Browsing the Bookshelf


My mother, Debbie Wilson, has written several published book reviews. Let these reviews help you decide which books you will find worthwhile -- before you lay down your hard-earned money for them.

Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department by David Limbaugh Abraham Lincoln said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." David Limbaugh grades the character test for the Clinton Justice Department under Janet Reno. The results aren't pretty!
SHE'S GONNA BLOW! By Julie Ann Barnhill Children spill food. They play in the sandbox just before you have to go to church. They say things in front of the preacher or your mother-in-law that you didn't know they had heard. They have to use the bathroom just as you have gotten back on the interstate after taking a wrong exit. So how does a mother keep from blowing up?
What to Do When You Don't Know What to Say and Holding Down the Fort by PeggySue Wells and Mary Ann Froehlich What do you say when your best friend finds out that she has cancer? How can you help when a neighbor's spouse dies? Can a marriage remain strong when one spouse travels a great deal? How can you build a close relationship with your children when your time at home is limited?
Princess Sultana's Circle by Jean Sasson She wears black robes and veils over designer fashions, diamonds and rubies. She fights her alcoholism in a country where drinking is a crime. She battles for women's rights while seeking a more devout walk in her strict Islamic faith.
Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail by Malika Oufkir and Michele Fitoussi Most little girls dream of being a princess. For Malika Oufkir, the dream came true. But the dream turned into a nightmare.
The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto, former New York Teacher of the Year Gatto traces the roots of the modern school back to Hinduism's attempt to maintain caste. I found the idea absurd until I saw his documentation. Also the results of American "factory schooling" and the Hindu caste schools are the same, a society of social classes cast nearly in stone.
The Essential 55: An Award-winning Educator's Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child by Ron Clark Sometimes poignant, often funny, always insightful, Ron Clark's The Essential 55 is a book I wish I had read before student teaching.

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