Fireheart New Generation
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Tales and folklore have been told from generation to generation.  But none have been as prevalent then the stories that surround the three prominent families of Edinburgh, Scotland, The Fireheart Clan, The Wolfcry Clan and The McCreed Clan.  The families settled in Scotland in the early 1300's, superstition has hung like a black cloud over the mysterious lands ever since.  The question was how much did the narrators believe as they told their children at night in hopes of scaring them to sleep.  Reports of the undead, the magical and even the animalistic have been told for centuries.  None who did not carry the Fireheart or Wolfcry  blood dared to venture past its gates.

But like all stories time takes away their meaning and effect, soon the blooming city of Edinburgh forgot about the prior residence of Firehearts and Wolfcrys, all but the McCreeds.

The McCreeds were a secret guild of hunters who always kept a viligant eye on the old castle...waiting.

The Fireheart-Wolfcry castle stood as a mute testament to the horrors it incased within its walls until a young man looking for his heritage reopened its doors once more.  Soon the capitol of Scotland heard the cries from the castle's stonewalls as the monsters of old were awaken.

Within that same year the Firehearts wanted to dispel the rumors that had lurked over the castle and restored it by turning it into a school for the gifted.  But history would not let them forget the horrors that dwelled within the castle.  With the return of the younger Firehearts and the Wolfcrys  also returned the monsters of the past.  After the death of one of the students the school was forced to close and the castle stood empty once again.

Generations passed and the city of Edinburgh put behind them the horrors and found themselves once again at peace.  They have once again rid the city of the troublesome clan, but one by one the Firehearts and Wolfcrys were being called by the mystical magic the land possess and Edinburgh will again be changed forever.  And waiting for them will always be the McCreeds, always willing to radicate their beloved homeland of the cursed families.
Finally the heads of the two families,  Fang and Miranda Wolfcry decided to leave Scotland forever and move their families to the United States hoping to escape the cursed lands left to Miranda and her cousin Airyanna. 

Seven generations have passed since that move and the three prominent families have been scattered to the four corners of the globe, but always the motherland calls to her children and like real children they can not resist the beckoning call.  One by one the three families slowly begin their pilgramage back to the mystical lands of Scotland.  Edinburgh's history is about to take another tale spin as the NEW GENERATIONS arrive.
McCreed Castle
Edinburgh, Scotland
Rules of the Game
Fireheart-Wolfcry Manor in Miami, Florida USA
Character Stories
Fireheart-Wolfcry Castle
Edinburgh, Scotland
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