Below are links to other role playing games and great sites on the web pretaining to the world of RPG
The Vampire Tavern
The Island is set in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, 800 years ago Gev and a several other who came to the island combined their abilities each having special gifts intertwined the creating a place that the outside world still has never found.  That is why over the years, so many ships, planes and other crafts have disappeared, they got too close to the Island.  Their Compasses nor electronics work correctly.
Some made it ashore, some caught in the dimensional shifts that happen outside the Island.
Here Vampires, Wolfin, Elves and so many other creatures live here free from the world's eye.  No longer do they need to hide what they are.  It truly is a paradise for all that enter.
Click on the link above for the rest of the story.
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