Over the river and through the wood To the Conrad's house we go. The horse knows the way To carry the sleigh Through white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the wood To have a first-rate play. Hear the bells ring, Ting-a-ling-ling! Hurrah for

Thanksgiving Day!


Contact the Conrad's

To Date: Confirmed guests and dishes, if known
Steve, Kris & Alex A big turkey, spiral cut ham, mashed potatoes, baked green beans, spicy pinto and black beans (vegan), bread, beverages
Rob, Julie, Dillon & Anna chocolate cake
Dave & Kelly  
Aime & Judith Rote Gruetze (a fruity dessert) and green salad
Lance & Emily Emily, lost your email and forgot what you're bringing. Sorry!
Cindy & Marcel Pie from a special South African recipe. Yum!
Jim Simcock sweet potatoes (vegan), brussel sprouts in cream sauce & wine
Andy Moore Bread and wine
Julia & Bill roasted mini-pumpkins, and a bottle of scotch
Christine fruit salad

Needed drinks & dishes:

  • We're covered, but bring anything you'd like
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