Until You Come Back to Me

Chapter 3 Dangerous Visions

Hey everyone! Stars from Above here!

And I’m back with a new chapter!!! I just want to thank you all for reviewing my story. I can’t believe people like it so much *sniff* ^_^ I thought I should explain how I’m putting out this story. Ok I am actually working on the 10th chapter right now but I’m making sure that I don’t give them all out at once so check back here every few days for the next one all right? I would put them all out but I don’t have much time to write so I don’t want you to have to go through like a few weeks without a new part. School is almost out (I’ll be a freshman next year!!!!) so when it is I’ll be writing a WHOLE LOT more!!

Again thank you SO MUCH!!!!

Don’t claim so don’t sue.

Chapter 3 Dangerous Visions

Sunlight poured into Syaoran’s room and he slowly woke. “Sakura?” He moaned still half asleep. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. ‘I don’t remember having a dream…’ he blinked, ‘just feelings.’ Feelings. Pain. Coming from Sakura. Syaoran was immediately awake at the thought. He got ready and rushed off to school repeating over and over again, “Please, just let her be all right.” Syaoran ran in the classroom, his heart pounding. Was she there? He looked around. No. ‘She’s probably just late again.’ He tried to tell himself. He walked to his chair and stared at Sakura’s empty desk. “Li-kun?” Tomoyo was looking at him worriedly. “Are you all right?” “Where’s Sakura?” He asked with his eyes still glued to her desk. Tomoyo relaxed. It was so cute to see him worried about Sakura. “She’s probably on her way. Don’t worry.” “I hope you’re right.” He said under his breath. “Hmm? Did you say something?” “N-no. Did she call you last night?” Tomoyo tensed up again. Something wasn’t right. “No, she didn’t. What’s wrong?” “Nothing. Forget it.” He said gruffly and sat down. The sensei came in and both Syaoran and Tomoyo looked at the door. She still hadn’t come in. Tomoyo took her seat; her eyes full of confusion. Sakura had never been this late and if she wasn’t going to come to school today Tomoyo would have known about it. Terada Sensei looked around the room. “Hmm….it looks like everyone’s here except…what? Where’s Kinomoto-san?” Syaoran froze. She hadn’t called in sick today. That meant…. He stood up. His eyes were wide with terror. The feeling was similar to the after effect of the dream he had yesterday. Slowly, Syaoran backed away from his desk. “No.” He whispered to himself. “Li? Do you know where Kinomoto is?” The class turned and stared at him. “Li?” Syaoran ran out of the school as fast as he could. He had to find her! She had to be all right!! Kero was in Sakura’s room flying back and forth murmuring to himself, “What’s taking that kid so long!? Doesn’t he know Sakura needs his help? If only I could get him myself…” He glanced at his Mistress who he had carried onto her bed and quickly glanced away. Kero felt so useless. “He’s the only one who can save Sakura….” Syaoran’s feet were flying. He knew they were somehow carrying him to Sakura even though he had no idea where he was. He was gasping for air and sweat was falling in his eyes but the boy ignored it all. He only saw the vision of Sakura in his dream with panic and fear in her eyes. ‘I don’t ever want to see her that way again. If she’s in pain I have to stop it!’ He ran faster and came to the cherry blossom street. The wind blew making the petals fall but instead of beauty Syaoran was reminded of Sakura crying. He shook his head furiously. If he let these visions get to him he would never make it. Finally her warm aura began to creep up on him. He was getting closer. Now Syaoran knew there was something wrong because her aura was very weak. “Hold on, Sakura. I’m almost there!” His feet brought him to her house and he noticed that her bedroom window was open. The sounds of pounding on doors and someone shouting came from inside. What was going on in there? “I don’t have time to deal with her brother now,” he muttered before he made his way up the tree outside her window and stepped in. “Finally!” Kero shouted, “What took you so long?” “I-,” Syaoran started then saw Sakura laying on her bed, “Oh my God….” He flew to her side and took her limp hand in his. He thought he might die then and there. “Kero, how long has she been like this!?” He yelled with tears forming in his eyes. “Since she came home from school yesterday…..” “WHAT!? WHY DIDN’T YOU COME TELL ME?” A tear slid down his cheek. He had been daydreaming happily while Sakura was like this? “I was going to! But…” The pounding on Sakura’s bedroom door commenced and they heard Touya screaming. “WHO’S IN THERE!? WHAT’S GOING ON!? SAKURA, OPEN THIS DOOR!!” “What did you do?” Syaoran asked now in a more understanding tone. “There’s a barrier around her room so no one but you can enter. It’s been taking a lot of my magic but we can’t let anyone see her like this.” Kero came over and hovered next to Syaoran. “Why are you letting me in?” He asked surprised. “Because you’re the only one who can save her! Can’t you see that?” Syaoran looked at his little cherry blossom. She was sweating feverishly and her face was covered in tears that fell from her eyes that were squeezed tightly shut. He saw that she was mumbling something in between strangled gasps of breath. He leaned in closer to hear what she was saying. “Syaoran….no….you promised….NO don’t leave me!…..what are you doing to him?……let me go!……Syaoran….I can’t….Sy…..aoran…….” He blushed and quickly sat back but still held her hand. It was cold. “She’s dreaming again?” He whispered. “No, she’s not dreaming. If she was merely asleep I would have been able to wake her up by now.” “So then….wait! What do you mean I’m the only one who can save her? What’s wrong with her!? Tell me now!” Kero fought back the urge to tell Sakura’s brother to shut up who was still yelling through the door. “I’m not sure. But she seems to have been taken over by some very powerful magic. I can’t tell where it’s coming from but it’s far away so it must be extremely strong.” Syaoran tried to control his rage. “Do they want her cards?” “I don’t think so. The cards aren’t being affected by this at all. Whoever’s doing this must be after Sakura, herself.” Kero looked at him sadly. The boy squeezed her hand and his tears began to fall. “Why would ANYONE want to hurt Sakura!?!?” He started to cry and brought her hand to his cheek. His head fell on the mattress next to her body while his sobs wracked through him. Kero went to the other side of the room so they could be alone. He was a little surprised by the amount of affection the boy was showing for her but he decided it was better than him calling Sakura names. ‘Does he really care that much for her?’ Syaoran looked up at Sakura. Crying wasn’t going to help her any. What could he do to wake her up? There had to be something…. He lifted his hand and stroked her cheek, but instead of waking her, he cried out in pain. Syaoran brought back his hand and looked at it. It was burned. “Hey kid! What’s wrong?” “I touched her cheek and…..it……burned my hand! What am I supposed to do?” Kero looked at his injured hand and then touched Sakura’s cheek himself. He didn’t feel a thing. Syaoran looked at him in amazement. “I don’t understand! Why didn’t you…” “It’s like I said. You’re the only one who can wake her!” ‘Because she loves you…’ he added silently. “But how am I supposed to do anything if I can barely touch her!?” Kero hung his head, “I don’t know. You have to figure this out on your own.” “But if I don’t she’ll never wake up!” The yellow creature floated back over to the desk. “Kero!!!” “I’m sorry that I can’t help you.” He said softly. Panic started to rise up in Syaoran and he turned back to Sakura. He concentrated on putting all his warmth into her hand but it still remained ice cold. “What’s wrong with you, Sakura!?” He whispered frantically. “I’m here now, you can wake up!” He felt all over her body for some other sign of life. Nothing. Every part of her boy was as still as a stone except for her face. Her breaths were so shallow. If only he could make her stop talking. Her words were like knives to his heart. “No, Sakura!” he cried, “I am here and I won’t leave you! Please! Just wake up and you can see for yourself!” “Can’t….see…….” she murmured. What? She was responding to him!? “Yes you can, Sakura! Just open your eyes!” “Syaoran……help……me……so…..scared…….Syaoran…..” “How!? How do I help you?” “Don’t…let….go………please…….it hurts….so…much…don’t leave…….” “Sakura, I’ll never leave just come back!” “Syaoran……..” “No…” He whispered as she went back to her incessant ramblings. “No, Sakura come back!!” He put his arms under her back and hugged her close to him as he lay his head across her chest. “Come back to me!” He cried. He could barely hear her heart beating. She was so weak. “Why is this happening to you!? When I find out who did this I’ll kill them!” Her shirt was soaked with his tears and he cursed himself for not getting to her sooner. He’d felt that she was in pain! Why hadn’t he just acted on instinct and come to her rescue? What if she had gotten worse since yesterday afternoon? He was going to ask to walk her home from school. He could have been here when this happened! “Baka!” He yelled, his voice muffled by her shirt. Touya hesitated for a second. “OH MY GOD! IS THAT YOU BRAT!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!? I DEMAND THAT YOU OPEN THIS DOOR!!!” “I’m not hurting her, I’m not hurting her, I’m not hurting her….” He whispered to himself. But he had a feeling that in her visions he was. Syaoran lifted his head and wiped away his tears. He had to be closer to her. He had to keep her warm. Gently he pushed Sakura over a little, climbed up on the bed and pulled her lifeless body up against his. “You will be ok, Sakura.” He whipsered to her between sobs, “I’ll save you no matter what it takes.” Kero came out of Sakura’s bathroom carrying a damp cloth. He hovered over Sakura and handed it to the boy. “Here.” Syaoran opened his eyes and took the cloth. “Thanks, Kero.” He said as he gently began to press it over her burning face. She was so hot. Her warm breath blew softly against his neck while he desperately tried to cool her down. “Kero, she’s not in a ……..coma…..is she?” “No, it’s not something that normal. I’ve been wondering a lot about it and I think she’s literally in another dimension. A dimension that only requires her mind.” “Oh God, she must be so scared….” He looked at her distressed face and the visions of her frightened eyes came back to him. “Can we bring her back? Tell me!” “You should be able to…..” “Should? That’s not good enough Kero!” “Hold on! I didn’t say you should be able to as in everybody I said you should be able to. I know you’re the only one who can.” “What do you mean by that?” He asked hopefully. Maybe there was a chance! “Li, you should be able to save her because…you…..love her….” Syaoran’s eyes grew wide. “How did you know?” “By the way you’re holding her.” Syaoran blushed lightly as he began to stroke her cheek with the damp washcloth. “Don’t worry kid. I won’t say anything.” “Thank you.” Sakura began to speak again, “Syaoran…..” “Sakura?” “That…feels…..good…” “Sakura you have to listen to me. Tell me where you are.” “Don’t…know…….Syaoran, I…” “What? You what, Sakura? No don’t leave me again!” Sakura began to sweat even more and her face started to flush. She clenched her teeth together and tears spilled from her eyes. “NO! No, she’s getting worse! Sakura stop! You have to wake up!! Please!!!” The sight of her tears made him cry as well and he cradled her head to his chest as he buried his hands in her hair. Kero watched the two of them. Yes, he did care for her that much. Not only that. He loved her. Kero was glad he and Syaoran had made amends. They both knew it would make Sakura happy if they stopped fighting with each other. That is, if she ever woke up. Kero shook the thought out of his head. Syaoran could save her. He knew it. That boy would never let her go. The little yellow creature looked at the door. Why wouldn’t Touya just give it up already? He wished he could use Silent to shut him up. Touya was only worried about his little sister; he knew that. But wasn’t if obvious that if Sakura could open the door, she would? His gaze fell back on the two kids. Syaoran could do it. One way or another he would save Sakura. Night came and Syaoran still clung to Sakura, too afraid to let go. She had spoken to him very little in the last few hours but he didn’t dare give up. He hoped his desperate words would somehow reach her, that giving him the strength to speak. “C’mon Sakura. This is the only way I can find out how to help you. I’ll do anything just try to tell me! There’s still something I have to tell you. You can’t do this to me.” He brushed her silky hair from her eyes careful not to touch her angelic face. He wanted to touch her. Why? Why couldn’t he touch her!? It was driving him mad not to be able to feel her creamy skin under his fingers. “If only I could…” He traced a finger down her pallid cheek and tried to ignore the pain it was causing him. But he couldn’t take it any longer and brought it back to her hair. Syaoran wanted to scream. He had to wake her! “Find…” Sakura began to speak in a strangled whisper. His heart soared. She wasn’t gone yet! He brought his head close to hers and watched her lips move to her words. “find……o-pening…..hurry….” Opening? “Sakura, what o…” But it was no use. She had lost consciousness again. He thought fast. Sakura just told him how to help her but he had no idea what she meant! “I can figure this out. For her sake.” He said quietly. Syaoran studied her face. More than anything he wanted to feel her lips against his. Only for a second. For months he had held back the urge to just wrap her in his arms and tell her everything inside of him with a kiss. But he couldn’t do that. She didn’t feel for him that way. But now, being so close to her he didn’t know how he had ever managed to stop himself. Syaoran brought his face to Sakura’s and stopped with his lips a hair’s breadth from hers. He closed his eyes and felt her warm breath brushing against him. His heart went wild at the thought of closing the tiny gap between them. Oh, how he wanted to. But he couldn’t take advantage of her like that. It was wrong. He held himself there and remembered the Sleeping Beauty play their class had performed for the school festival. Did Sakura feel this way when her head hovered over his, ready to wake the princess with a gentle kiss? How he had cursed that Clow Card when it attacked them during their private rehearsal. Right before……. He opened his eyes and blushed. Was it possible that Sakura had felt in the slightest bit the same way as he did now? “I won’t ever leave you, Sakura.” He whispered. His mouth almost brushed against her lips with every word he spoke. Syaoran lowered himself back next to her and memorized her closed eyelids. He willed them to open so he could see her sparkling jeweled eyes. He could die if he never saw them again. He just wouldn’t want to live. Life without Sakura would be like an empty box. Nothing inside. His own eyelids began to feel heavy. What time was it? They finally closed and he unwillingly fell asleep; an angel in his arms. Sakura began to moan and shift under the covers. Syaoran felt something move and opened his eyes. “Oh my God.” He said and sat straight up still keeping a hand on her shoulder. She was moving! Was she all right now? “Sakura?” “No!” she screamed, “No, get away from me!” She still wasn’t awake. Her cries terrified him What was happening to her? She started to shake. “No! Syaoran, help me!” Her voice yelled in pain. Syaoran held her close to him. What could he do? He still didn’t know how to save her! “Sakura, I’m trying!” He cried frantically with tears falling from his eyes. “Ah!!!!!” She screamed in pure terror. Syaoran looked at her horror-stricken and cried out as cuts and bruises started appearing all over her body. Tears formed in her clothes revealing blood red gashes in her smooth skin and she twisted and writhed in agony. “SAKURA STOP!!! Oh God, please stop!” He sat against the wall and cradled her in his arms as he tried to calm her trembling body. “I can’t! I can’t!” She whimpered into his chest. “Yes you can!” Then he knew. Syaoran tilted Sakura’s head and closed his mouth over hers. His lips pressed against hers willing her to take all the warmth and love he was sending. Her lips were so cold. Why wasn’t there any pain? She whimpered in the back of her throat but he just held her closer. To his amazement he felt the warmth returning to her mouth and the rest of her body. Her lips were so soft and sweet. Like cherries. He tasted them over and over again as he worked his mouth against hers. His brow creased with emotion as he kissed her. He never wanted to let go. ‘C’mon Sakura. You have to come back to me!” He mentally sent the message into her mind. His heart went crazy when he began to feel Sakura’s mouth moving against his as well. The world around them began flashing and suddenly it all went white. “Sakura!?” Syaoran screamed as soon as he appeared in the other dimension. This world was pitch black. Not a vestige of light. “Syao…ran….” He heard her gasp. He turned around and saw Sakura crumpled into a corner on the ground. Rage flared up inside him as he watched six dark, hooded figures beating her while she screamed. He tried to rush at them but he was frozen in place. “NO! Stop hurting her!!! Let me go!!” “Let him go!” she cried, “He didn’t do anything!!” “Ah, now there is where you are mistaken my little cherry blossom.” Spoke a seventh figure off to the side. ‘She’s not your cherry blossom, she’s MINE!!!’ He wanted to scream. The figure held up a hand and the other six backed away. “What do you mean? What did he do!?” Sakura screamed in frustration. “Oh, I’m sure he’ll tell us on his own eventually.” Syaoran blinked in surprise. What had he done? And why would he tell them? “Sakura! Get away from them!” “I can’t!” She sobbed. He looked at her and saw that she had been stilled too. The seventh figure turned to the others. “She is weak now,” it mumbled, “her powers are ours for the taking. Prepare yourselves.” It pulled out a gleaming knife from it’s cloak. Syaoran’s rage set him free from the invisible chains and he ran in front of Sakura with his arms outstretched protectively. “NO! YOU CANT!!” Sakura stared up at the boy in front of her. He’d never been able to break the spell before. That must mean…..this was him! It was really him! Syaoran had come to rescue her!!! But…if she wasn’t able to break it also they couldn’t get away and then…. “And why’s that?” The figure asked. “BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!” Something snapped inside Sakura. He….loved her? The figure lifted it’s head to reveal a horrifyingly evil smile. “And that, Little Wolf, is your only fault. And for it you both shall die!!!” “Syaoran, get away!!” “No, I’m not leaving you!!” “Syaoran, please!!!” “NO!” It chuckled menacingly and raised the knife above them. “SYAORAN!!!” He knelt down and shielded her with his body. They heard the knife slice through the air. “NO! SAKURA!!!” Sakura pressed her lips firmly against Syaoran’s and she clutched his shirt pulling him closer to her. She had woken with him kissing her passionately and now she didn’t want it to end. Syaoran wrapped one arm around Sakura’s waist and the other was buried in her hair. Both hearts were beating crazily and their minds whirred. Sakura leaned back still holding his shirt and he fell on top of her. His lips brushed softly against hers over and over driving her wild. She lay a hand gently on his cheek sending shivers up his spine. Her hand felt so good on his skin. He slowly caressed her back and she melted into his mouth. His weight pressed against her but she didn’t care. He was hers and nothing would ever change that. She moved her hand to the back of his head pushing him down and held him there. She thought at any minute her heart would explode; it was beating so fast. For a long time their mouths became one until Sakura reluctantly pulled away, breathing hard. Their breaths blew against each others faces and finally Sakura opened her eyes. “Sakura….” He gave a strangled whisper. “Syaoran, did you mean what you said? Do you really care about me that much?” She held her breath. “Not only that, Sakura….I - I think I’ve fallen in love with you…” Her eyes shone with happiness. “And I with you…” she breathed and brushed her lips against his once more before they both fell asleep. Ok, pllllleaaaseeeee give me more reviews! The more I get the faster the next chapter will come out!!! ^_^ Don’t forget to look for more chapters!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

chapter 4

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