welcome to my writing




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    thank you for visiting my humble site.  on here is a collection of creative writing, and other similar things which pertain to particularly personal subjects.  nasty things like depression, loneliness, anxiety, hatred, rage, and whatever else you would like to call that feeling that is like someone dragging an ice pick through your chest, or vice versa.  take your choice, and read about it.  please feel free to post your own creations on here as well, i would be truly privileged to have others contribute to a site that doesn't even have it's own domain.  you can email me at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] as well (and my LJ is: http://www.livejournal.com/users/xer0_2/).  i don't mind being the victim of ramblings, or the ear to sorrow, especially when nobody else is up to the job.


    please note that i am anti-elitist.  the internet is an excellent tool for freedom of speech, but many enjoy restricting that freedom on their own sites by simply being asses.  please, do feel free to email me if you feel like it, if i don't reply then 1 of 4 things has happened: ONE, i have died (your tears are greatly appreciated); TWO, my brain has been swapped/i've gone crazy; THREE, you told me not to/there was no reason/nothing for me to say; and FOUR, i haven't checked my email.  also, i'm constantly working on this site, so a lot of it won't work for a while.

    now, about moi.  i'm a gamer.  meaning, i love video games.  i figure that that's probably the most important thing i can tell people when i first meet them, if asked a relevant question.  i like rock, heavy metal, punk, and (i guess) goth music.  i won't call myself a 'rocker' or a 'punk' (i especially like that term, though) or a 'goth' because i doubt i really am any of those.  and then i'd just be adding to stereotypes, too.  i don't like rap.  it has stupefied society even more in the 20 years or so that it has been popular.  i now see people walking around with their pants hanging 'round their asses, with big expensive chains around their necks, calling each other "gangsta" and always wanting to fight.  i hate that, but i realize that not all people who like it are like that either, so if i have offended you because of that, i apologize.  i live in Canada and i really love my country.  i'm not too fond of the U.S.A., though, for most of the common reasons, but also from a Canadian's perspective.  i was born oct 27, 1987, you do the math.  i'm an only child.  my name is Dante, after one of the three greatest writers of all time, Dante Alighieri.


there you go, all done! now that wasn't too bad, was it?  now go and see the other stuff.























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