Last modified on 15:00:00 SGT Monday September 27, 1999 by Fire

The Singapore Gathering - September 25 and 26, 1999

Guess where's the first place we went? You'll never guess it :P We went to the Goddess of Mercy temple! We were supposed to meet outside the temple because it's the nearest landmark from Jaya's hotel in Bencoolen Street. But since we were staunch buddhists and already outside the temple, we decided to go in and offer our prayers as well.

After that, we took the MRT (subway) to Suntec City, a relatively new shopping-business belt. We visited the world's largest fountain at Suntec City. It's called the Fountain of Wealth. I explained to Jaya how they used FengShui (geomancy) in designing Suntec City with five buildings (4 of equal height and 1 shorter than the rest) representing the 5 fingers of a palm and the buildings are built around this fountain in the middle of the palm. We went inside the fountain and touch the water from the fountain. It is said to bring one good luck and wealth.

We continued our journey to Marina Square Mall, hang around for awhile and decided to walked down to Raffles landing site. Along the way, we saw the World War I and II memorials, Lim Bo Seng memorial, Merlion and a carnival at the Padang. At the statue of Singapore's founder, Sir Stamford Raffles, we took some pictures and video. Let's hope Jaya will scan them for your viewing pleasure.

Soon it was time for us to part as he had another appointment with a group of friends. We bid each other farewell and hope to meet again the next day.

On the next day (Sept 26), we meet again and decided to go down to Clarke Quay where they have a flea market. We saw all sorts of stuff, from old stamps to Star Wars figurines. And no, we didn't get a single crap :P

We took a break at Coffee Bean (a cafe at Boat Quay) before proceeding to Funan Center which is known for its selection of IT wares. Nothing interests us though and we left for Bugis.

It was here that we know Jaya's passion for beef jerky. He bought a good portion of BBQ beef and chicken (Asia's equivalent of jerky). Also, if you run of out birthday gift ideas, remember this, he likes Ferrari watches. We also realized that counterfeit watches don't come cheap after all ;)

We continued our journey and ended up at Sim Lim Square - a heaven for computer geeks and an underground market for copy softwares. We saw that a single CD-ROM costs only S$6.00 (about US$3.50). Furthermore, one CD-ROM contains a collection of softwares. Sales of these kind are illegal, so don't email me about anything regarding this :P

We had dinner at Sanur Indonesian Restaurant at Bugis Junction. Good indonesia food and thank you Jaya for the treat :D

After the sumptuous dinner, we decided to walk around the Civic District. We brought Jaya to CHIJMES, Capitol Building, Stamford House, Stamford Building, National Library, National Musuem and stopped at Kopitiam for some ice cold dessert. After that, we walked Jaya back to this hotel and that ends our gathering with him. We certainly hope he enjoyed himself.

PS: He also went to other places like Sentosa and Night Safari but we weren't with him, so we are unable to give comments.

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