Wizard FANSITE Wizard Magazine Drawing Board Wizard School

"Now honey, does your friend Steve at Midway know that you're already Wizard's bitch?"
--quote from my wife after I sent Steve a hand drawn/sculpted version of my Hydro Thunder Board game.

You may ask, what skills and experience does one need to become Wizards Bitch...well, here's my resume. I've entered a multitude of their contests and have never won anything. This Fansite, is probably a prime example of this. Lets take a tour....

To the right, you'll see my entry into their Homemade Heroes contest...which of course, never won.
And on the left you'll see a few of my entries into the Redesign Superman contest. These are just the black and whites. I colored them before I sent them.
Next on our tour is a Lady Pendragon picture from their, appropriately named, Draw Lady Pendragon contest.
Here we have my entry into the Envelope of the Month contest. You can click on the picture to see a larger view. Alongside the South Park characters are Lara Croft, Galactus, a scene from the Hydro Thunder arcade game, and a few others.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Didn't win. :-)
Here's one of the big ones. Some friends and I entered the Scavenger Hunt in 98' and had all but 9(?) items. And we lost. It was a huuuge collection and didn't win a thing. Sheesh. (*Addendum: Since creating this page, I did win third place (along with 400 others) in Scavenger Hunt '99 BUT my entry consisted of 6 items squished into a ball and shoved into a very tiny box. Go figure.)

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