Last modified on 04:00:00 PDT Thursday September 24, 1998 by Fire

The Diary & Photo Album

Special thanks to Tinker, nth, muajee and dimples for providing us the wonderful pictures.

This beautiful message from James's fortune cookie
was a pleasant prelude to our trip!

Before May 28
The annoucement/itinerary created for this event

May 28
Dimples, muajee, nth and Chibi-ryu met in Oakland for lunch.

All guests arrived in Fresno by 9pm. Those present were James, Dimples, muajee, nth, jcw, tinker and me. We had a sumptuous dinner at Chevys. And guess what? We ate by the fireplace!

After dinner, we went back to my place and we had lots of fun trying to make muajees (the real thang!), playing cards, drinking vodka and eating the delicious muajees...yum yum :P~~~

May 29
We're at Sequoia National Park

May 30
We're at Yosemite National Park

May 31
Dimples, muajee and nth left for San Francisco in the morning. We hope they enjoy their stay in Fresno. In San Francisco, Dimples, muajee, nth and dave had dinner together.

Dimples travelled to Chicago, Toledo, Toronto and New York before heading back to Singapore.

Midi: Ballade pour Adeline by Richard Clayderman

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