This Page Belongs to Bailey Fisher
Hello everybody.  Thank you for coming to see my new site.  I'm pretty advanced for being only four, aren't I.  I'll try to get on here and tell you all what all is happening in my life as much as I can, but daddy is usually hogging the puter.  Plus, I'm a pretty popular guy, and I'm usually playing with my friends or at the park.  I've linked my email on the left, so drop me a line sometime.  Make sure you check out my new journal.  I'll tell you what I did that day!
My birthday is April 5th. (Get me toys!)
My favorite thing is the Power Rangers.  I am the red power ranger, because my favorite color is red.  I also like to play with my daddy, my cats, and my friends.  I have two new friends who are my next door neighbors.  Their names are Landon and Tressa.  We ride bikes and play every day.  Tressa is my new girlfriend.
Scooby Doo, Powerpuff girls, Dexter, and just about anything on the Cartoon Network!
I've already told you about my dad and my friends.  Other important people in my life are my gramma and papa Fisher, uncle Steven and Danny, and my aunt Chelsea.  Steven's girlfriend is named Amanda Bananas, and Chelsea is going to marry Bret.  They all live in Tulsa though, so I don't get to play with them as much as I want.  I also have a brother named Cameron, a sister named Millie, and a step-sister named Alicia that live with my mommy in Oklahoma City.  When mommy got married, I got two new grandparents too.  There names are Ben and Wendy.  I have a lot of fun with all of them when I go see them in Oklahoma City.  Occationally, I get to go to Stillwater and see my gramma and grampa Kennedy.  Last time I was there, I got to feed the horse!  Danny also lives there, so we go see him sometimes too.  Sandra is a lot of fun too.  She is my daddy's girlfriend.  She has four cats and three dogs, so I like to go over there and play with them.  Except for Pooh, because she is mean.  Sandra sometimes goes with me and my daddy to the big park that we live by.  I also have fun playing with Easton and Kerrigan.  Sometimes I get to go to their grandma's house and play in her pool and hot tub!  I also have to mention my Granny and Pa.  They live on a farm and have bulls and cows.  It's really neat to go there and play.  And Granny's mom is named Grandmamamama.  She sent me some great chocolate chip cookies the other day.  I had to eat them fast before daddy and Sandra ate them all.  I'm pretty sure that they still snuck and ate some though!
These are my cats, Harley and Honda.  In December, Honda had 6 little kittens.  They were so cute and fun.  I had to hold them very careful.  Now they all are at new homes.
Gramma and Papa Fisher
Uncle Steven and Amanda
Isn't Steven funny?
Daddy and Sandra's page
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My Journal
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