Jeff's Page
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this page yet, but since I made this site, I figured that I deserved a page of my own.  Click on any of the pics to the left, and it will take you to those sites.  Of course I gave you links to the Mighty Hurricanes of Miami and the Dolphins.  To all my family and friends back in Oklahoma:  I'm sorry, but I just couldn't put any links for OU or OSU.  I just can't do it.  You should understand.  I wrestled in high school, and I still try to keep up with it and make it back to the state tournament whenever I can.  If you are interested in the Tigers' wrestling team, then this should be a site that you would enjoy.  The fourth pic is of the Marshall building from Phillips University.  Since the shool is closed now, I linked it to the Phillips University Alumni and Friends Association home page.  I'll get more on this page as I think of it.
Jeff and Sandra
Bay's Page
I keep forgetting to write this, but "fishnbait" is a nickname that I got in wrestling back in the seventh grade.  It stuck for a long time.  That's where I got the name for my Yahoo name.  That is why its is www. geocities. com/fishnbait75
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