Until You Come Back to Me

Stars from Above here with the second chapter of the day!!!!

Just so you know, there IS a point to all this stuff going on. It’s kind of giving you background information for when the uh, as I put it for my other friends who have already read everything I’ve written…..THE BIG TRAGEDY!!!!!! But no one dies or anything horrible like that. S+S will ALWAYS be together forever so HA!!!! And besides, I like writing all this S+S stuff. Its easier for me to write for some reason.

Oh yeah, be prepared to laugh your head off in this chapter. That is, if you are like me and my friends. And my mom. And my dad. And a few other grown ups who have read this. There are just some seriously funny lines in this chapter. I LOVE IT!!!! So I warned you! ^_^

Chapter 5: Brotherly Worries

Touya looked up from the deserts he was making for the evening, half with confusion, and half from worry. Where was Sakura? She was almost an hour late coming home from school. And lately she’d been acting strangely. Not once had she gotten mad at him for pestering her and she didn’t ask to go to school with him so she could see Yukito anymore. Not that he really minded. But maybe he did. Something was going on with his little sister and not knowing what it was disturbed him greatly. He had found out about the Clow Cards “and all that crap” unnoticed by her but he sensed this was about something different. If only he knew. Touya looked at the clock again and put down the strawberries he had been washing. ‘I should go look for her. She’s way too late.’ He thought to himself as he walked out of the kitchen. Grabbing his jacket off a chair he began taking long strides to the door, pondering over what kind of lecture to give her when she was found. Three steps away from the handle he suddenly stopped as something caught his eye. With a suspicious glare, Touya slowly moved back to the window he had just passed and almost fainted when he saw Sakura in Syaoran’s arms, kissing him. AHHH!!!!! WHAT’S THAT BRAT DOING WITH MY SISTER!?!?” He screamed, his face going red with fury. Touya could only stare in rage until they finally broke apart when he promptly stomped back over to the door only to see it being flung open nearly hitting him in the head. Sakura was surprised to find her brother lying on the floor but she squealed happily anyway. “Onii-chan! Are you all right? Here, let me help you!” He saw her glowing face smiling and he was quickly on his feet. “NO, I’M NOT!” he bellowed, “LET ME AT HIM!!!” Touya tried to barge out the door, prepared to pounce on the boy who had stolen his sister from him, but he was slowed down by Sakura grabbing him around the waist. “LET GO OF ME! I’M GOING TO BEAT HIM UP ONCE AND FOR ALL!!” Sakura just laughed, “Syaoran-kun! Run!” She didn’t think she’d be able to hold him back much longer. ‘If only I were a litter taller!’ She sighed. Their eyes met and a moment of understanding passed between them. Syaoran got the hint and waved to her before running back to his house. “WAIT! I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!!” Touya broke free from Sakura’s grasp and dashed after him but he was already long gone. Sakura took this chance to run up to her room where she found an exhausted Kero panting on the floor. “Kero-chan?” She walked over and knelt down next to him, “Are you all right? I don’t get it, everyone seems to be on the floor today!” The little furry creature opened his beady eyes. “Wha- AH! SAKURA! Um, hi!” he chuckled nervously, quickly grabbed his game controller, and started pressing the buttons furiously, “I was just uh, taking a break from my game!” “Ugh! I didn’t think I would get up here before she did!’ He was thinking inwardly. Sakura’s brows knitted together and she rested her chin on the floor, “Kero-chan, you’re acting a little strange.” “Who me? Nah! You got home a little late didn’t you?” She flopped back on her bed, “Syaoran walked me home from school today so we took our time. “Oooh….” Kero grinned. “What do you mean, ooohh?” She sat up. “Nothing.” He answered innocently. “KERO-CHAN! WHAT DO YOU…” “SAKURA!!!!!” She fell off her bed as her brother’s voice boomed from the bottom of the stairs, but she just brushed herself off and ran joyfully to him. “Yes, onii-chan?” “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?” She leaned towards him with her hands behind her back and shifted her gaze back and forth from his right to his left eye. “What are you talking about?” She said sweetly. “OUTSIDE! YOU WERE KISSING THAT BRAT!!!” Sakura ignored his choice of words, “And?” Touya’s eyes went extremely wide, “And!? And!? And!? Is that all you have to say!?” “No, I like him,” She said matter of factly and walked to the kitchen as their father called them for dinner. “You WHAT!?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sakura faced her brother. “I. Like. Him. Ok?” She chose not to tell him how she really felt about the brown-haired boy. Touya threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes, “No, it’s not OK! It’s so much less than ok that there isn’t even a word for it!” “Touya, give your sister a rest, ok?” Their father walked over to the table with the food on a tray and Touya just gaped at him. “Do I have to go over the whole OK thing again!?” “No, and you’re not going to.” Fujikata stated calmly. “Fine…” Said a defeated Touya, glaring at his little sister. Sakura started eating but could not shake the coldness of her brother’s stare. She put down a piece of food and looked up at her father. “Otou-san? Um…may I eat in my room…tonight?” Fujikata looked into his daughter’s hopeful eyes. “Is something wrong, Sakura-san?” Touya snorted and Sakura stomped on his foot in response. “No, not really. I just have uh…a lot of homework this weekend and I wanted to get it done early so….” Her father smiled, “Go ahead then. It will be good for you to have a few days free from work.” “Thank you, Otou-san!” Sakura beamed. She selected a dessert and put it on her plate as she went upstairs, ignoring the suspicious glint in Touya’s eye. She dashed into her bedroom, closing the door behind her and leaned against it. “AHH!!! Onii-chan was scaring me to death!” “Why?” asked Kero looking up from the video game he was now actually playing. “Because he’s really mad at me.” “Again….why….?” More curiously now. “He caught me kissing Syaoran….” “That’s not good.” Sakura almost dropped her plate, “What!?” Kero realized what he just said and waved his arms frantically in the air, “No! No! No! I meant that he caught you, not that you were kissing the kid!” Her eyes watered and she put down the food, “Do you really mean that?” “Of course I do! You love him with all your heart and soul, it’s just too bad your brother can’t see that.” “OH KERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!” She scooped her friend up and squeezed him tight. The Guardian Beast gasped for breath, “Why?” “Because you understand!” “And why wouldn’t I?” “Because I thought you hated Syaoran.” “Well…I did, but not anymore.” She released Kero and looked at him strangely, “Why?” He walked over to the plate of food, “That’s between Li Syaoran and me….OOOHHH!! STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE!!! Can we eat it now? Pretty please!?” “Hoe?” Between him and Syaoran? Syaoran crept quietly back to Sakura’s house and up the tree. It was late at night and her light was out so he was sure she was asleep. ‘I hope her brother didn’t give her a hard time. It’s my fault if he did.’ He let go of the tree and jumped onto the ledge of her open window. Syaoran watched her, sleeping peacefully before stepping in and kneeling down beside her bed. He placed a gentle kiss on her closed eyelids before returning to the branch, inhaling the scent of the cool, spring night air and sat so he could see her. Maybe this way she wouldn’t be attacked again. Kero noticed the boy and left his bed to go stand next to him. “You’re here again?” he asked. “I can’t forgive myself for not being here when she was in danger.” Sakura’s guardian put a pay on his arm. “You didn’t know. You couldn’t have come any sooner than-” “But I did know! I knew she was in pain. I could feel it so why didn’t I come right away?” Kero looked up, “You could feel it?” Syaoran nodded. “There’s a powerful bond between the two of you.” “Why was I able to bring her back so suddenly? They were almost going to…” “You’re love for each other was too strong. They couldn’t hold the dimension together.” Syaoran paused. Then his eyes watered and he spoke, “If I’m around they can’t hurt her. That’s why I’m here. I just wish I knew who they were so we could defeat them and then she’d be safe once and for all.” Kero sat on the branch and looked up at the sky. Not a cloud in sight. “I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding, kid.” “So am I.” “So… are you just going to keep coming here every night, without her knowing?” “She knows. Nothing’s happened to her so far and if it has something to do with my being here, I’ll keep coming.” The creature’s head bobbed up and down in agreement, “I’m glad you’ll be there for her. I have to admit, I would have never guessed it when you first showed up in Japan.” Syaoran shrugged, “I was just stupid, that’s all.” There was a long moment of silence between the girl’s two protectors, saying more than words ever could. “Did her brother get mad?” he finally spoke. “Yeah.” “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have kissed her right in front of him.” “Don’t worry, Sakura’s been ignoring him. She’s too happy to care.” “Really? Why?” Kero stared at him, “Why? Hmm let me think,” he began sarcastically, “well first of all, you rescue the girl from another dimension then tell her that you’re in love with her, you offer to take her to the Cherry Blossom Dance, you kiss her, and now you’re sitting outside her window practically vowing never to leave her side! To put in simply she’s happy because of you, Li, can’t you see that? I’ve never seen her in a better mood!” Syaoran stared back at Kero. He had made her happy. The thought gave him a feeling of inexplicable joy that melted him right to his heart. He looked back at Sakura’s sleeping form and smiled. “I didn’t think I had that big of an effect on her.” Syaoran watched his angel safe in her bed then closed his eyes and waited for sleep to come. Sakura woke up the next morning more enthusiastic than ever. She stretched and sighed happily enjoying the free feeling that came with the weekend. “Good morning, Kero-chan!” she almost yelled and jumped out of her bed. “Wow! How did you manage to wake up by yourself, Sakura?” asked a yawning Kero. He shook himself awake and floated over to her. She sat back down while putting and hand to her chin. “Now that you mention it….I’m not sure…Oh well! Now I have even more time than I normally would!” she added bouncing over to her closet. She turned on the light and began humming to herself, “What to wear today! No, no, no, no, no, hmm…no, no, no, ah ha!” “It’s perfect!” Sakura looked at herself in the full-length mirror on her closet door, “I don’t know why I never thought of this before!” She had picked a cream colored velour skirt that flared out and came just above her knees. The bottom was embroidered with bright red cherries. To match she wore a red tank top made of silk and an off-white, three-quarter sleeve length, knit sweater. The off-white headband and Mary Janes completed the outfit and she smiled with glee. “It looks great, Sakura! But why are you getting all dressed up?” Her brow creased, “I’m not really sure of that either…” She turned around and looked at her window. Sakura walked over and her eyes widened. There on the windowsill lay a single white rose. She picked it up carefully and cradled it in her hands. “He came back again, didn’t he?” she whispered. “He stayed there all night.” “Why?” “You know why, Sakura.” Kero hovered next to her, “Don’t try to talk him out of it. He won’t change his mind.” “It’s not that I don’t want him to, but wouldn’t he be uncomfortable sleeping in a tree all night?” “That doesn’t seem to matter to him.” “He’s right, it doesn’t.” Sakura’s head shot up and she saw a boy sitting outside her window smiling at her. “Syaoran…” She blushed. “Can I come it?” he asked quietly. She nodded in a dazed sort of state. Syaoran jumped in the window and sat down next to her. “Why are you here?” she said in a half whisper. He blushed. “I wanted to see you. I thought maybe we could do that extra homework we had together.” “I’d like that.” She looked up and smiled, “You know math isn’t exactly my best subject.” He laughed softly, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” “Thanks.” Syaoran stood up and held out his hand. “C’mon, we’ll find a place to work on it.” “Ok!” She regained her senses and put her hand in his getting a sharp intake of breath from him. She ignored it but smiled and grabbed her winged backpack from her desk before heading out the window. Once they reached the tree Syaoran remembered something. “Won’t your brother be mad if he finds out?” Sakura got an irritated look on her face when she thought back to the way Touya had treated her yesterday. Did he really think he hand any right to say those things? “Let him get mad. If he worries it’s his own problem.” “I’ll take your word for it even thought I don’t think I prefer to be on his bad side my whole life.” Sakura leaned in close to him and put her finger to his lips, “He deserves this, believe me. We can work out the situation later when he’s cooled off a little. Right now I just want to be with you…” Syaoran stared into her dazzling emerald eyes and his blood fizzled at her delicate touch. He didn’t think she’d ever know how much those words meant to him. She slowly took her finger away and grinned. “Bye, Kero-chan!” “Have…a good…time!!!” he managed to sputter through his intense concentration of playing the new Zylon Warriors game. Sakura just shook her head, “Let’s go.” About an hour later, Touya walked to his sister’s room. “Kaijuu, are you awake?” There was not response so he opened the door. “I don’t think you want to sleep all- AH!!!” His eyes darted back and forth between her made bed and the open window. “WHERE IS SHE, WHERE IS SHE, WHERE IS SHE?!?!” He searched Sakura’s room. Her backpack was gone and he sense that someone else had been in there. Then he noticed Kero lying limply in the floor. “YOU!” He shouted pointed at him accusingly. Touya picked him up and started shaking him furiously, “I KNOW YOU’RE NOT A STUFFED ANIMAL SO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!!! COME ON, OR I’LL RIP YOU TO PIECES!!!” Kero quickly went over the pros and cons of revealing his true identity to Sakura’s brother. Because of the situation he was in the pros won by a long shot. “MY GOSH SHE JUST WENT OUTSIDE TO FINISH SOME HOMEWORK!!!” he yelled in annoyance. Touya released him out of shock and Kero rubbed his head. “You have issues you know that?” “You can talk!?” “No, I’m only pretending to be talking.” Kero said sarcastically. “If you can talk then WHY AREN’T YOU TELING ME WHERE MY SISTER IS!?” “I don’t know where she it!” “WHY NOT!?” “Um, because of the fact that I’M not where she is….” “THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” “Why’s trying to be funny!?” “YOU!” “No I’m not!” “YES YOU ARE!” “Noo!!” “YE- LOOK! I DON”T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! TELL ME WHO SHE’S WITH!!” “Her friend.” “WHICH FRIEND!?” “I’m not telling,” Kero answered tauntingly as he crossed his arms. ‘ARGH! YOU’RE NO HELP AT ALL!!!” Touya stormed out of Sakura’s room and slammed the door behind him. “I know I’m not,” the Guardian Beast laughed. “Syaoran?” Sakura sighed dreamily, “If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?” She put her back to his shoulder and leaned against him. Syaoran thought for a minute. “I’m not really sure. What would you be?” She smiled, “I’d be a graceful butterfly and my wings would be all the colors of the rainbow…” “Why a butterfly…Sakura…” he nuzzled in her ear and she shuddered while closing her eyes. “Because that way I could follow you everywhere and land on your nose to give you butterfly kisses…” Syaoran leaned in closer and whispered, “I love you just the way you are, Sakura.” Her heart raced. She didn’t think she’d ever tire of hearing those words from his mouth. Sakura turned her body to him and lightly touched her lips to his cheek. She lingered there for a moment, taking in all the sensations that arose when they were so close then slowly pulled away. “So do I…” she replied before curling up in his chest. Syaoran put his arms around her, trying to control his rapid breathing. Just when he was near Sakura everything else seemed to go out of proportion. But when she kissed him…oh, when she kissed him he was taken to another world entirely and he felt as if a million happy things were happening to him all at once. He hardly dared to think that he would ever feel her soft lips against his skin before that day. That one day when he had finally done something right. Her name had escaped from deep inside of him, breaking down the final barrier that had kept them from becoming “more than friends.” Then he had told her. He told her he loved her and the amazing thing was she said she loved him back. It was so unbelievable that he was still not sure he had heard it right. Sakura sat up on her knees preparing to stand. “Let’s go somewhere else…” Syaoran looked at her quizzically, “Don’t you have to get home? I’ve keep you away pretty long as it is.” She put her forehead against his and searched deep into his eyes. “Fights with Onii-chan can wait until later. I want to spend the day with you.” She brushed her eyelashes against his. He couldn’t resist her angelic eyes. They reminded him how much he loved her. The two of them stood up together and began walking down the road again. It was now late afternoon. They had spent the entire day together enjoying the presence of each other. Sakura and Syaoran were at the empty playground sitting on the swings and watching the sun change from a bright yellow to deep orange. She didn’t think she’d ever been happier in her entire life and hoped it would always be like this. ‘Wishes can come true,’ she thought while pushing herself back and forth with her feet. It was amazing how they could be completely silent yet understand all too well how the other felt. “Sakura…” Syaoran’s warm voice surrounded her and wrapped herself up in it. How was it possible that he could touch her so deeply with just a single word? “Sakura, there’s something I’ve been wanting to give you…” His voice shook. He’d dreamed of this day for so long. How would she react? Sakura turned to him, her eyes smiling. “What is it?” Syaoran got lost in the sight sitting before him. Her innocent face and sparkling eyes. The way her hands rested loosely on the chains, the way her feet brushed against the ground. And back to her eyes. Oops, big mistake. Now he couldn’t pull away. ‘I’m-loosing….my-mind…” he thought as he was drawn deeper and deeper. He could see right to the very center of her soul and she just sat there, letting him see her, letting him understand her deepest thoughts. She kept smiling and raised her eyebrows a little. He smiled back, his face growing warmer with every second, and took a ragged breath before taking his gaze away from her and moving to his jacket. He pulled out a gray stuffed teddy bear with a blue satin ribbon tied around it’s neck and placed it in her open hands while she looked at him in amazement. “Syaoran…”she said in awe. They held their hands together for a moment then slowly pulled away. Sakura held the bear gingerly in her lap and when she looked at it her heart raced. Syaoran tried to read her eyes that were hidden under her long bangs, “D-do you….like it?” He held his breath. Sakura’s lips slowly curled up as a tear rolled down her cheek and she whispered, “Syaoran…I love it!” She held the bear tightly to her chest as she cried for happiness. His heart soared. He moved his swing over to hers and wrapped his strong arms around her body. She leaned into him. “Thank you,” she breathed. He just smiled but she felt and knew everything he was feeling. It was too much for words to describe. They got up and left the playground heading in the direction of Sakura’s house. Both of their minds were spinning as their hands brushed lightly against each other. Syaoran didn’t think there’d ever be a time when he wouldn’t get shivers just from her touch. Sakura hugged the bear to her as if she would never let go. She couldn’t believe he had done something so sweet. Suddenly she felt someone tug on the back of her skirt and she jumped turning around in surprise. “Hey…you’re hot,” said a very unusual voice. Rage boiled up in Syaoran and he whirled around grabbing the collar of the voice’s owner. “Don’t. Touch. Her.” He threatened through clenched teeth. The young man probed to be a few years older than the two of them but he didn’t care. How dare he touch his Cherry Blossom that way! The older boy made a move towards her but Syaoran blocked his path. “Didn’t you hear me!?” He couldn’t believe this guy! “Yeah, so what? I want her, I’ll have her!” “Sakura! Stay back! You’ll be OK!” He put his arms up ready to fight. Sakura cowered back and slumped against a tree. What was going on? Something like this couldn’t happen! Not today! She clutched the bear to her heart and prayed that Syaoran would be all right. “Oh! So you wanna fight me, eh?” Their attacker advanced on him. “No, but you’re asking for it!” “Is that so?” He swiped at Syaoran but he dodged it easily. He didn’t want to fight. Maybe he could discourage him by escaping from his blows and they could get away. He tried to rush at Sakura again and Syaoran went livid. “I can’t believe you!” He put his arms in front of Sakura protectively. “Get out of my way, you little punk!” “NO!” Syaoran screamed. The older boy sent a blow to the side of his head. “Syaoran!!!” Sakura cried. Syaoran put his hand to his eye, wincing, then looked up at the smirking teen. He breathed hard and swung his leg at his sending him crashing to the ground with a sickening crunch. “Come on, Sakura! We have to get out of here!” “Syaoran!” she sobbed while taking his extended hand and then they ran as fast as their legs could carry them, leaving the teen on the cement, screaming curses into the air. HAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!!! WAS THAT FUNNY OR WHAT?????? Well…..not the last part but DON”T THINK ABOUT THAT!!! HAHAHA!!! OK…….I’m really hyper. I guess it’s just because of all the really great reviews everyone has given me!!!! There’s more action in chapter….7, well 8 if you count the prologue. If you call what I wrote in chapter 3 (not counting the prologue) action. So keep writing those reviews so I can post it up here!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

chapter 6

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