Until You Come Back to Me

Chapter 4: Finding Love

HI!!! I’m back!!

  And guess what!? I’m going to be EXTREMELY nice to you all today and give you 2 NEW chapters to read!!!!! Am I great or what? Just kidding ^_^ But I still can’t believe how much everyone likes my story! I think I’m gonna cry!!!! Just so you know, this is going to be a VERY long story. Like I said, right now I’m working on chapter 10 and I’m only about half way through……Ok really long story…..But maybe that will make you happy! I don’t know! I’m seriously babbling now so I’ll let you read the next part. Thanks again for all your great reviews!!!!!!!! Chapter 4: Finding Love Sakura skipped happily into the classroom the next morning. Everything was all right now. She had used the Erase Card on Touya so he wouldn’t remember what had happened the past few days. She was sorry to do it but there was no other choice. There was no possible way to explain what had happened to her, and he seemed to know that Syaoran had been in there so she didn’t want her brother trying to beat him up. Sakura saw Syaoran smiling at her and she smiled back. “Good morning everyone!” “Good morning!” They called back. She made her way over to the corner of the room and Tomoyo turned around to face her. “Are you all right now, Sakura-chan?” “Un! I’m fine, Tomoyo-chan! Don’t worry! I suppose you want me to fill you in later?” “No, that’s all right. Li-kun told me all about it before you came in.” He blushed. “Hey, Syaoran-kun.” She said softly. He looked up to her smiling face. “Hey…” Sakura looked at their aura’s blending together. They seemed to brighten when they were around each other. Pink and green. One would think the two colors wouldn’t mix very well, but in this case it was perfect. The colors swirled and danced in complete harmony and she wished to be with Syaoran in the same way. The two of them dancing under the moonlight and whispering in each other’s ears. Her eyes got dreamy and she blushed. Suddenly Sakura remembered where she was and pressed something into Syaoran’s hand before the sat down in her seat. She didn’t notice that as she left his side their auras lingered together and reached for the other as they were separated. Her eyes glanced at the window and she tried to catch a glimpse of the boy behind her. Suddenly she wished she was sitting in the seat next to him. Tomoyo interrupted her thoughts once again, “What was that all about?” Sakura turned bright red. Her head slowly turned to face her friend who was grinning slyly. “W-what are you talking about?” “Well…..” she leaned in close to Sakura and whispered to her, “it seemed like you were staring at Li-kun and then you got this dreamy look on your face that I usually only see when you’re talking about Tskishiro-san…..” Sakura looked at her shocked, “I don’t look like that around Yukito-san!” she whispered fiercely, “At least….not anymore….” She mumbled to herself. “Then what about…” Tomoyo pointed to her hand and raised her eyebrows. ‘Now I have her!’ She thought as she watched Sakura becoming flustered in her actions. “Well…uh…I…!” Then she smiled as she thought of the brief moment the two of them had shared. When she pressed her gift into Syaoran’s hand his seemed to close around hers and he held on as if he didn’t ever want to let go. “It was just a little something I got for him.” She replied, blushing. “I see……” Tomoyo said not being able to hide the huge grin that was still on her face. Syaoran pulled his eyes away from the beautiful girl in front of him and brought his hand under the desk. He carefully opened it and saw a tiny bouquet of cherry blossoms tied with a red ribbon. Attached to the ribbon was a note in the shape of a heart. Syaoran turned it over and his stomach fluttered as he read her words. Thank you, my Little Wolf. “OK class! Good work! Let’s try to come inside on time all right?” “Okay!!!” The class cheered and began filing out the door. Sakura’s friend ran after Chiharu and out the door leaving her still getting up from her seat. “Tomoyo-chan, wait!” She laughed but a gentle hand caught hers before she could get away. She turned around, “Syaoran…” He smiled and nodded towards the door, “She’s trying to leave us alone.” “Hoe? Why would she…..oh…” Sakura blushed furiously. He grinned at her cuteness, blushing too, and they walked out the door. Somehow their pinkies found each other and hooked, causing a spark between them and they went outside. Sakura and Syaoran sat in their tree away from their classmates. She sat in between his legs with the back of her head against his chest and he held his arms loosely around her waist as he leaned against the tree’s trunk. The rested peacefully, happy just being together while their auras rejoiced. “So,” he sighed dreamily, “did you sleep well last night?” The ends of Sakura’s mouth curved up a bit, “How could I not when you were sitting outside my window?” “Wha-,” he started to act surprised but decided it was no use, “how did you know?” “I could feel you.” She said happily. “Huh?” He didn’t remember touching her last night. She laughed. “Just like I could feel you when I came in the classroom. Just like I can feel you now. Your aura gives off a very…..warm feeling. But I never noticed it until last night. “Then how did you know it was me?” “I just knew.” She snuggled up to him. Syaoran’s face grew hot. Never in a million years would he have guessed that they’d ever be this close. But he liked it. Sakura giggled and pointed to something. “Look at that!” “What?” “Pink and green. They’re so happy.” He realized what she meant and looked for the colors. His heart beat faster as he watched them. He’d never seen anyone’s aura’s do that. Never had he seen them give of an actual personality. The two of them were closer than he thought. “They’re happy because we’re together…” He whispered in her ear. The feel of his breath against her skin sent shivers down to her toes. “I know…” She replied. Syaoran sat up and swung his legs down on either side of the branch then turned Sakura so that she was facing him. “Thank you, Sakura.” “For what?” she asked. “For these,” he answered pulling out the small bouquet of sakuras, “they’re really…….” “Beautiful?” “Yeah…” He carefully pulled out a few of the flowers and leaned over to her. She closed her eyes as he brushed the hair away from her face and gently tucked the cherry blossoms behind her ear. Sakura took his hand as he pulled it away from her face, her eyes still closed. Just the touch of his hand was enough to send her breathing skyward. “And they look even more beautiful on you…” “Syaoran…” she gasped. Her eyes glazed over as she opened them, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He took her in his arms and she did the same. “You won’t have to know, Sakura, because I’ll always be here with you.” “I know that. I’m sorry. I just…can’t…forget…” “Shh….you don’t have to be sorry, it’s not your fault.” He lifted her chin and kissed away her tears. She smiled weakly at him as his lips touched her skin. “Let’s go eat lunch, ok?” He looked in her eyes and she nodded happily. “Are you guys all going to the Cherry Blossom Dance?” Chiharu asked happily before she popped a rice ball in her mouth. Sakura’s heart fluttered at the thought of dancing peacefully in Syaoran’s arms while music played softly in the air. She felt his eyes on her as they sat at a lunch table outside with their small circle of friends. “It sounds like a lot of fun!” said Naoko, “I hope someone asks me!” “You’ll definitely get asked, Naoko-chan! Don’t worry!” They all clamored joyfully over her. “Yeah! And maybe he’ll know some spooky stories!!” She clutched her hands together and stars appeared in her eyes as everyone sweatdropped. “Hoeeeeeee…………!” Sakura cried. “I’m going to help with decorations.” Said Rikka holding her chopsticks to her mouth and looking down so her hair would hide the blush that had crept up her face. “You’re always volunteering for these kinds of things, Rikka-chan, it’s so cool! Is there a reason why?” Chiharu put down her lunch and leaned over to the dark-haired girl with a curious smile. “N-no reason,” she stammered, “are you going, Chiharu-chan?” Quickly changing the subject, hoping no one would ask her any more questions. “Hai! Takashi-kun asked me to go with him!” She exclaimed glowing light pink. Sakura glanced at Syaoran and slid her right hand under the table. Slowly she moved it over and lightly touched it to his making him sit straight up, breathing hard. ‘Oh my God.’ He thought. She grinned at his reaction and brushed her fingertips along the back of his hand sending shivers up both their spines. He smiled slyly at her and tried to catch her hand but she quickly darted away only returning to start teasing him again. Their hearts raced and their eyes lingered on each others lips knowing exactly how the other was feeling. If only they were alone. Eventually their eyes met out of the corners, finally giving into their little game and lacing their finders together. The nerves in their bodies trembled joyfully making their breaths shudder. “SA . . . KU . . . RA!!! HELLOOOO!!!!!!!” She turned to face them confusedly, “H—hoe?” “Chiharu-chan was asking if you were going to the dance, Sakura-chan.” Tomoyo informed her. “Yeah! You just have to considering it’s practically named after you and everything!” Sakura flushed bright red. How was she supposed to answer? “Well, I…..uh…” “I’m taking her.” Syaoran said warmly from behind. She looked up at him gratefully. “Syaoran-kun…” She sighed. He smiled at her making her pulse quicken. “Awww!!!” The four girls cooed. “What?” They exclaimed at the same time turning them redder than they already were. “You two are so KAWAII!!!!! It’s just PERFECT!!!” Sakura and Syaoran squeezed each other’s hands and smiled at them. They didn’t need anyone to tell them that; they already knew. School was let out and half the kids ran out the door ready to start the weekend. Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo took their time though, slowly filling their backpacks with books and math papers. Tomoyo watched them out of the corner of her eye. Syaoran hadn’t told her much about what happened after Sakura woke up but she suspected a lot. It was a little hard not to notice the way they had been staring at each other all day and that Syaoran had actually started smiling! She’d have to catch them alone on tape at some point. Tomoyo didn’t really want to pry and she knew that if they found out the two of them would probably go ballistic but, after all, they’d thank her when they got older. And Sakura would be happy. The dark-haired girl’s eyes sparkled at the thought of Sakura’s smiling face. “Kinomoto? Li? May I see you up here for a moment, please?” Sakura felt Syaoran brush by her and she followed him, being pulled by the feel of his warmth. Terada Sensei turned to them. “Now I’m not going to ask where you were for those two days,” they blushed, “but I do expect you to finish these assignments that you missed.” He handed a few sheets to each of them. “Thank you.” They mumbled. “You’re very welcome.” They walked back to their desks side by side and Syaoran turned slightly to her, “Sakura…may…I…..walk you home today?” He blushed as she looked at him. “I’d like that.” She answered shyly. The three of them began walking to Tomoyo’s house almost in completely silence mainly because she was walking backwards while recording them on her video camera. “T-Tomoyo-chan… you don’t have to-“ “But you’re so kawaii, Sakura-chan! Especially when you’re next to Li-kun!” Her eyes shone, “And just think! I would have never been able to tape this moment if Li-kun hadn’t finally told you!!!” She started to giggle uncontrollably, “So lucky, so lucky, so lucky, so lucky…!!” “Hoe? Finally?” Syaoran’s face got hot. Tomoyo didn’t know how to pick her words very carefully. “Oops…” she stopped short, “OhLookHere’sMyHouseBye!!!” Tomoyo dashed through the gate. “What was that all about?” Sakura asked still staring after her friend who had vanished from sight. “I’m not sure…” He said slowly with one eyebrow furrowed in suspicion, “but at least we’re alone now…” He whispered. “Mmmm…” She agreed happily and rested her head contentedly on his strong shoulder as they walked to her house. Meanwhile, Tomoyo was rushing around madly inside her house. She dropped her backpack with a thud on her bedroom floor, grabbed a blank tape, inserted it in her camera and dashed out the back door. ‘I have to get there before they do!’ Tomoyo finally reached Sakura’s home and stopped under her window. She looked around while she pulled out her cell phone. “Good. They’re not here yet!” The girl laughed giddily and checked the weather. Clear blue sky with puffy white clouds to bring out the color in their eyes, a light breeze to ruffle their hair, not too hot so they’ll be comfortable, and a bright orange sun just about to set so there wouldn’t be too much reflection. “Perfect!” She nearly yelled out loud but clapped a hand over her mouth and quickly punched a few numbers into the phone. *RING* *Snore* *RING* *Snore* *RING* “Huh? What is…..AHH!!!! THE PHONE!!! Hello?” “Kero-chan! Are you awake?” “Well NOW I am!” “I’m sorry but I really need your help!” “With what?” “Just come out the window. Please?” Kero floated to the window and sweatdropped when he saw Tomoyo waving at him. “Hold on…” He hung up the phone, opened the window, and hovered by her with his arms crossed. “Has anyone ever told you that you have an obsession with electronics?” Tomoyo just laughed. “So what’s up?” “Sakura-chan and Li-kun are on their way over here and I wanted my recording partner to help me catch the special moment on tape! Oh yeah!” She opened her video bag, “I grabbed a cookie for you on the way out the door!” “COO – KIE!!! Tomoyo, you’re the best!” He took his prize and munched happily while Tomoyo carried him behind a bush and set up her equipment. “They’ll be coming soon!” Sakura and Syaoran walked down the street not caring how long it took them to get anywhere. “Sakura? Is it just me or is Tomoyo a little….um…..” “Weird?” she looked up at him, “No, it’s not you. She’s always been that way although…..I did find it a little odd what she said just now. Did you….say anything to her about….you know…….” She blushed. “Well, not really. She just kind of knew somehow.” ‘Oh, my God,’ thought Sakura, ‘what did I just say!?’ “Not like I don’t want anyone to know or anything!!!” She said exasperated. He laughed and Sakura stared at him. She’d never heard Syaoran laugh before! “Don’t worry. I knew what you meant.” He gave her a heartwarming smile while looking deep into her eyes making her legs turn to much and she started to fall. “Sakura!” He caught her in his arms. She stood up weakly and leaned against him. “Are you ok?” Syaoran looked down at her in concern. Why had she just collapsed all of a sudden? “Yeah…” “What made you fall?” “You….” She breathed while gazing into his warm amber eyes. His breath caught in his chest and he couldn’t look away from hers. He’d always heard people saying how your eyes are the windows to your soul and when he says Sakura’s he believed it. When they met the world around them seemed to disappear and he could almost feel everything she was feeling. “We should get you home….” He said in between gasps. “Ok.” She whispered not leaving his eyes. He tried to walk but he couldn’t think straight and stopped after a while. “You know it makes me crazy when you do that.” “I know.” She smiled and gave him a butterfly kiss on his eyelashes. His heart raced. ‘Oh, God she’s so beautiful and so close to me…” He could almost feel her lips on his. So close… He half closed his eyes but then she took his hand and began pulling him along behind her. “Why do you do that?” He moaned. “Because it’s fun!” She giggled. Her laugh was like music to his ears. His heart was thudding crazily in his chest. Her teasing was driving him insane! She let him walk beside her again and they came to the cherry blossom trees. He dared to look at her again and whispered in her ear, “Are you my cherry blossom, Ying Fa?” She looked at him, a mixture of love and mischief in her eyes, “Always, Xiao Lang.” She replied and traced a feather light finger down his spine. His eyes widened and he jumped back in surprise, mostly from her touch but also because he heard his true name escape from her lips. Sakura giggled hysterically. The things she could do to him! “Why are you doing this to me!?” Sakura put her face inches from his and closed her eyes. But she just breathed softly on his face and leaped back laughing even harder. “It’s not funny!” He said almost laughing himself. “Yes it is!” She cried and darted away as he tried to catch her. Syaoran chased after Sakura laughing too. She wouldn’t get away from him again! Back at Sakura’s house, Kero woke groggily from his nap outside. He blinked a few times and listened. “Tomoyo! They’re coming! Hurry!” He whispered urgently. “I wonder what was taking them so long!” She exclaimed as she turned on her camera. “Oh, they were probably just a little busy if you know what I mean!” He raised his eyebrows several times in a row. “Kero-chan!!!!” Tomoyo stared at him in shock. “WEELL!!!” The sound of laughter filled the air as Sakura and Syaoran rounded the corner. “Good!” Tomoyo said gleefully as she pressed the record button and zoomed in on the two approaching figures. Sakura stopped and faced him. Her mood quickly changed and she looked at Syaoran shyly again. He came in close and put his forehead to hers as he looked into her smiling eyes. Kero looked at the dewy-eyed Tomoyo. “Here pal, I’ll give you a present too!” He waved a paw over her camcorder and it glowed for a second. “Now look through it.” Tomoyo nearly cried out when she did. Through her lens she could see bright pink and green swirling around them. “You mean now I can see their-“ “M-hmm!” He hovered in the air looking very smug. Tomoyo almost dropped her camera as she hugged him to her tightly. “Kero-chan, you’re the coolest!!!!!” “I know!” He laughed. Tomoyo looked back through the lends and her mouth fell open…. “Thank you for walking me home, Syaoran.” She whispered. “Sakura….” Syaoran moved in closer. “I should go work on my homework. I’ll see you later.” She turned around and started walking away but the Syaoran, no longer being able to control himself, whirled her around into his arms and closed his mouth over her parted lips. He brushed over them a few times then pulled away slowly. “I…I’m sorry…” He gasped ashamedly. “Shh…” she put her fingers to his lips, “Don’t be…” she breathed. He softly kissed her fingertips and she hugged his body to hers. “Together…” She whispered in his ear. “Forever…” He whispered back. If you liked this sweet and REALLY mushy S+S chapter PLEASE review and tell me what you thought of it. If you like to read chapters like this that are just cute and sweet let me know so I can write more of them!!!!! Sakura and Syaoran FOREVER!!!! (as they said at the end of my chapter heheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeee) Review please and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

chapter 5

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