Price List
First Flights pedal planes
Welcome to the Flight Line
Price List
Order Form $650.00
F4U Corsair, small
Fits average size 3 - 5 years
F4U Corsair, large
Fits average size 6 - 8 years
Photos From Shows
Standard Features:
Padded seat

Wingtip lights

Machinegun sounds

Tailwheel steering

Free-spinning propeller (wood or flexible plastic construction)

Folding wings for easy storage (removeable wings on bi-plane)

Customized/Personalized paint scheme
P-40 Warhawk, small
Fits average size 3 - 5 years
P-40 Warhawk, large
Fits average size 6 - 8 years
Spad XIII, small
Fits average size 3 - 5 years
Spad XIII, large
Fits average size 6 - 8 years
Payment plans available. Construction does not begin until 50% of cost is received. Personal checks and money orders accepted. Visa, Mastercard, and bank draft is available through Paypal online payments (visit for information on paypal). Please allow 6 - 8 weeks for construction and delivery.
To contact us:
Phone: (859) 879-1036
First Flights
First Flights pedal planes
322 Chestnut Lane
Versailles, KY 40383
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