We are an expanding rabbitry in Northwest Ohio. We currently have 9 holes. We mainly raise Himalayans, but are getting started into New Zealands. Currently, we have 4 blacks, and 4 blues. We are hoping to get more sometime within the next few months.

My name is Morgan Firm and I am 16 and have been raising rabbits since I was 9. I got my first Himmie at the Williams County Show in 2001 from Mrs. Sharp. His name was  Ray and he did fairly well at shows. From then on, I contiuned to raise Himalayan's. This year we had to start with new stock due to complications with the rabbits. I am going to start raising New Zealands to show at my fair, and hopefully shows. My mom is also involved with my rabbits, although she doesn't show. I hope to pass my hobby onto my little sister, who's 4. She seems to be interested in the rabbits. I also am involved in 4-H, swimming, accademic league, and play violin in my school's orchestra.
Firm's Rabbits

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