true love^_^

My main goal in this story was to keep the characters like they were in the show. I’ve read a lot of other stories where people don’t do that and some of them I find a little odd and not readable because they’re so different. I’m not saying that for all of them, just a few.

Sakura might be changed a lot more in the later chapters. She’ll be going through a lot of emotional distress and such so don’t hurt me!!!^_^ haha….ok….. I’ll let you read the next chapter now! And don’t forget to tell me what you think of this one^_~

Chapter 9 Perfect Harmony

“Just hold on a little more, Sakura-chan, I’m almost done.” Tomoyo finished adjusting Sakura’s hairpiece and combed her locks out to perfection. It was a golden star that seemed to only lie on the side of her head. “There! All finished!” Sakura ran her fingers over her hair and stood to face her friend. “What do you think?” asked a gleeful Tomoyo. “It’s so pretty, Tomoyo-chan! Thank you!” She hugged her tightly. “Li-kun is going to drop down dead when he sees you!” Sakura blushed and grinned, “I certainly hope not!” They laughed. It was finally here, the evening Sakura had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity. So much had happened since that day. ‘I just hope it’s all over,’ she thought, but it was pushed aside by the memory of Syaoran’s warm and inviting eyes. How they would look into hers and let her know that she was safe from harm. How he would touch her skin and suddenly she wouldn’t care weather she was safe or not as long as they were together. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Tomoyo cried, knocking Sakura out of her daydreaming, “Eriol-kun asked me to the dance so I’ll be there to see you as well!” Sakura sweatdropped and got an embarrassed look on her face, “But, Tomoyo-chan, aren’t you going to the dance to be with Eriol-kun?” Tomoyo put her hands down, “Well, yes, but……I’d go just to watch you, Sakura-chan, because you’re so kawaii and sweet and you’ll be wearing the dress I made myself and ohh!!!” She danced around the room seeing millions of Sakuras posing in her battle costumes. Sakura blinked, “Hoe?” “I have to go get ready now! I have to find my tiny video camera and charge it so I can tape you tonight! I’m so excited! Oh! And because I helped set up the dance, there’s a special surprise for you and Li-kun too! Oh hohohohohoho!!!!!” Sakura tried to catch Tomoyo before she went completely out of her mind but she started out the door. “I’ll see you in a few hours! Ja ne!” She disappeared from sight. “Hoe!? Tomoyo-chan! Chotto matte o!!!” Looking around the empty hall, she sighed and slunk back into her room. “Is she all right?” Kero popped out of his drawer. “Yeah, she gets like this every once in a while. “Believe me, I’ve noticed.” Sakura walked over and picked up the white rose that still lay on her bed. It looked the same as it did the day he gave it to her though she hadn’t put it in water. The petals rippled lightly from the breeze coming through her open window and she moved over to look outside. Sakura gazed up at the sea of glittering stars in the evening sky and held the rose to her chest. “Thank you,” she whispered. Syaoran walked up to Sakura’s house, his bangs riffled across his face from the night air. He could feel her glistening aura sweeping about him happily and it pulled his eyes to her window where he saw an angel looking up at the sky. Syaoran stared at the girl in amazement, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. Her whole being glowed and he knew it was only something he could see. His breath caught in his throat as he watched her hair flow gently around her serene face. Then his eyes fell on the flower she held in her hands and he smiled. “Sakura…” he breathed. “Syaoran…” she answered then looked down to see him standing there. Warmth rose up to her cheeks as she saw the way he was staring at her. The moonlight shone in her eyes as he captured them with his own. Their pulses rose but neither of them moved an inch. Only smiled and watched their auras cling happily to each other. At the same moment, their control for separation weakened and they both made their way to the front of her house. Sakura slowly opened the door and her face brightened at the sight of him. “Come in,” she said quietly and he walked in the door. Syaoran couldn’t believe how beautiful she was and was suddenly at a loss for words. Tomoyo was right, this was her best creation. But he was sure that it was Sakura’s own natural beauty that truly made it shine. Sakura noticed him eyeing her and blushed nervously. “So, um…” Syaoran took a deep, shaky breath. “I have something for you.” His gaze met her surprised one as he pulled out a golden heart-shaped locket and reached up to fasten it around her neck leaving his fingers lightly there. She held the pendant in her hands and turned it over seeing their names engraved on the back. Her eyes brimmed with tears as he tugged on the necklace to bring her forehead against his. “I couldn’t find the perfect pictures to go inside so I left it empty until we do,” he explained while searching deep in her eyes. “How can you do all this for me?” She lost her breath as he gave her a heart-wrenching smile. “Because it’s you…” She swallowed and held onto his arms to keep herself from falling over. “Hey, Kaijuu,” Touya’s voice sounded from the other room, “you’ve been awfully quiet, is something – AH! HE’S IN OUR HOUSE!!!” They turned their heads, noticing Sakura’s brother who looked like he would blow up at any second. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!!!” Syaoran quickly stepped back but Sakura caught his hand and held it close to her. “ONII-CHAN!” she screamed. Syaoran looked helplessly at the two of them. Why did he suddenly feel so weak around her brother? “Sakura, tell me what is going on!” “Syaoran-kun is taking me to the dance!” “OH NO HE’S NOT!” Her brother made a move to grab Sakura away from him, but Syaoran blocked his path. “Yes, I am.” Touya stared dumfounded at the boy below him, but Syaoran refused to get involved in a glaring contest so they turned around and calmly walked out the door. “WAIT I-,” Touya raised an eyebrow and looked confusedly at the empty space between him and the door. ‘What just happened?’ A little farther away from the house, Sakura stopped and hugged a blushing Syaoran around his neck. “Thank you,” she said into his ear. “For what?” “For the locket and standing up to Onii-chan.” She giggled and took his hands, swinging them from side to side as she half walked, half skipped backwards in front of him. “You looked so serious!” she teased, sticking out her bottom lip and grinning “At least it worked,” he answered in the same tone of voice, loving the feel of her hands sliding against his. “Even if it hadn’t, he couldn’t keep me from going with you,” blushing, she kept her eyes on his. “Is that so?” His eye and the left corner of his mouth rose simultaneously as he watched her face turn red. ‘I thought she’s the one who makes me do that,’ he said to himself. “Think again,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “How do you do that?” “It’s not just me.” Sakura glanced down at her hands where the colors were brightest, “They want us to hear, we can’t help it…unless we’re not…..” she could feel his eyes on her as she spoke that last part quietly, “close enough…” “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here. Only for you.” His words pulled her gaze back up to his and he relaxed when he could see her emerald eyes staring into his own cinnamon ones. Even though the sight made him gasp for breath, he couldn’t seem to live without it. Her eyes, although intense and heart stopping gave him a sense of peace and purpose in life. Then she smiled. One that showed a tiny glimpse of her pearly, white-teeth, and not helping the rapid beating of his heart. He took all of her in with his eyes and tried to think of something to say as the seconds seemed to tick by loudly in his ears. “You,” his eyelids flickered slightly and he bit his lip, “you…..look…..you look….beautiful,” he managed to gasp. Sakura flushed bright red and turned her face a little, pretending to check that she wasn’t about to crash into anything. “Tomoyo-chan made the dress-,” “No, it’s not…..the dress…….it’s……it’s you.” Syaoran turned even brighter than her but in spite of everything still willed her to look back at him. Sakura’s face, now cast downwards, felt like it was on fire. He thought she was beautiful. The idea cause a smile to rise up in her and she let it out. “Thank you,” she whispered, then gave into his silent pleas, “again.” They finally made it to the school gym but barely recognized it when they opened the doors. It looked so huge! And the lights had been dimmed except for a few that shone brightly on the stage where people were singing. “Cooool!” she exclaimed, laughing, “I can’t believe this is our gym, it doesn’t look anything like it!” Syaoran just watched her, blushing, as she jumped around caught up in her own excitement. “Sakura-chan!” a voice screeched as Tomoyo and another boy ran up to them. Syaoran’s eyes narrowed in fury and he moved closer to Sakura. “Hirgizawa-kun,” he stated. Eriol only smiled back at him in triumph. “Eriol-kun! I’m so glad you asked Tomoyo-chan! Now we can all be here together!” Sakura giggled. Syaoran frowned at her happiness of seeing him and Tomoyo laughed while whipping out an impossibly tiny camcorder. “Li-kun! You look so cute when you’re mad!” His eyes widened. “Huh!? No! I-,” “Hoe?” Sakura looked at him, “Why are you mad, Syaoran-kun? Did I say something wrong?” “No!” He put a hand lightly on her arm, “I mean, no, you didn’t.” She smiled gratefully, but her face was twisted up in confusion, “Then why are you mad?” Syaoran glared at Tomoyo. “Oh hohohohoho!!” “HOE!? Tomoyo-chan! Why are you laughing!?” Out of exasperation, Syaoran took Sakura’s hand and led her away from the other two. “Wait! I want to know why you’re laughing!” Eriol’s eyes lingered after her, jealous that it was Syaoran holding Sakura’s hand and not he. “Things will change,” he muttered to himself. “Syaoran, do you know why Tomoyo-chan was acting so weird? She seems to be keeping a lot of secrets from me lately.” “Uh, um, no, not really….” This was just too embarrassing. “Like, before she left this afternoon, Tomoyo-chan said that there was a surprise here for you and me tonight.” “A surprise?” Syaoran wondered what kind of wild plan she had invented now. Wasn’t it enough that she videotaped nearly every second of their lives? “Yeah, she said it was a special surprise, but I have no idea what she meant.” He winced as he thought of Tomoyo dragging the two of them up on the stage as she presented them with two of her ‘special’ costumes and naming them the most kawaii couple in all history. He shuddered. “Hoe! I’m nervous! I wonder what she did!” She moaned and he took a deep breath before draping his arm around her shoulders. “Hoe?” She stood up straight then saw him and relaxed. “If it’s for both of us then I’m sure it will be fine,” he tried to convince both her and himself. “Oh, it’s more for you than for Sakura-chan,” a voice chimed in behind them. “Hoeee!!!! Tomoyo-chan! Don’t scare me like that!” Sakura whirled around to a camera lens and sweatdropped. “But you look so cute, Sakura-chan! Anyway, it’s time for your surprise! Come on! Li-kun, you stay here!” “But-,” “You’ll enjoy your surprise better from here, believe me,” she gave him a sly grin and winked. “Tomoyo-chan, what are you talking abou-,” “You’ll see!” She took her hand and pulled her backstage. “Tomoyo-chan, you’re making it sound lake I’m going to do something so I think I have the right to know what it is, don’t you?” Sakura protested as Tomoyo ran over to a desk and pulled out a bunch of papers. “You’ll know what it is, Sakura-chan! Don’t worry!” she giggled. “Tomoyo-chan!” Sakura whined. “Nope! Not telling! Now stay here and don’t move! I’ll be right back! Hohohohohoho!!” She ran off leaving Sakura alone in the dark. “Tomoyo-chan laughs too much,” she said to no one in particular, “Hoe!? I’m scared to be alone!” Tomoyo-chan rushed about happily careful not to drop anything. “She’ll thank me for this!” She ran up to the stage and everyone stopped playing. “All right everyone! We have a very special performance tonight and you’re all going to help me!” Their mouths dropped open, “I know, I know, I would have given you the music earlier but I just found it today so here.” Tomoyo passed out the sheet music to the quartet, the six members of the band and put the rest on the piano’s music stand. “But we haven’t-,” the cellist began to explain. “I know you’ve never played this piece before but you’re all such wonderful musicians, I don’t think it will be too much of a problem.” “Well-,” the drummer looked up. “Great!” Tomoyo exclaimed jumping into the air, “Now hurry and look over your parts quickly, we’ll start in about ten minutes!” Everyone groaned. “Li-kun! Ah, ah, excuse me, Li-kun!” Tomoyo pushed her way through the crowd to Syaoran who hadn’t moved a muscle since she left. Sighing, she flipped her hair behind her, turned on her camera and popped up in front of him to get a clip of his face daydreaming about Sakura changing quickly to a look of shock. “Daidouji-chan!” he cried, almost falling onto the table with a huge bowl of punch. “You take me much too seriously, Li-kun!” she teased, getting a close up of his burning face from being caught thinking about someone. “I just said ‘stay here,’ I didn’t mean you couldn’t move from this spot!” Tomoyo took the camera away and helped him to his feet. “What are you up to and where did you take Sakura!?” he tried to say as calmly as possible. “Oh, are you worried about her?” Tomoyo batted her eyes while giggling, “Maybe afraid Eriol-kun will find her before you?” Syaoran looked at the ground and his shoulders slightly drooped. Was he that easy to read? “Well you don’t have to worry about Eriol-kun because he’s right over there, see?” She took his shoulder, turning him so he could see Eriol waving at them from a few yards away. Tomoyo laughed when she heard him growl. “She’s only getting your special surprise ready, Li-kun! Don’t look so mad!” “I’m not mad!” “Oh, please,” she rolled her eyes, “you’ve been mad at Eriol-kun since the first time he talked to Sakura-chan! Besides, there’s no reason to be jealous, Sakura-chan’s here with you not him!” “I guess you’re right,” he answered softly. “You guess!? I know I’m right! Now cheer up!” Tomoyo walked around and began pushing his back until he had a perfect view of the stage. “Can’t you just tell me wha-,” “You’ll find out in a few minutes, just be patient! Now remember, don’t move!” “Haoooo,” Sakura cried as Tomoyo walked back in the door. Her friend saw her stranding in exactly the same place she left her with her hands clutched to her chest. “Sakura-chan, you and Li-kun are so alike. Now why are you still standing here?” she asked with her recorder on the ready. “I’m afraid of the dark!!” Tomoyo giggled, “I’m sorry, Sakura-chan, I forgot how dark it was in here!” “Hoe? How could you forget?” Sakura’s beating heart settled down a little. “Nevermind, it’s time for your surprise!” She began pushing her, like Syaoran, to the stage. “Tomoyo-chan, I really want to know what it is!” she complained, totally oblivious to the direction Tomoyo had her going in. “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise!” “But-,” “Too late!” Tomoyo exclaimed as she used one last push to send Sakura stumbling out onto the stage with a great big, “HOEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” The very confused Sakura suddenly realized that the auditorium was completely silent and hundreds of people were staring at her. And…she was underneath a huge spotlight. “Hoe-e-e-e-e-e…..” she chuckled, extremely embarrassed and turned around to see Tomoyo seating herself at the piano and the other instrumentalists resting but ready to play. “What’s going on?” she whispered fiercely. Tomoyo just smiled and nodded indicating that she should turn back around. Facing the audience once again, Sakura heard Tomoyo begin to play a soft melody. It was the introduction to her favorite song that she’d sing to herself before going to sleep. Remembering the words to the piece, she realized what Tomoyo was trying to do. Sakura saw Syaoran standing directly in her view, smiling at her and she felt a surge of confidence flow to her voice. “This is for a very special person,” she spoke before the introduction came to a close, then, she began to sing. “Inside my skin, There is this space, It twists and turns It bleeds and aches…….. Inside my whole he-art, There’s an empty ro-om, It’s waiting for lightning, It’s waiting for yo-ou, a-and, I-I am wanting……” The quartet slowly made its subtle entrance and was soon joined by a soothing him of the drums. “And I-I-I-I am ne-eding you, he-e-e-ere inside the absence of fear….” Tomoyo took over the melody for a short while then the band entered and Sakura came back in, never leaving the loving look in Syaoran’s eyes. “Muscle and si-inew, Velvet and sto-one, This vessel is haunted, It cre-eaks and mo-o-oans, My bones call to you! In a separate ski-ii-in, Make myself translucent, To let you ii-ii-in, fo-or, I-I-I-I-I am wanting……” The background music grew and she swayed along with it, the sounds floating from somewhere deep inside of her and coming out in perfect harmony with the feelings that were passing back and forth between their eyes, “And, I-I-I-I am ne-eding you, he-e-e-ere inside the absence of fear, There is this hunger, This restlessness inside of me, And it knows that you’re no stranger You’re my gravi-ity, My hands will adore you through, A-all darkness hate, They will, lay you out in moonlight And re-invent your, na-a-a-ame…….. Fo-o-or……I……..am wanting…….hmmm mmm mmmm…. I-I-I-I……am ne-eding you, he-e-e-ere I need you near near ne-ear, Inside the absence……….of fear………….” Her voice faded out with the music and then it stopped all together. She was greeted with a deafening silence that all at once broke out into a tremendous sound of applause and cheering. Sakura suddenly snapped back to reality and was filled with embarrassment and horror of what she had just done. Her eyes widened immensely and she ran off the stage and out the back doors. “Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo screamed as Syaoran pushed his way through the swarm of people and dashed after her. “Sakura! Sakura!” Syaoran called as he ran down the street. At last he saw her, slowly running, too tired to go any faster. “Sakura!” he yelled again and finally caught up to her. She turned around with her face in her hands and buried her head in his chest. “Syaoran,” she cried, “I can’t believe I did that!” He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry it all out. He would have never guessed this would be her reaction after singing so beautifully. “They were all looking at me and I was up there all alone, I was just so terrified, Syaoran, why did she make me do it? Why!?” “Sakura, your song was perfect, why are you so sad?” “You’re just saying that,” she mumbled. “No,” he lifted her chin to look into her eyes, “I’m not.” The look on his face told her that what he was saying was true. “Syaoran….you……you liked my song?” She blushed as he tucked a wisp of her hair behind her ear. “You already know the answer to that,” he took one of her hands, “May I have this dance?” She smiled lightly, “You read my mind,” she answered as she laid a hand on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist. They were close enough to the school that the music reached her ears as the two of them danced under the stars. “Hurry, hurry! What took you guys so long?” Tomoyo ushered the others over to her hidden place behind the school’s bushes. “Gomen, gomen!” they whispered, “We just heard about it!” “Nevermind, come sit down here before you miss anymore!” The girls crowded around her and squealed quietly as they watched the two dancing. “It’s amazing how you always know what is going on with her, Tomoyo-chan!” Chiharu sighed as if she were watching a romance movie. “I think I’ll edit in Sakura-chan’s song to this video! They just keep getting better and better!” “You recorded Sakura-chan’s performance?” inquired Rikka, smoothing her dress with the palm of her hand. “Hai! I hooked up all the microphones to a recorder backstage so I could capture her beautiful voice!” Tomoyo zoomed in on them to see Sakura’s sparkling eyes while they all sweatdropped behind her. “Sakura-chan’s so perfect and graceful that I hardly ever have to edit her tapes except for the music!” “So the song she sang was your idea, ne, Tomoyo-chan?” She giggled slyly. “It was so pretty! I wish I could sing like that!” Naoko leaned her head against her hand. “She had a little help,” Tomoyo smiled. “From the aliens!?” Naoko almost screamed. “No, not from the aliens.” “From what then?” Rikka asked in confusion. “Hohohohoho! I can’t really say, it’s sort of a secret. But I guess you could say there was ‘magic’ in the air.” “Hmmm?” The three girls looked at each other. “Shh, shh, shh!” She waved her hand at them, “Look!” Sakura hummed along quietly to the music as she lay her cheek against Syaoran’s heart, the queasy feeling in her stomach replaced by the strange peaceful yet mind blowing sensation he sent through her. Both his arms now rested lightly around her and Sakura’s were clasped behind his neck so that they were closer than before, not caring how madly they blushed. If you could see the sparks fly, there would have been an unearthly display of fireworks flaming on the school grounds. Everyday their connection seemed to grow stronger, and they both knew it. Syaoran closed his eyes and listened to her. “Your voice is the most….beautiful thing I’ve ever heard…” he whispered. She brushed her fingers over his neck and felt him shudder. “Because of you,” she replied, “and the courage you got to finally tell me how you feel.” He bit his lip, “Do you know…..how long I waited?” “No,” she breathed. “Since……since that night you were……attacked by the Return Card….” Her eyes fluttered open and her heart beat faster. “All this time……..you….you felt that way…..about me………that long ago?’ She felt so guilty. She had been talking about Yukito the whole time he was falling in love with her. He nodded in response, still embarrassed about the way he had treated her back then. “But, all those things you said to me……” “They weren’t true. I didn’t want anyone to know.” Sakura smiled, “Looks like it worked.” “Only for you. Everyone else managed to find out one way or another.” “I’m sorry,” she said in shame. “You don’t have to be,” Syaoran combed her hair with his fingers, “the way it turned out is perfect. “Syaoran…” she looked up into his smiling eyes. They slowly stopped dancing and held each other’s hands. They stood there like that, gazing into each other’s eyes as if nothing else in the world mattered. The seconds seemed to pass by infinitely but not a sound was made. Even the music from the dance had ended and the wind’s continuing rustle through the trees had ceased and it was as if everything was holding its breath. They leaned in closer until their lips lightly touched and for a brief moment it was just the two of them alone in the world, knowing that this was the first true kiss they had ever shared. They both understood that nothing more was needed to express their feelings and slowly pulled away but staying close enough that they could feel each other’s words on their skin. “We finished the dream…” she whispered. Syaoran breathed in sharply, “Did that….happen…….in your dream too?” Her lips curled up into a sweet smile while she blushed and realized that they’d both been careful not to mention the first part of their dreams that day. “Yes, I’m just glad it didn’t end the same way.” “So am I,” and he hugged her close. “Kawaii!!!!” They all screeched as they watched Tomoyo’s new video backstage. “This is even better than that new science fiction movie that just came out!” Naoko cried and everyone’s heads snapped toward her. “Ehhh!!!!!???” The girls screamed. “Naoko-chan! Are you all right!?” Chiharu reached over to feel her forehead. “I’m serious! This is the best movie I’ve ever seen! It’s so romantic!” The others sweatdropped. “She sure changed fast,” Rikka whispered in Chiharu’s ear. “And you were right, Tomoyo-chan, the music is going to make it ten times better! Are you going to give it to Sakura-chan?” “Eh! But not right now. Oh, I know! I’ll give it to her as part of her birthday present! Her birthday’s in a week! Oooh!, she’s going to love it!” “Yeah, I’ve been looking for a present for Sakura-chan too, but yours will definitely be the best, Tomoyo-chan!” Chiharu clapped her hands together. Rikka leaned over and looked more closely at the video screen, “I wonder what Li-kun is getting her.” Tomoyo giggled, “We’ll find out soon enough!” “What will we find out?” Eriol asked as he walked up the stairs. “What Li-kun is giving to Sakura-chan for her birthday!” Naoko answer, turning around in her chair. “Oh? When’s that?” He still didn’t notice what they were watching. “April 1st, exactly a week from today!” said Tomoyo. She pressed a few buttons then ran off coming back with a big case. “Where did you get that, Tomoyo-chan?” Chiharu raised an eyebrow and looked at her curiously. “I put it back here after school just in case.” She pulled out a flat video screen, a stand and a bunch of electrical cords along with a laptop. The friends sweatdropped together as she set everything up. She moved the little video camera aside and placed the video screen on its stand in front of them and turned on the computer as she plugged it in. Then she connected the recorder, screen, and laptop all together in a few seconds with the cords and everyone else just blinked because they couldn’t figure out how she knew which of the million holes were which. “Oops. Almost forgot something!” Tomoyo returned with a microphone and the audio recorder and fixed them up too. Her fingers flew across the keyboard briefly then she jumped up in the air. “All right! It’s all set!” “What is?” Naoko asked doubtfully. “The making of Sakura-chan’s first movie!” “Yay!!!” The three girls screamed, now understanding what was going on. “Let’s do this!” Her index finger came down on the return button on the computer and the whole obstacle course of electronics started up with a hum. A picture flickered onto the screen at the same time the music started and Tomoyo put on a pair of headphones as she moved the knobs on the audio mixer. “Sakura! Sakura!” They saw Syaoran running down the street. “What is this?” Eriol saw Sakura clutching Syaoran to her. “This is what happened after Sakura-chan sang! Kawaii, ne?” “Tomoyo-san, did you film this?” Tomoyo couldn’t speak. Her hands were held to her chest and she had tears streaming down her face. “May I have this dance?” “You read my mind.” The girls crowded around and hugged Tomoyo, their eyes never leaving the screen. “Tomoyo-san?” She didn’t answer. He raised an eyebrow as he watched them dance on the screen. This was a lot different from the way they had been acting before he left. ‘Wait, did he just call her Sakura?’ Eriol left the room. He’d have to tell Sakura before he lost her forever. “Here let me help you up.” Syaoran held Sakura in his arms and climbed up the tree. “Thank you,” she said once they were sitting safely on the branch. “Aren’t you tired of saying that yet?” “No,” She sighed and rested against him. So many thinks were going through her head at that moment. The day she caught the Return Card was the day after Mizuki Sensei appeared. It seemed like it had been forever. She’d even left Japan. How could Syaoran have loved her for so long without her even noticing? ‘Easy, you thought you were in love with Yukito-san,’ a voice inside her head spoke silently. “Baka,” Sakura mumbled to herself. ‘I guess that’s why he started acting so weird around me.’ She almost laughed out loud when she remembered the time she had turned around to see Syaoran staring at her before he flushed bright red and ran away. ‘Hmm….I was pretty stupid…’ Sakura smiled. There was a comforting feeling in knowing that he didn’t mean any of the hurtful things he said and that he’d been admiring her from afar. “What about the first day you came to Tomoeda? The things you said I mean,” she added quietly. Syaoran paused for a minute. “I said those things because I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to handle the Clow Cards and I didn’t want you to get hurt. I never wanted to think of you as my rival until…I found out…that you liked him.” Sakura blinked and looked down. “It was probably the same for me as it was for you; you know, the whole magical attraction thing,” she replied, hoping it was true. “No, my liking for him came from me being a descendent of Clow Reed, just magic. But there was more to your,” he swallowed, “attraction.” Sakura looked up and turned to face him, “Demo, that’s over now, so don’t be sad.” He smiled into her eyes. “I’m not.” She pursed her lips together and narrowed her eyes, “But, that was a really mean thing Tomoyo-chan did to me tonight. She knows how shy I am!” Syaoran laughed lightly, “Maybe she’s trying to help you get over that fear, she helped me a lot with mine…” “Hoe? What did she help you with?” Sakura watched him turn pink and got a very confused look on her face, “What!? Oh….” She felt her cheeks flush as well. Then, “Wait a minute! Tomoyo-chan knew about this!?!? AHH!!! You told her and not me!? If you were going to tell someone than why wasn’t it me!? There have been so many secrets kept from me this past year, I can’t even count them, what is the matter with everyone!?” Sakura ranted into his face and he leaned back so far that he almost fell of the tree but she kept him up by keeping a firm grip on his shirt. “I’m sorry?” Syaoran asked timidly. “Ok,” Sakura let him go and sat back down. He wrapped an arm around her and spoke into her ear, “Anyway, she figured it out on her own. Ever since that time we found the self-bouncing ball in the school, she’s been trying to get me to tell you,” he took a deep breath, “I tried to that night actually. Remember? One the bridge?” Her eyes grew wide, “That’s…..what you wanted to say?” “If it hadn’t been for that fluff ball, I would have either said it or fainted right before you.” Sakura ignored her fluttering heart and giggled, “Hey! That’s my job!” “Well, if that ever happens again, I’ll catch you.” “Now that I think of it, I fell asleep on you a lot didn’t I? Especially that time you were being controlled by the threads.” “Uh…um, yeah…” He was almost positive she could feel the heat emitting from his face. That was the first time he’d ever been so close to her, “That was a bad on, I almost hurt you.” Sakura took his hand and squeezed it gently, and their soul blending fired up once more, “From what I know now, I think you would have found some way to keep that from happening.” He raised his brows and looked at her, “You think?” She nodded. His eyes seemed to penetrate through hers as if he were looking deeper. Somewhere she couldn’t see herself but was seeing inside of him. Like they were searching deep into a part of their minds that only they could see. A place where they found comfort and knew that this was meant to be. “Hey you want to see something funny?” Sakura said after what seemed an eternity. She reached into her bag and leaned over to place a cookie on the windowsill. “Watch.” In a matter of seconds, a little yellow ball of fur slowly drifted out of his drawer in the dark room with his eyes closed. His tiny mouth was mumbling something they could vaguely hear as he made his way over to them in his sleep. “If there’s food, I’m there….Don’t worry my little cookie, I’m coming for you…….mmmm….pudding, cakes, ice cream, soda, all so yummy……cooooookieeeeee…..” Kero lifted his treat and held it carefully in his arms as he disappeared back into her desk. They finally burst out laughing, trying to stifle their giggles at the same time. “Kero-chan can find sweets in his sleep, it’s a new trick I discovered! The bad part is he doesn’t remember at thing so he thinks I never gave him his snack.” Syaoran eventually calmed himself down. “It’s really late. If the fluff ball’s asleep then you probably should be too,” he started to sit up so she could go in the window but she only held his arm and leaned into him more. “Mm,mmm….stay here……..” He relaxed back against the tree trunk and she moved herself into a comfortable position so that she was half laying across him. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and felt his arm encircle around her waist as she closed her eyes and sensed him do the same. “Good night, Sakura…” And they fell asleep, completely forgetting the dangers of her brother finding them the next morning. So……what do ya think? I was thinking about Touya’s personality. I think he does have this personality in the show, I’ve just inflated it. A lot….. But that’s what makes the story funny, right? I just love writing his lines! And the next beginning of the next chapter is going to be REALLY funny! Believe me…I’ve already written it! So if you want to read it keep those comments coming! ~Stars from Above

chapter 10

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