Last modified on 19:00:00 PDT Saturday November 22, 1998 by Fire

Leonids Meteor Shower
November 17-18, 1998

Well, again, this isn't really a Fireplace gathering. But I think its most appropriate to put this article here since its something we do together but in different parts of the world.

Fire's Account

12:30am - It was one of those foggy nights in Fresno. We looked up toward the sky and see nothing but fog and clouds. Bummer! However, we were not ready to give up.

1:00am - We filled up the gas, grabbed some snacks at 7-Eleven and drove out of town! I drove while Bunnie kept a lookout in the sky. We drove nearly about 50 miles south of Fresno on Highway 99 before we came to a spot with reasonably clear night sky(about 90% clear). It was a small ranch at Tagus(sp) which was right after Goshen along Highway 99.

1:45am - And it was the start of the most amazing sight we've even seen! Shooting stars all over the night sky! North, south, east, west, they were in every direction. We saw like 10 shooting stars per minute at its peak. There were like 6 fireballs but we saw about 4 fireballs each! They were big and bright like comets leaving a trail behind.

2:30am - A cop was patrolling by the ranch and saw us. He asked us what we were doing in the middle of the ranch at this unearthly hour. We told him about the meteor shower and he asked us if we have seen any. Yes, we did! And lots of them, sir! We were very excited!

2:50am - Looks like the peak was ending and we decided to head back home. However we were still checking out the night sky even when we were in the car! And Bunnie did spot another shooting star while we were on the road! It was one of those memorable moments that we'll remember and cherish. And we would definitely wait for the next Leonid Meteor Shower in 2031!

Muajee's Account

Before I go back to my sleep, I'd like to share the extreme joy and happiness with everybody...


Geez, I couldn't believe how bright and beautiful those meteors were... I could see them crossing the sky even there was clouds!!!!!! How brilliant... how spendid... how magnificent... :O How much I wish to share this terrific moment with those cared, or with someone whom I love... ;) Yet I felt happy enough watching this gorgeous view just at my back yard... What the most amazing was that, I could still see 9-10 meteors (including the shooting stars and the fireballs) in half a hour even though the 2/3 sky was covered with the clouds and there were lights all over the city/bay area... Isn't it amazing? I tried to imagine how wonderful it would be viewing this shower in Nevada Seirra, where I once watched many shooting stars at only one night... :O Thanks God for letting me see such the great phenomenon while the weather was not in a good condition -- at least it didn't rain when I went out >:) I HAD FLET SOOOOO HAPPY ALREADY!!!!!! *jumps* *jumps* - sleepy but happy lil mua (:)

Fire's Account (2nd Nite)

Yes! We went to see it again! However, this time we stayed in Fresno coz the sky was pretty clear - about 80% clear. And we invite our friends along too. But we were there kinda early as my friends had school the next morning.

We could see about 8 shooting stars from 1am - 2am. The weird thing is that some of the shooting stars were going from west to east. All the shooting stars we saw last night were going from east to west though. Hmm, weird.

Anyways, my friends decided they had enough around 2am, plus it was freezing cold outside - around 38F (3C). And we went to IHOP for supper :D

Too bad they didn't want to wait though coz we didn't get to see any fireballs that night. Oh wellz, maybe 33 years later, they'll get the chance again :D

Muajee's Account (2nd Nite)

Before going to sleep on Wed. early morning, I went out and checked out Leonid meteors again. It was cloudier, and the clouds were even much thicker than those on Tuesday. While I was sitting in the yard looking at the sky, I heard someone approaching. Someone was jogging! Well, it was not weird to see people jogging or taking a walk at night in the area. Yet when I looked toward the direction where I heard the noises...

=O "OH! MY!!!!! IT WAS THE DEER!!!!!" "WAIT... THOSE ARE 2 DEERS RUNNING ON THE SIDEWALK PASSYING BY MY BACK YARD!!!!!!!!!" @_@ Geez, ever since I first moved in this house, I had never seen ANY deer when everyone else had already come across a few of them... Two years later, I finally saw them... Leonid deers!!! Isn't this cool or what?>:)

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