From the Pastor's Pen

Greetings from the Pastor's study:

We rejoice that God is working in our midst.  What a special rejoicing when seven folk followed our Lord through baptism.  It was a blessing to experience their joy.

Now we move into the month of June.  It will be special.

First - June 3 is Pentecost Sunday.  The church was empowered for Christian living and service.  We cannot do God's work without God's Holy Spirit to do in and through us God's will.

Second - June 10 is Children's Day.  Our dedicated new Youth Directors will be officially recognized by the church.

Why, oh why do many stay home on Children's Day?  Don't stay home because it is Children's Day.  Today's youth need encouragement.

Third - Vacation Bible School needs your participation.  

Fourth - Margie and I will be on vacation one week and then attend the ABC/USA biennial meeting in Providence, RI.  We shall be back at church for the July 1 service with a patriotic theme.  The Lord's Supper will also be commemorated.

We are praying for a revival of Biblical living and services.  II Chronicles 7:14 reads: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Dear friends, let us not take our faith for granted.  There is a witness of holy living to show to the world.  

Because of Christ.

Pastor Blackley    

May 2001


July 2001

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