This little boy came into my life on Saturday,  December 29, 2001 at 12:03am. On Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 9:45am God took my TJ to Heaven with Him. In the short span of TJ's life he endured so much. He developed NEC (necrotising entercolitis) at 6 months that left him with ischemic brain damage. This led to severe cerebral palsy, scoliosis, seizures and blindness.  He fought bravely to stay with us even when influenza A with pnuemonia threatened to take him. But he just couldn't fight any longer and it was time for him to go and look down on us from Heaven. We love and miss you so much TJ, you will never be forgotten. All our love to Heaven!
An extra special thanks to Dr Vane, Dr Forgione, Dr DeRoss, Dr Heath,
Dr Homans, Dr Suresh, Dr Razka, Dr Bingham, Dr Morris, and PICU nurses Cheryl, Shanta, Renay, Randy, Susan, Holly, Terry, Peter, and Matt at FAHC.
To Dr Todd Poret, Dr Richard Morse, and all the other specialists at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Also to his physical therapist Karen Wallace. and his nurse Fe Jones.
click the angel to visit my page about my Miracle
Click to read my birth story!
Timothy James
This is TJ just a few hours old. He weighed 6lbs 11 1/2 ounces. He hardly ever cried and slept well at night.
My physical therapist Katrina brought me a new stroller :)
Because his brain damage was so severe, he was unable to eat food by mouth. So Dr's put a G-tube into his belly so that a machine could feed him. Once this was in place TJ gained weight and he was less likely to get so sick when cold season came around.
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This is TJ and his big brother Aidan in the summer of 2003
Awww TJ is sleepy
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