
Colin's TV Spots

Pictures From Bridget Jones' Diary

The Premier of Bridget Jones' Diary

Promotional Pictures of Colin

Pictures from Other Films

Colin's Films

'Actor Colin Firth has slimmed down for his latest film - so he looks better than co-star Hugh Grant. The Pride and Prejudice star has lost 28 pounds for the film version of best- selling novel Bridget Jones's Diary (2001), in which he plays Mark Darcy. In the film, Firth's character fights off Grant for the affections of Bridget, played by Renee Zellweger. A film source says, "Colin obviously figured he needed to lose some weight to look more the part of the romantic lead. "He looks fantastic and I'm sure he'll have all the ladies rooting for him in the film."'
Mmmmm, nice jumper!
Turkey Curry you say?
"What are you doing here?"
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"Is it 1-in-3 or 1-in-4 marriages that end in divorce these days?"
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"Alright Cleaver, outside"
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Check out the tie! Will America accept this man?
"It's... a diary!
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The kiss

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