Until You Come Back to Me

Hi minna! Thanks for the reviews!!

To ChetteTeng : Yes, I know Touya is a good brother^_^ And in my story he DOES realize that Sakura and Syaoran are meant to be together he just won’t let himself admit it. And I’m using his hatred toward him in these next few chapters so I’m just letting you know about the way I’m using it! ^_^ I know what you mean about the 2nd movie. I love that part “Why is she dancing with him!!!!?” Haha funny=)

Thank you ChetteTeng, Fabi-chan, Jenna, Ruka-chan, and mei for reviewing my last chapter, I really appreciate it!!!!

This chapter is my 2nd personal favorite I think because it’s just so funny! At least I think so…. I hope you all think so too because that’s how I intended it to be^_^

Chapter 10 : Problems Arise

Touya yawned as he stumbled out of his room at 5:30 in the morning. Having just finished his huge report for school, he decided a cold shower might wake him up and get ready for the day. “Wait a minute…” he muttered as he paused at his sister’s room, “I don’t remember hearing her come home last night…” Touya flung open the door and he blinked a few times in disbelief before his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He took a few deep breaths to keep himself from hyperventilating and marched over to her window. “What are you DOOOIIIIINGGGGGG!!!!????!!!!????” He screamed so loud that the deceased turned over in their graves. Sakura and Syaoran jumped about three feet in the air. Sakura toppled off the branch but Syaoran caught her by the arms and pulled her back up, getting a death glare from her brother. “Get in here RIGHT NOW!!!” “Ow!” Syaoran suddenly grabbed his arm and winced in pain. ‘What’s wrong!?’ Sakura put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him desperately. ‘My, my arm….it just started hurting!’ ‘Maybe you slept on it funny,’ she intertwined her fingers with his and lay them over his arm. ‘But…’ he blinked and his brow creased as he looked into her eyes, ‘I didn’t use this arm…’ Sakura bit her lip and tried to think of what could possibly be wrong. “STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IIIIITTTT!!!!!!!” Touya’s eyes were blazing at them and finally he gave up and pulled his sister into her room by force. Syaoran climbed in after her, afraid of what Touya might do in this state. But as soon as he got on his feet, the older boy grabbed his collar and held him in the air just inches from his face. “FIRST YOU TAKE MY SISTER AWAY WITHOUT MY CONSET, AND NOW YOU’RE SLEEPING WITH HER!?!?!?!?!?” “ONII-CHAN!!!” Sakura cried in horror. “And you!” Touya pointed at her, “What is the matter with you!? What can you possibly see in this….this piece of filth! Why would anyone ever-,” “ONII-CHAN, I LOVE HIM!!!” Syaoran fell to the ground with a thud. Sakura quickly rushed to his side and wrapped her arms around him. The hand Touya had previously been holding the ‘gaki’ in was now trembling and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish. “You…WHAT!?!?” “Why did you do that!? He didn’t do anything wrong!?” Sakura thought tears were going to spring to her eyes, but none came. She was too full of anger. “HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!? THE FIRST TIME I SAW HIM HE WAS TRYING TO BEAT YOU UP!!” “He was trying to PROTECT me!!” Touya hit the side of his head with his hand, “Ok, now I know I’ve gone completely out of my mind because I thought I just heard you use the word ‘protect’ when obviously the Chinese gaki was attacking you!” Syaoran started to protest, “I didn’t mean to-,” “SHUT UP!!!” “STOP TALKING TO HIM THAT WAY!” “STOP DEFENDING HIM! AND DON’T YOU EVER LET ME HEAR YOU SAY YOU LOVE HIM AGAIN!!” They cowered against her wall under his rage which felt like a million needles aiming straight for them. “BOTH OF YOU! DOWNSTAIRS, RIGHT NOW! THE LAST PLACE I WANT YOU,” he glared at Syaoran, “ IS IN MY SISTER’S ROOM!” Sakura and Syaoran staggered to their feet and hurried down the stairs to the living room where they were practically shoved onto the couch. She stayed as close to him as possible, hoping that if she was there her brother wouldn’t do anything to the boy. Syaoran held her hand and tried to tell her that everything would be all right, but even he wasn’t sure what was about to happen. Touya paced in front of them, never letting their faces escape his stare. The moonlight reflected on his face, making it look pale and even angrier than he already was. He turned to them and Sakura noticed that his eye was twitching. “I did everything, everything to keep you out of reach from pests like this one here, and now looks what’s happened. You threw your life away!” Sakura tightened her arms around his neck and shook her head frantically at her brother, “No, no! Onii-chan, that’s not true!” “You say you love him!? You don’t even know what love is. Why, just last week, Yuki seemed to be your whole world! He must have brainwashed you or something to make you think these things!!” Touya gritted his teeth in fury as he tried to ignore their auras which told him everything. Their caring for each other and love that was pure. How the colors blended in complete harmony and couldn’t bear to be separated from one another. Your aura is the essence of your soul. No one can intimidate or influence it in any way, so deep inside, buried somewhere in the depths of his heart, he knew what they were saying was true. But he wouldn’t listen. ‘No! No, he doesn’t deserve her! I won’t let him take her away!’ He watched her bottom lip tremble but noticed how she didn’t cry, as if she wouldn’t give in to him and let him know that he had effected her in any way. “Please, Onii-chan. He won’t hurt me, don’t do this. Please?” Touya hesitated and watched her for a moment. Especially her hand that was squeezing the boy’s as if they were sharing a secret language that he couldn’t understand. Suddenly, he shut his eyes, shaking his head, and thrust his palm at them. “NO! I won’t have it! You are forbidden from ever seeing my sister again, DO YOU HEAR ME!?!?” “NO, ONII-CHAN!!!!!” Sakura screamed and cried tearlessly into Syaoran’s chest. ‘I won’t let him take you from me,’ she told him. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t leave…’ He subtly put his arms around her, but Touya saw this anyway. “STOP TOUCHING HER!!!” he roared. “Touya, what are you yelling about down here? It’s 5:45 in the morning!” Fujikata walked in the room, prepared to make breakfast and start everyone’s morning. “THIS!” Touya raged. The father looked towards the couch seeing Sakura and Syaoran huddled in a tight embrace. “Touya, stop screaming at your sister.” Sakura prepared for the worst as she heard her father’s footsteps nearing her, but she merely felt him put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “It’s all right. The two of you are safe with me. Touya won’t harm you.” “Daddy?” Sakura looked up at Fujikata’s smiling eyes. “Come on. Let’s get the day started.” And he helped them both to their feet before directing them pass a seething Touya and into the kitchen. One very angry 19 year old and his two objects of prey, sat around the kitchen table in great discomfort while a commotion of food being prepared echoed throughout the room. Sakura and Syaoran kept their eyes down while Touya stared at the amount of space between them as if he were putting an invisible barrier there. Under the table, Sakura reached over and ‘asked’ Syaoran to take her hand. He stole a quick glance at her, seeing her doing the same and closed his hand around hers, trying to go unnoticed by his stalker. Sakura’s face brightened a little and she almost forgot about her brother’s stare completely. “All right! Who’s ready to eat?” Fujikata stood in front of them with a big stack of pancakes. No one answered, but he didn’t acknowledge this fate and gave each of them a plate of food before sitting down himself. Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other, then at Touya simultaneously. He narrowed his eyes even more and growled at them. Fujikata put down his fork down and turned in his chair. “Touya? Could you go to my office and connect my computer to the internet?” Sakura’s brother looked at him. He did not agree with the way their father was handling this. It was so….argh! He wanted to rip down the whole house and send that gaki sailing back to Hong Kong where he belonged, if anywhere. But he couldn’t disobey, so slowly he rose from his seat, making it clear that he really didn’t want to leave them alone, and stormed out of the room. Sakura blinked at her father as he watched Touya leave and could feel Syaoran looking at him too. Fujikata was almost acting as if he felt sorry for the two of them! She tried to understand what was happening as she stifled a yawn, barely escaping her lips, with a hand. Perhaps she was still asleep and this was all a dream, just one big horrible dream. What time had they even gotten home from the dance last night? She was so tired. Fujikata looked into her eyes full of sleep. “Won’t you eat something?” Sakura lifted her head. “Otou-san? You’re not mad?” He smiled, “Why should I be mad?” “Ano…” She turned to Syaoran as they both slightly blushed. He was confused as well. The behavior from her father was beginning to seem very peculiar. Touya was acting more like a parent than he was. Syaoran raised an eyebrow. Maybe he had some sort of secret plan to get Sakura out of the room and then kill him with his bare hands! The thought suddenly made him feel sick and he no longer had an appetite for food. “No, Sakura-san, Li-san, I’m not mad.” Sakura’s eyes snapped open. So he did know what they were talking about. And he wasn’t angry with them at all! She reached over to hug him around then neck in happiness, but her sleepiness returned and she lay against him. Fujikata smiled at Syaoran and patted his daughter’s back. “If you’re not going to eat anything, you might as well change out of your new dress.” “Mmm….” Sakura responded, half asleep. “The two of you may take the day off from school if you like. You’ve both had a rough morning.” “Thank you, Otou-san,” Sakura said softly before slowly climbing the stairs to her room. ‘This is it,’ Syaoran thought to himself as he was left alone in the room with her father who he expected to beat him to a pulp, ‘I – am going – to die.’ Fujikata face the boy, his eyes twinkling. They didn’t know, but he had seen their auras together. That kind of love reminded him of another couple, only much stronger. So Sakura had found her soul-mate. Nedescio had said this day would come. He didn’t expect it to be quite so soon, but in a way he was glad. Sakura was happier than ever and he couldn’t ask any more for his daughter. Syaoran started shaking, “I’m very sorry! I didn’t mean to! I-,” Then he heard the professor begin to laugh. He looked up and saw him smiling. “W-why are you laughing?” Fujikata got a hold of himself and opened his eyes> “Did you think I sent Sakura out of the room so I could yell at you?” “Well, I….” Syaoran turned red and looked down at his feet. He was seriously confused now, especially when the man put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not mad, and you shouldn’t be ashamed. I’m sure Touya has you pretty shaken up about all of this, but he’s only like that because he doesn’t understand what the two of you have.” Syaoran’s stomach flipped as he lifted his head. What exactly was he trying to say? Fujikata wasn’t angry, nor was he giving him a lecture about how to treat his daughter. “Do you believe in true love and the quest of finding your soul-mate, Li-san?” Syaoran felt a strange sensation wash over him. “I didn’t until I met Sakura.” “Hmm,” Fujikata nodded in agreement, “Do you believe Sakura-san is your true love?” He watched the boy’s face turn a bright shade of pink, but saw the tiny smile and flicker of happiness in his eyes. “How…how did you know?” Sakura’s father leaned back in his chair, “A long time ago, when Sakura’s mother was still alive, she told me that one day our daughter would find a young man who loved her so much that he would be willing to give up his life for her. Nedescio told me how the two of you would look and act together and I had nearly forgotten about it until I saw you today.” Syaoran was dumbfounded. How could he know how much he cared for her? “Now I know you know what I am asking of you, and I don’t think you’d ever hurt Sakura-san that way. I’m counting on you, all right?” At first, too surprised to speak, Syaoran could only nod, but then he swallowed and found his voice again. “I understand. The only way I’d ever leave Sakura is if someone were to take my life. And Sakura is my whole life so if I hurt her that way I would surely die from a broken heart.” Fujikata smiled, “I knew you were the one, Syaoran-san.” Then they heard soft footsteps approaching and Sakura finally returned, fully dressed in a pair of white shorts and a light blue tank top with a pair of flip-flops on her feet. She yawned then smiled at them. “Morning, Otou-san, Syaoran-kun!” They returned her greeting and she sat back down in her seat, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. “Oohhh! What time is it?” she moaned. “It’s about 6:20,” Fujikata answered, turning to look at the clock on the kitchen wall. “Oh, that Onii-chan!!” Sakura pouted and tried to think of some way to wake herself up. Syaoran couldn’t keep from staring at her. The skin that was now exposed just kept glowing. Only for him. His eyes traced the path that it made and he began a game with himself to see how long be could go before looking into her eyes. They trailed upwards and soon he found himself looking directly at her soft chin. She was looking at her father so he only saw her profile and yet again, some indescribable force seemed to pull his gaze up to her, something he could not control. Now he was looking at her eyes. But he wasn’t looking directly into them so it didn’t count, right? Oops. She turned to him and raised her eyebrows when she saw him staring. ‘Hmm. Two seconds. It’s a start I guess,’ he said to himself. “Syaoran-kun, do you want to take a walk with me?” “Eh?” He blinked and realized she was speaking to him and watched her lips move gracefully and effortlessly to her words. “Otou-san said we can take the day off from school and I’m pretty sure we don’t want to be here when Onii-chan comes back.” Syaoran relaxed and smiled into her eyes. He could watch her forever. “Ah. Let’s go.” He stood up and extended a hand towards her. “Yay! All day with my Syaoran-kun!” Sakura threw her hands above her head and jumped into Syaoran’s arms. He could help but blush at her words as he gave a silent ‘Thank you’ to Fujikata, who smiled at him, and carried her out the door despite the pain that still lingered in his arm. ‘I wonder why it hurts so much…’ Sakura giggled and hugged him around his neck. “I’m so happy…” she half whispered. “I’m happy when you’re happy,” he answered. She signed and nestled into him contentedly. But suddenly she bolted. “Oh my gosh.” Sakura quickly clambered out of him arms even though their auras protested. “What’s the matter?” he asked, afraid he had done something wrong. “Your arm! I totally forgot about your arm until I felt it hurting! Syaoran, I’m so sorry!” She lightly stroked his arm as he put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, it’s not too – argh!” He winced and struggled to keep his eyes open. “What!” Sakura’s eyes widened. “My shoulder!” Sakura clenched her hands to her chest and felt the tears come. “Syaoran! What’s happening to you!?” “I-I don’t know.” He straightened up a bit and ignored the pain to brush away her tears. “Don’t cry. I’ll be all right.” “You’re sure?” She was so afraid for him. Syaoran was too strong for this kind of pain. He was a warrior! What was going on!? “Ah. As long as you’re here, I’ll be all right.” She smiled and sniffed to push away her tears that threatened to fall. “Then I’ll stay with you for eternity.” He took her hand, “I was hoping you’d say that.” And slowly they walked to his house without a care in the world, both satisfied with knowing the other would be safe. Forever. Sakura and Syaoran lay in the shade of a mighty oak tree as they watched the gradual rising of the sun and the amazing colors that spread across the sky. “I’ve never seen the sunrise,” Sakura said as she stretched her arms on the ground above her. “That’s because you were never up early enough.” She swatted him playfully on his chest and he laughed. “I can’t help it that they don’t make an alarm clock loud enough to wake me up!” “No, they made your brother for that!” She squinted her eyes as the clouds turned a bright shade of pink. “He was really loud, I have to admit that…good thing you caught me, or I’d have a broken neck by now. Not that Onii-chan would mind.” “Don’t think that way, Sakura, your brother loves you a lot. It’s just that he got an extremely bad first impression of me.” He sighed and Sakura snorted. “Beating me up,” she muttered, mocking Touya, “where did he come up with that?” “Well, it probably looked that way…as much as I hate to say it.” “Hmm. Well you’d think he could see the change in you. I didn’t know it was possible for anyone to be that blind!” The clouds moved over them, shifting and changing colors as well as shapes. A blanked of dew, a sweet smelling mist, that’s what it was. “At least your father seems supportive, that’s what’s important.” “Righ – wait! What were you guys talking about while I was upstairs anyway?” She turned her head to look at him. Syaoran still looked up, feeling his face get up as he swallowed nervously. “Well…if you must know,” he shifted his eyes slightly to see her smiling sweetly and her eyes peering into his, then returned his face to the sky, “we were talking about…” he looked back at Sakura and smiled before saying quietly, “us.” Syaoran watched her eyes grow wide and her cheeks turned pink. “Y – you were?” her voice shook a little. He nodded knowing how she felt. She cleared her throat a little and reluctantly closed her eyes for a moment. “What about?” she asked quietly. He blushed and saw her do the same. “He said a lot of things, but, to put it bluntly, you could probably say that he’s the complete opposite of your brother.” They grinned at each other and Sakura got butterflies in her stomach from the look in his amber eyes. There was a long stretch of silence, but neither of them seemed to notice. “He says we are meant to be…” She gasped and a tear fell from Sakura’s face, landing on the soft, green grass. For some reason, she thought she heard it touch the ground. Like a silver bell. Syaoran reached over and lay a finger beneath her eye to dry away her tears. She closed her eyes and breathed softly at his touch; so gentle and warm. “But we already know that, don’t we?” he whispered, stroking her skin and watching her angelic face that could never be flawed, no matter what happened. She tried to control her breaths that grew heavier from her struggling to keep them slow. She took her time in revealing her eyes once more to see Syaoran still staring into them. “We sure do.” He wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her closer to him and together they looked up at the sky. “Well, it looks like your brother finally made a mistake.” “And what’s that?” she asked, almost too comfortable to notice his voice. “He woke us up in time to see the most romantic part of the day,” he said, blushing and Sakura smiled as the last faint glimpse of a star twinkled off into the horizon. “HOW COULD YOU LET THEM TAKE THE DAY OFF FROM SCHOOOOOL!!!!!?????!!!!!!” Kero groaned and shoved himself under Sakura’s pillow while stuffing his paws in his ears. “HOW COULD YOU LET THEM LEAVE THE HOOOOOOOOOUSE!!!!???!!!!” “How could you wake me up?” the Guardian Beast cried, “I can’t even go back to sleep!” He still couldn’t believe what he had witnessed that morning. Maybe he should have grown into his full form and sat on Touya to stop him from causing the kids more pain. “Hmm…” he said stroking his chin and began to laugh at the picture that came into his mind, “that would have been fun.” “I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS FAAAMILYYYY!!!!!!!!” Another blow came from the kitchen and Kero shuddered as the house shook from a deafening crash. “Touya, CALM DOWN!” “NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOUUUUUUUUU!!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!” “And he calls Sakura a monster,” Kero snickered as her brother rampaged through the house. “I HAVE TO FIND THEM!!!!! AND WHEN I DO I’M GONNA - ,” Crash. The yellow creature began to laugh hysterically. This was actually turning out to be kind of funny. “Touya! You’re tearing the house apart!” “You’re right,” he answered rather calmly as he let go of the kitchen counter which he had torn up from the ground. Fujikata winced as he looked around his home. There were going to be some major bills to fix this. Suddenly, Touya threw his hands in the air and began jumping up and down like Godzilla, “I WILL FIND THEM!!!!! THEY’RE PROBABLY MAKING OUT AND AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IDEAS GETTING INTO MY HEAD!!!!!!” He started trying to pull out his hair and ran around and around the table, “MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!” “TOUYA!!!!” He promptly fell flat on his face and his father walked over to him “I really don’t understand why you’re reacting this way.” “BECAUSE HE TRIED TO BEAT MY KAIIJU UP!!!!!” Fujikata’s face turned to a look of surprise. “And when was this?” “TWO YEARS AGOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Well that explained it. “Ah,” he sighed, “the sign of true love…” Touya banged his head on the floor, “DON’T SAAAAAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “You can stop yelling now, Touya.” He leaped up, eyes blazing, “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! HE TOUCHED MY KAIIJUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!” “ A little over protective now, aren’t we?” “HE’S A CHINESE GAKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! AND I’M GOING TO KILL HIM WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!!!!” “Touya - ,” “I KNEW IT, THEY’RE AT HIS HOUSE AND THEY’RE - OOOHHHH!!!!!” “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Kero laughed from upstairs, “HAHAHAHA uh oh…” How did HE knew where they had gone? AH! This was SO not good! He flung the pillow of the bed and flew to Tomoyo’s house as fast as his wings could carry him. Fujikata stood with his arms outstretched before the front door in front of an advancing maniac. Touya had steam coming out of his nose and ears and both of his eyes were twitching while trying to pop out of his head at the same time. “Now, son, you wouldn’t want to hurt anyone that gives your sister happiness, right?” he asked nervously. “Must kill….” Seeing now escape through the door he ran in the living room and threw himself through the window while screaming, “CHINESE GAKIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Now the lay sprawled out on the floor of Syaoran’s room in the early afternoon. “What do you want to do?” he asked her while blinking up at the ceiling. ‘The sky was sure a lot more interesting.’ “I dunno, what do you want to do?” She reached out, trying to find Syaoran’s hand, but he was a few inches too far away and she felt too weak to move. “I dunno, you want to watch a movie?” “Sure!” She answered this time with enthusiasm. “ ‘Kay, let’s go look for one,” he said without moving a muscle. “Okay.” Then they returned to their previous state of breathing steadily while staring at the ceiling. Minutes seemed to tick by before Syaoran spoke again. “I am so getting up.” Sakura began giggling. Then her giggles turned into laughter and she began rolling from side to side while holding her stomach. Syaoran sat up and turned to her, the sight bringing a smile to his lips and he laughed. “Don’t hurt yourself!” That only caused more giggles to rise up in her throat and she gasped for breath in between spurts. “It’s having spaaaaasams….” He said in singsong voice as he crawled over to the girl to help her up. Sakura laughed so hard that she began nearing hyperventilation and Syaoran got a sickening feeling in his stomach, noticing that she was now in pain. He pulled her up by her shoulders and lay a hand on her back to calm her down. “Come on, don’t get too carried away.” “Hmmmmm….,” she sighed, “hmm hmm hmmm…” then her fits subsided at last. “Syaoran, that was funny…” She kept her eyes shut and inhaled the scent of his clean shirt that he had put on when they got to his house. “Really?” He sat her back a little and she looked at him, her eyes still laughing, “I hadn’t noticed.” For a moment, he wished he hadn’t said that because, sure enough, the giggles broke out all over again. He decided to stop with the jokes and stood up, holding her in his arms. Syaoran tried to ignore the fact that the clothes she was wearing were revealing an unbelievable amount of her soft skin, but just the touch of hers against his caused his pulse to rise and a faint tint of red to come across his face. Sakura was so caught up in her fits of laughter that she completely forgot about Syaoran’s arm and shoulder as he carried her out of the room. He seemed to have forgotten as well. “Ha ha! I can’t *hic* stop *hic* laugh *hic* ingWoahaahhhh!!!!” She screamed and threw herself to the ground from his arms. For Syaoran, she seemed to fall in slow motion and the instant their fingertips lost connection a blast of surging pain ran up his arm. Sakura landed hard on the wood floor but ignored the stinging slap and stared up at him, breathing hard. He stared back at her, squeezing his arm and slowly came down to his knees. His eyes held a look on confusion from her actions. What had caused her to do something like that? “Are,” she closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath, “are you all right?” “Me?” He sat on his knees in front of her, “You’re the one who fell on the floor!” “But…your arm!” “It didn’t hurt then for some reason.” A faint flicker of confusion dared to go off in her mind but it was pushed away by her other thoughts. Sakura raised her arm and wove a hand through her hair. “I’m sorry…” she whispered. “No. Thank you for worrying about me.” She looked back at him and smiled meekly. “Come on. I’ll get you over to the couch.” Syaoran sat up a little and leaned in to her. “Mmm…” She wrapped her arms around his neck and once again he held her small form close to him while he stood. The smell of her hair surrounded him and he hugged her to him. He would never drop her like that again. “You didn’t drop me; I jumped.” “It still felt that way.” He moved into the living room and carefully lay her on the cushions and she held his hand for a moment before letting him go. He felt the pain again but it was submerged by his thoughts about Sakura. “Do you need a drink?” “Just some water, thanks.” Syaoran nodded and went to the kitchen, his invisible wound growing deeper with every step. Opening the cupboard wasn’t hard, but when he reached for a glass, his hand stopped a few inches away and began to shake. He found that it wouldn’t move any closer so he tucked it under his other arm and tried to make it stop, wincing at the sharp and shocking feeling. “What’s….happening….to me?” he muttered under his breath. Back on the couch, Sakura’s head jerked and a painful sensation flowed around her for a split second then quickly went away. “Hoe? What was that?” she whispered. Syaoran focused all his energy into his hand and slowly the shaking stopped. He filled a glass with ice and water and made his way back over to Sakura, a throbbing sting coursing its way from his right shoulder blade and down his back. Their hands lightly touched when she took the water from him, and for a brief instant he felt normal again. Then as they separated it returned. Sakura took a long drink then flashed him a grin. “That’s one of the good things about having magic, you don’t stay hurt for long. Physically I mean.” “Yeah,” he gave a sigh of relief as she moved to sit against him and the aching in his back ceased. Sakura suddenly twitched. Wait! That was it! “Syaoran! You remember when you said your arm didn’t hurt while you were carrying me?” He nodded. Her eyes were wide in realization but the spark of understanding was missing. “If it didn’t hurt, then why did you grab your arm when I fell?” “It started to throb again for some reason.” Sakura looked down, her eyes darting back and forth as if searching for something. An answer of some sort. She looked back up. “Can – can I try something?” He nodded again as he tried to make sense of her scrambled thoughts. They were whirring so fast he could barely hear them. But somehow, he understood what she was thinking. Sakura scooted a little ways from him but held his hand so as not to loose the connection. “Ok.” Holding her breath she slowly pulled her fingers away from his. She watched him as she fully disconnected with fear. He breathed in sharply, squeezed his eyes shut and his whole frame stiffened. She whimpered in shock and clamped her hand back over his, noticing how he relaxed. “I’m sorry! But I had to see it-,” “Don’t worry, it-it’s better now.” “What does this mean?” she asked while moving back over and sitting close to him; their auras coming alive again as the vibrant shades of pink and green mixed together. Syaoran blushed at the thought of what was happening. “I don’t know,” he turned to her and smiled, “I guess it’s just too painful for me to stay away from you.” Her eyes grew large from surprise. He had changed so much over the past few months. Judging from the first things he ever said to her, she would have never imagined something so sweet to come from him. “That may not be what’s going on, but I still know it’s true,” he added quietly. “Really?” He touched her fingers that held his hand, “Really.” Sakura’s smile faded and reappeared in her eyes as she used them to search for any trace of deceit in his which she knew she would never find. “Then I’ll always be by your side.” Another smile found his lips, “The same goes for me. It always has and it always will.” “Mou, Syaoran. Who taught you to talk like that?” “My heart.” Sakura paused to let his words wash over her again. Those sweet, loving, car- “Syaoran!!” “What!?” “You did it again!!!” He raised his eyebrows and laughed, “What am I doing!?” She groaned and rested her forehead on his shoulder. Syaoran blinked and stared at her curiously for a moment. Sighing, Sakura sat back up and twisted her fingers in his. “Looks like it’s time for school to be over. I wonder what everyone’s doing.” He glared at her, lowering an eyebrow, still waiting for an answer to his question, “Do you want to go look for them?” Sakura scrunched her mouth to the side, “Mmm…” then she clutched his arm to her and hugged it tight, “not right now.”

Did you catch that ChetteTeng? The part where he saw their auras^_^ I told you I wasn’t going to make him completely incompetent! And for any of you who are wondering where Yukito is, he’s in the next chapter. I just started writing it today and I have about a third of it done, so the more comments I get on this one, the faster it will come out!! Wish me luck!!! Thank you!!!!!!

~Stars from Above

chapter 11

fanfiction page 1