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Simpsons Quiz Answers

1. What colour was the lollipop Maggie had in the Who Shot Mr. Burns episode?
Maggie had a green lollipop.

2. What is Moe the bartender's last name?
Moe's last name is Syzlak this is mentioned every so often.

3. Which of the following is something Homer has never done?
Homer has never piloted a helicopter, Barney did this he recieved pilot lessons as a birthday gift from Moe. After being laught at he dicided to sober up.

4. What is the comic book dealer's real name?
Comic Book Guy. There is no name for this character Lisa has referred to him as Comic Book Guy and it was shown as his name and profession during the "Behind the Laughs" episode.

5. After the reasent episode when Homer had a crayon removed from his head what was his IQ?
Homer mentioned his IQ to be 105 during the show.

6. What is Sideshow Bob's last name?
Sideshow Bob's last name is Terwilliger. Usually mentioned in the shows he is a main character in.

7. What is Jimbo's (Bully with the purple touque) middle name?
Jimbo's middle name is Corky we learn this during the episode when Krusty fakes his death to avoid taxes. When bart reads the back of a check he gave Jimbo.

8. In what war was Principal Skinner a POW (Prisoner Of War)?
Principal Skinner was in the Veitnam War every so often he will have a flashback to the war.

9. What is Eastern-Europe's favorite cat and mouse duo?
Worker and Parasite are the duo which Kusty showed when Itchy and Scratchy moved to the Gabo Show.

10. Who does the voice of Miss. Hoover (Lisa's teacher)?
Maggie Roswell does the voice of Miss. Hoover.

11. What does the cash register say when Maggie is scanned?
843.67 and NRA4VER are both technically right. In The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular that Troy McClure hosted it was revealed that the message was NRA4EVER, but if you look closely you can see it says 843.67 which is appearently how much it costs to raise a baby in the U.S. for a month.

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