Last modified on 20:00:00 PDT Monday November 02, 1998 by Fire


    Email Facts Of Life

1.  Big companies don't do business via chain letter. 
    Bill Gates is not giving you $1000, and Disney is 
    not giving you a free vacation. There is no baby 
    food company issuing class-action checks. You can 
    relax; there is no need to pass it on "just in case 
    it's true". Furthermore, just because someone said 
    in the message, four generations back, that "we 
    checked it out and it's legit", does not actually 
    make it true.

2.  There is no kidney theft ring in New Orleans. No 
    one is waking up in a bathtub full of ice, even if 
    a friend of a friend swears it happened to their 
    cousin. If you are hell-bent on believing the 
    kidney-theft ring stories, please see:
    And I quote: "The National Kidney Foundation has
    repeatedly issued requests for actual victims of 
    organ thieves to come forward and tell their stories.  
    None have.
    "That's "none" as in "zero". Not even your friend's 

3.  Neiman Marcus doesn't really sell a $200 cookie recipe.
    And even if they do, we all have it. And even if you 
    don't, you can get a copy at:
    Then, if you make the recipe, decide the cookies are 
    that awesome, feel free to pass the recipe on.

4.  We all know all 500 ways to drive your roommates 
    crazy, irritate co-workers gross out bathroom stall 
    neighbors and creep out people on an elevator. We also 
    know exactly how many engineers, college students, 
    Usenet posters and people from each and every world 
    ethnicity it takes to change a lightbulb

5.  Even if the latest NASA rocket disaster(s) DID contain
    plutonium that went to particulate over the eastern
    seaboard, do you REALLY think this information would
    reach the public via an AOL chain-letter?

6.  There is no "Good Times" virus. In fact, you should 
    never, ever, ever forward any email containing any 
    virus warning unless you first confirm it at an actual 
    site of an actual company that actually deals with 
    virii. Try: 
    And even then, don't forward it. We don't care.

7.  If your CC: list is regularly longer than the actual 
    content of your message, you're probably going to 

8.  If you're using Outlook, IE, or Netscape to write 
    email, turn off the "HTML encoding." Those of us on 
    Unix shells can't read it, and don't care enough to 
    save the attachment and then view it with a web 
    browser, since you're probably forwarding us a copy 
    of the Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe anyway.

9.  If you still absolutely MUST forward that 10th 
    generation message from a friend, at least have the 
    decency to trim the eight miles of headers showing 
    everyone else who's received it over the last 6 
    months.  It sure wouldn't hurt to get rid of all 
    the ">" that begin each line.  Besides, if it has
    gone around that many times -- we've probably 
    already seen it.

10. Craig Shergold in England is not dying of cancer or
    anything else at this time and would like everyone 
    to stop sending him their business cards. He 
    apparently is also no longer a "little boy" either.

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